Poker heads, post your bad beats !!!!! vol i hate you full tilt

Aug 6, 2004
Is it just me or it just seems like full tilt poker is rigged. The bad beats are ridiculous. I lose $50 here and there. Getting rivered all day. Yet they havea way to lure me back in everytime

NyCzVIN is me<------------
This one is so bad, 5$ tourney first hand





^ the worst 10 dollar i ever spent on, that one hand

Post your bad beats, make me feel better !!!!
Yeah I feel you i lost on some 1 outters on the river. It was my first deposit and cought such touh brakes. Im not putting anymore money in for a while. When Ifirst d/l full tilt I was winning the 90 person tournaments like nothin then I raised the stakes and went broke.

I think it is rigged cuz I hit quad queens on my very forst hand on full tilt
dont remind me...last weekend at Foxwoods...i had a beautiful fullhouse...3 10s a J and a 6 on the board

i had the its me and 2 dude is shy with it, i'm betting heavy 3rd is right behind i figure he has the 6 but i still beathim...worse case he also has a j and we split the pot

we all go all in...i flip my J...he flips his this point i'm pumped...then the quiet dude flips his 10....
4 of a kind......wasn't even in my thought process
never saw it at the casino before...knocked us both out of the money...needlessto say i had a few extra drinks on the house that night

The QJ vs. 99 hand isn't a bad beat. He had 10 outs on the flop (~40%) and 12 outs on the turn (~25%) to pair the board and make his full house. Also, theAJ vs. Q3 is pretty bad. Without knowing the hand history, I would assume that the button open-raised with AJ. If that is the case, you shouldn't be in thehand with Q3 even if it's suited and you're getting a "discount." If you analyze your past hands, you will probably notice that you lose alot of money/chips from the blinds when you should fold pre-flop. Another thing is to not overplay AK. Depending on the stack sizes, you can just see a flopand if you don't hit anything, just let it go.
Co-sign for your q6 hand too. You were never ahead at any point in that hand (46/54 after flop?). Dude might have been right with "bad bets" todescribe these pics
Originally Posted by Prime Suspects 36

You are a Knicks fan so you should be used to bad beats

oooooo u knew it was comin

and the pistons lost to the scrubby cavs
the Q3 and Q6, both of them i was small blind, i believe one of them betted double the blind thats all, thats why i called, i wouldnt have called if they overraised for atleast 3 times the blind on pre flop.
This beat will make you feel better. my hand: king/jack diamonds opponent: ace hearts/ 8 diamonds flops is ace/7/4 all diamonds. get it all in on flop, turn 8,river 8. it was over a 5k pot. I was playing on BETonUSA cause I bet sports, it was a pretty nasty one to swallow. If you play poker online alot, you def wlllsee alot of bad beats cause your playing more hands then you would if you were playing live. Best thing to do when playing online is to stay within yourbankroll, that way when you get bad beated eventually it will all even out if you continue to get your money in with the best hand. Also, that AA hand againstak was a "cooler" I suppose since its obviously hard to fold ak and you just got unlucky and ran into rockets.
thats poker. but those are some bad suck outs.

absolute poker is the worst as far as suck outs.
This isn't a bad beat, but it's rough. I would have went to a corner and curled up in a ball if I was the loser.
Well, this was live action @ Caesars Las Vegas in February...

With pocket 10's I raise pre-flop, under the gun to about $20. One guy calls and everyone elses folds. Flop come out ALL low... So I push all-in with about$80+ or so. Bonehead decides to call, so I show my 10's and he's reluctant to show until the turn hits. Sucks out on the turn and when he finallyshows his hand after his King shows, I give him the
. This dudehad A/K off, didn't get ANY piece of the flop but decides to call anyway.
Here's one more from youtube. $861,000 jackpot went to the table for this. A straight flush beat by a higher straight flush....ouch!
Don't get me started on this **!!.

I am inches away of calling it quits on online poker. #!!@ Pokerstars.
If i Don't have a Royal, I'm not winning. Period.
It crazy how #!%$!# my luck is.
Online poker is horrible. You can almost see the bad beat coming before the river comes out.

Casinos and home games ftw
Are all of them all-in pre-flop? Because I'd understand why some of them would call you. 9-9, A-J, A-J, and A-A. Only 3-4 was the one I didn't get.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Here's one more from youtube. $861,000 jackpot went to the table for this. A straight flush beat by a higher straight flush....ouch!

imagine playing 0.50 / 1.00 limit, and receiving almost 150k,for doing nothing

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