Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER CLOTHING (pics)...............

It's the closest one to me, and the guy I'm talking about did things much more absurd than this. My friend went to the LV store with his mom and dad(his dad owns a bunch of cadillac dealerships and is extremely well off, however his casual attire is jeans, tshirt, air forces). He (the father) asked to seeone of the carry on's that was in a case and the guy told him, "I would but it is a waste of both of our time sir." My friends mother wentbuckwild. she screamed "ARE YOU FU@ KING KIDDING ME? I'll whip out my black card and buy out your store you piss on piece of $%%%." From there onshe just continued the same 5 words, "WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT?." She scared customers out of the store during the process, and I don't know ifthis is fact or just the store manager saying so but supposedly it was going to effect his status with them in a "negative way." The store managerknows the family well and know they have money. The last time I went there I saw him still working there, I don't really shop at GSP, anymore but there area few employees there who are nice. I shop mainly soho, and riverside. There is 5 LV stores within 45 minutes of me (GSP,RIVERSIDE,SOHO,5TH AVE, SHORT HILLS)but only GSP is within 10 minutes of my house and it is in an area that I am in more frequently than the rest.
Originally Posted by 86KB8KOBE86

It's the closest one to me, and the guy I'm talking about did things much more absurd than this. My friend went to the LV store with his mom and dad (his dad owns a bunch of cadillac dealerships and is extremely well off, however his casual attire is jeans, tshirt, air forces). He (the father) asked to see one of the carry on's that was in a case and the guy told him, "I would but it is a waste of both of our time sir." My friends mother went buckwild. she screamed "ARE YOU FU@ KING KIDDING ME? I'll whip out my black card and buy out your store you piss on piece of $%%%." From there on she just continued the same 5 words, "WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT?." She scared customers out of the store during the process, and I don't know if this is fact or just the store manager saying so but supposedly it was going to effect his status with them in a "negative way." The store manager knows the family well and know they have money. The last time I went there I saw him still working there, I don't really shop at GSP, anymore but there are a few employees there who are nice. I shop mainly soho, and riverside. There is 5 LV stores within 45 minutes of me (GSP,RIVERSIDE,SOHO,5TH AVE, SHORT HILLS) but only GSP is within 10 minutes of my house and it is in an area that I am in more frequently than the rest.
I honestly don't get some of the Sales Associates though. Wouldn't you want to be nice and potentially get a new client? Being stuck upand snobby won't make potential clients spend money with them. But what they did to your buddy was cold blooded. Regardless if he was going to buy or notbuy you don't say garbage like that. That's not how you would try to make a sale. On another note 5th Ave LV is probably the nicest LV I have seen inthe States next would be San Francisco LV home of the stanky attitude SAs.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Penfield x Rag & Bone

Tried on the top one today in Barney's and it was

Going back sometime this weekend. It's so damn cold already.
Went a bit crazy with Vince.
1 peacoat cardigan. 1 sweater vest and 4 sweaters and a JV belt.
Love em all RFX,but I am partial to gray. I especially love grey/navy, grey/light blue, grey/black, grey/maroon.
How much were bottom and top middle?
Originally Posted by air max 87

i hate GSP LV, dudes have no respect for anyone unless your skin is of a lighter tone and your in a suit

Seriously, a lot of the woman are pretty chill and eager to help but the guys think they are something their not. Its like dude you work here, your job is tocount money and inventory, for that simple fact you shouldn't be a snob. Your not doing anything more important than I am, so don't act like it. When Iwas in sales I was selling Benz's, and I was happy to assist everyone with a smile on my face, your selling wallets calm down.
RFX always come correct. RFX if you can, can you snap a few pics of the navy sweater coat? It looks very nice
I like it, I just hope it doesn't stretch any further as it isn't as slim as I want.

I need to pop the collar to get this look though.
Originally Posted by 86KB8KOBE86

Love em all RFX,but I am partial to gray. I especially love grey/navy, grey/light blue, grey/black, grey/maroon.
How much were bottom and top middle?
The top middle is actually a cashmere vest, I wasn't going to get it but after trying it on and seeing how well it fits, I just had to haveit.
The bottom middle is just regular cotton crew neck, I like the pattern a lot without overdoing it.

I actually had to restrain myself, so much nice stuff from Vince like:

LMAO yup thats her, and yeah I think I deal with the same person at gsp. Is it a woman in here 40's most likely? Can't tell if shes spanish, arabic, but I know her name is something exotic like that. The asain woman in there (About 40-50) is real nice and sent me a personal letter and invited me to some mothers day party, she cool too, but the rest do have that snob look. I don't know why they think they are entitled to that snob look though, they are there making $15 an hour and lift their nose to anyone they think isn't rolling in dough, its quite funny actually. One day I walked in there in louis shoes, theory slacks, hermes dress shirt, millionaires and they were all happy as %#%@ to special order things from other stores, ran to get me the look book, did everything they could for me. I usually go in there in seven jeans and a bape/bbc with some j's or sb's and they look at me like uhhh footlocker is on the other side of the mall buddy. I never walk in there to window shop so it pisses me off when they pull that %#%@. If they think your parents are well off and support you they are quick to do whatever possible, if they think you hustle or work a ton to cop your LV they treat you like %#%@.

