Polo from TCB passed?

i hit licks

Feb 2, 2010
Hopefully it's just a rumor but, it's all over facebook and GGC.

RIP if true
Everyone has diffrent stories but if this is a big deal wait till rah or big g pass away or walker reds or E or god forbid rock mikey smh it be a sad day
Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Everyone has diffrent stories but if this is a big deal wait till rah or big g pass away or walker reds or E or god forbid rock mikey smh it be a sad day

So Polo ain't up there with the names you mentioned?

Originally Posted by I HIT LICKS

Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Everyone has diffrent stories but if this is a big deal wait till rah or big g pass away or walker reds or E or god forbid rock mikey smh it be a sad day

So Polo ain't up there with the names you mentioned?

No hes nice and i like tcb well 2002-2004 they really slum now but no he doesnt rank  up there with those names those names are in neg/what op tribe byb suttle and ucb tcb is a great band and if he is gone its a huge loss but it wouldnt widely affect people like it would if those other names

but i dont wanna anyone goin away so i hope hes alive and well
Not to you bc you prolly grew up on BYB/NEG etc... Trust me, Polo gone = madness in the gogo world
Originally Posted by I HIT LICKS

Not to you bc you prolly grew up on BYB/NEG etc...

[Martin] "I can respect that... I can respect that on da respect...."

Either way, y'all sitting here debating about who's the greater when a great has passed.

I grew up on Gingiss (y'all know as Big G), so Polo came way past my time in go-gos.

Either way, R.I.P.
so who lit him up?

nobody just dies around here.


pardon my insensitivity, i stand correct.
A friend informed me he "almost died, had a brain aneurysm"
From TCB's blog:

In the early morning hours of April 11th during our show at The CFE our friend Reggie (Polo) complained about not feeling well and it was decided that he should go home. On his way home his condition didn't improve so he was taken to Greater Southeast Hospital were he went into a coma. He was then taken to Washington Hospitol Center where he has been since Sunday morning fighting for his life. So as of today... POLO IS NOT DEAD! Out of respect for his family we are only passing on information we get from them. The situation is very serious and it's been hard just even listening to our music. The band had a meeting Sunday night and everyone was briefed on Polo's condition and they collectively decided to perform at the LePearl out of respect for Polo. In reality he has suffered a serious trauma and best case senerio it'll be a very long road to any recovery. We respect the families decisions whatever they may be and we always hope for the best. So as of right now TCB will do what Polo has done all his life...HUSTLE and GRIND. He left us with his dream to watch over it for him. He made sure we all could eat. He changed the game up as with everything he's done. So to not continue to be TCB would be disrespecting the sacrifice and hustle Polo made to see TCB what it is now. We're pulling for our friend. We don't want to talk about what if's, but for right now, Polo is still with us. Just pray for him y'all. If you down wit Polo then you down wit TCB. He is us and we are him! We are not gonna let him down by slacking up. We promise everyone that listens to our music that Polo is still with us regardless of what happens. So today we realize things have changed...... but we won't. We see things on FaceBook about Polo and we know how much he ment to the city but please chill with the RIP Polo stuff. His friends and family see it and it's nerve racking. So with that we say thank you to everyone that cared enough to listen to a band called TCB. We thank the city. We thank the fans. We thank God!...... TCB4Life!
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