Yeah. She older and she spanish most likely Spanish. She got a heavy accent. The worst one there is the accessories manager (i think she the manager) with thecrooked %@# teeth. LOL . she's a straight BIA. That's the way it is, though. Specially around GSP. Little kids go in there with they daddy's cardand they're treated like royalty. We pay with cash we get the straight face. SoHo is my spot, though. They're pretty much awesome.
LOL are yall talking about jennifer from riverside? She is cute but the acne is OD!

She lives in Leonia (not a stalker she told me)

But she quit so now its just that older white lady in there and she' wack.
while i dont agree with the attitudes of your SAs because thats just plain stupid an rude, i would definitely think someone suspect if they dropped 2 grand incash... specially if it was 5s, 10s an 20s. its just not how most people pay anymore, my dad still gets eyed funny when he pays cash for big budget items.
Originally Posted by mellowg

while i dont agree with the attitudes of your SAs because thats just plain stupid an rude, i would definitely think someone suspect if they dropped 2 grand in cash... specially if it was 5s, 10s an 20s. its just not how most people pay anymore, my dad still gets eyed funny when he pays cash for big budget items.

what the hell is wrong with paying in cash? I wish a SA would look at me funny for paying with cash...i'd pick my money up and move on...

While we're on the subject... the LV SA's been treating me really well lately
I always pay for my LV things in cash..... I mean why is it any of there business where the money came from... Im buying at their store and thats the end of it
Originally Posted by philly5fan

I always pay for my LV things in cash..... I mean why is it any of there business where the money came from... Im buying at their store and thats the end of it

QFT, to me credit cards are just another way the gov't keeps tabs on everything you do. Even with nothing to hide I'd still rather not have themknowing my business and how much money I spend.
Originally Posted by siirkus

LMAO yup thats her, and yeah I think I deal with the same person at gsp. Is it a woman in here 40's most likely? Can't tell if shes spanish, arabic, but I know her name is something exotic like that. The asain woman in there (About 40-50) is real nice and sent me a personal letter and invited me to some mothers day party, she cool too, but the rest do have that snob look. I don't know why they think they are entitled to that snob look though, they are there making $15 an hour and lift their nose to anyone they think isn't rolling in dough, its quite funny actually. One day I walked in there in louis shoes, theory slacks, hermes dress shirt, millionaires and they were all happy as %#%@ to special order things from other stores, ran to get me the look book, did everything they could for me. I usually go in there in seven jeans and a bape/bbc with some j's or sb's and they look at me like uhhh footlocker is on the other side of the mall buddy. I never walk in there to window shop so it pisses me off when they pull that %#%@. If they think your parents are well off and support you they are quick to do whatever possible, if they think you hustle or work a ton to cop your LV they treat you like %#%@.

Yeah. She older and she spanish most likely Spanish. She got a heavy accent. The worst one there is the accessories manager (i think she the manager) with the crooked %@# teeth. LOL . she's a straight BIA. That's the way it is, though. Specially around GSP. Little kids go in there with they daddy's card and they're treated like royalty. We pay with cash we get the straight face. SoHo is my spot, though. They're pretty much awesome.

Yeah my dude brandon in soho is legit. About 21 yrs old black, hes the +!+#. The young asian kid probably about 21 some gay tendencies (he reminds me of thatassistant in entourage) he's mad kool too. He called a bunch of places to find an item I wanted so he could sell the one they were holding and have that 1in before the person he was holding it for came in for it.
Originally Posted by mellowg

while i dont agree with the attitudes of your SAs because thats just plain stupid an rude, i would definitely think someone suspect if they dropped 2 grand in cash... specially if it was 5s, 10s an 20s. its just not how most people pay anymore, my dad still gets eyed funny when he pays cash for big budget items.

Besides selling drugs you could be a waiter, barber, stripper, there is plenty of legal jobs where you would get a lot of $5-$20's, I don't see what isso suspect.
well it kinda is their business to know where your money comes from, with a reputation like theirs to uphold. you should always question where money comesfrom, you can bet the IRS is asking these same questions an if they affiliate you with someone in negative light, you cant just say well its their money ididnt know it came from __ sources. dirty money is dirty money.

an dont forget although some of you are dropping serious paper, there are people who drop 6 figures+ easy in a year. cant speak for some of you but most of usthat shop there are chump change, SAs go for big fish because thats where the big commission comes from not to mention the thousand of other cats dressed likesome of us that dont end up buying and wasting their time. it's hard for them to distinguish whos got money when everyone these days dresses the sameespecially if your not a regular stickin to the same SA.

never the less im not defendin em cause i think they are wrong to act that way, just puttin some perspective on the subject.

86kobe i agree there most certainly are people that are of legit professions that make money that way, but come on whos carryin a brick of 2k in 5s, 10s an 20swhen your one of those professions unless you got street cred or some form of aura. usually the only people who carry that kinda money are either cocky orknows no one will touch em for a good reason.

to put it simple, carrying lots of cash is putting yourself at higher risk and in society today it is not of the norm anymore cause its easy to store moneysafely in bank accounts with the convenience of credit cards an debit cards etc, and people tend to question things not of the norm like why your carryingbricks of money

thats my interpretation of why some cats will look at you funny when you pull out stacks
Originally Posted by mellowg

well it kinda is their business to know where your money comes from, with a reputation like theirs to uphold. you should always question where money comes from, you can bet the IRS is asking these same questions an if they affiliate you with someone in negative light, you cant just say well its their money i didnt know it came from __ sources. dirty money is dirty money.

an dont forget although some of you are dropping serious paper, there are people who drop 6 figures+ easy in a year. cant speak for some of you but most of us that shop there are chump change, SAs go for big fish because thats where the big commission comes from not to mention the thousand of other cats dressed like some of us that dont end up buying and wasting their time. it's hard for them to distinguish whos got money when everyone these days dresses the same especially if your not a regular stickin to the same SA.

never the less im not defendin em cause i think they are wrong to act that way, just puttin some perspective on the subject.

86kobe i agree there most certainly are people that are of legit professions that make money that way, but come on whos carryin a brick of 2k in 5s, 10s an 20s when your one of those professions unless you got street cred or some form of aura. usually the only people who carry that kinda money are either cocky or knows no one will touch em for a good reason.

to put it simple, carrying lots of cash is putting yourself at higher risk and in society today it is not of the norm anymore cause its easy to store money safely in bank accounts with the convenience of credit cards an debit cards etc, and people tend to question things not of the norm like why your carrying bricks of money

thats my interpretation of why some cats will look at you funny when you pull out stacks

I worked at a car dealership and although mostly everyone dresses with the same trends it wasn't my job to guess who had money, I treated everyone equaland if I made a sale I made a sale, if I didn't I didn't, oh well, I was paid to be there anyway. It would be nice to get the commission but itdoesn't break my day if I don't. I had some repeat customers that would come in and I knew from jump street I was selling a car and getting smoked upon some sour, yes maybe I treated those cats a little better but I never tried to belittle anyone who came to the lot I don't care if they came in sweatsand beat up kicks I treated them with the respect one man ought to treat another regardless of position. I'm not scared to carry stacks, I'm not thebiggest guy in the world (6'0'' 175), I don't carry heat, I just know in Bergen county or Manhattan it is very unlikely someone trys to jump meand even if they do unless they got numbers I'm not scared to throw down with them. Too me it is worth the risk of 1:10,000 getting jumped and robbed 2-5kfor the government not to see what and where I spend, I don't use ez-pass, I set location on my phone to off, plain and simple there is no need for anotherperson or the government to be able to keep tabs on me. Legal, illegal, or indifferent my business is my business. I am not George Orwell and this isn'tthe novel 1984. Oh and lastly I agree, my 25k spent there over the last 2 years is nothing compared to what some drop, especially because I don't alwaysuse the same SA and I go to 4 different stores (shame on the nj stores for not carrying ready to wear).
well it kinda is their business to know where your money comes from, with a reputation like theirs to uphold. you should always question where money comes from, you can bet the IRS is asking these same questions an if they affiliate you with someone in negative light, you cant just say well its their money i didnt know it came from __ sources. dirty money is dirty money.

an dont forget although some of you are dropping serious paper, there are people who drop 6 figures+ easy in a year. cant speak for some of you but most of us that shop there are chump change, SAs go for big fish because thats where the big commission comes from not to mention the thousand of other cats dressed like some of us that dont end up buying and wasting their time. it's hard for them to distinguish whos got money when everyone these days dresses the same especially if your not a regular stickin to the same SA.

never the less im not defendin em cause i think they are wrong to act that way, just puttin some perspective on the subject.

86kobe i agree there most certainly are people that are of legit professions that make money that way, but come on whos carryin a brick of 2k in 5s, 10s an 20s when your one of those professions unless you got street cred or some form of aura. usually the only people who carry that kinda money are either cocky or knows no one will touch em for a good reason.

to put it simple, carrying lots of cash is putting yourself at higher risk and in society today it is not of the norm anymore cause its easy to store money safely in bank accounts with the convenience of credit cards an debit cards etc, and people tend to question things not of the norm like why your carrying bricks of money

thats my interpretation of why some cats will look at you funny when you pull out stacks

well whatever the case.. i only carry a big amount of cash when i know i'm going to be spending dough. Also, who cares if they have a hard timedistinguishing who's going to spend money or not. They're sales associates and their job is to provide service with a smile. LOL.
Originally Posted by siirkus

well it kinda is their business to know where your money comes from, with a reputation like theirs to uphold. you should always question where money comes from, you can bet the IRS is asking these same questions an if they affiliate you with someone in negative light, you cant just say well its their money i didnt know it came from __ sources. dirty money is dirty money.

an dont forget although some of you are dropping serious paper, there are people who drop 6 figures+ easy in a year. cant speak for some of you but most of us that shop there are chump change, SAs go for big fish because thats where the big commission comes from not to mention the thousand of other cats dressed like some of us that dont end up buying and wasting their time. it's hard for them to distinguish whos got money when everyone these days dresses the same especially if your not a regular stickin to the same SA.

never the less im not defendin em cause i think they are wrong to act that way, just puttin some perspective on the subject.

86kobe i agree there most certainly are people that are of legit professions that make money that way, but come on whos carryin a brick of 2k in 5s, 10s an 20s when your one of those professions unless you got street cred or some form of aura. usually the only people who carry that kinda money are either cocky or knows no one will touch em for a good reason.

to put it simple, carrying lots of cash is putting yourself at higher risk and in society today it is not of the norm anymore cause its easy to store money safely in bank accounts with the convenience of credit cards an debit cards etc, and people tend to question things not of the norm like why your carrying bricks of money

thats my interpretation of why some cats will look at you funny when you pull out stacks

well whatever the case.. i only carry a big amount of cash when i know i'm going to be spending dough. Also, who cares if they have a hard time distinguishing who's going to spend money or not. They're sales associates and their job is to provide service with a smile. LOL.

Originally Posted by 86KB8KOBE86

Originally Posted by mellowg

well it kinda is their business to know where your money comes from, with a reputation like theirs to uphold. you should always question where money comes from, you can bet the IRS is asking these same questions an if they affiliate you with someone in negative light, you cant just say well its their money i didnt know it came from __ sources. dirty money is dirty money.

an dont forget although some of you are dropping serious paper, there are people who drop 6 figures+ easy in a year. cant speak for some of you but most of us that shop there are chump change, SAs go for big fish because thats where the big commission comes from not to mention the thousand of other cats dressed like some of us that dont end up buying and wasting their time. it's hard for them to distinguish whos got money when everyone these days dresses the same especially if your not a regular stickin to the same SA.

never the less im not defendin em cause i think they are wrong to act that way, just puttin some perspective on the subject.

86kobe i agree there most certainly are people that are of legit professions that make money that way, but come on whos carryin a brick of 2k in 5s, 10s an 20s when your one of those professions unless you got street cred or some form of aura. usually the only people who carry that kinda money are either cocky or knows no one will touch em for a good reason.

to put it simple, carrying lots of cash is putting yourself at higher risk and in society today it is not of the norm anymore cause its easy to store money safely in bank accounts with the convenience of credit cards an debit cards etc, and people tend to question things not of the norm like why your carrying bricks of money

thats my interpretation of why some cats will look at you funny when you pull out stacks

I worked at a car dealership and although mostly everyone dresses with the same trends it wasn't my job to guess who had money, I treated everyone equal and if I made a sale I made a sale, if I didn't I didn't, oh well, I was paid to be there anyway. It would be nice to get the commission but it doesn't break my day if I don't. I had some repeat customers that would come in and I knew from jump street I was selling a car and getting smoked up on some sour, yes maybe I treated those cats a little better but I never tried to belittle anyone who came to the lot I don't care if they came in sweats and beat up kicks I treated them with the respect one man ought to treat another regardless of position. I'm not scared to carry stacks, I'm not the biggest guy in the world (6'0'' 175), I don't carry heat, I just know in Bergen county or Manhattan it is very unlikely someone trys to jump me and even if they do unless they got numbers I'm not scared to throw down with them. Too me it is worth the risk of 1:10,000 getting jumped and robbed 2-5k for the government not to see what and where I spend, I don't use ez-pass, I set location on my phone to off, plain and simple there is no need for another person or the government to be able to keep tabs on me. Legal, illegal, or indifferent my business is my business. I am not George Orwell and this isn't the novel 1984. Oh and lastly I agree, my 25k spent there over the last 2 years is nothing compared to what some drop, especially because I don't always use the same SA and I go to 4 different stores (shame on the nj stores for not carrying ready to wear).
That's the way its suppose to be and I enjoy working with sales associates or sales men with that attitude. On the note of paying in cashrather credit, my LV doesn't mind or look at me differently. San Francisco has a huge asian population and generally asians like paying in cash, so whenI go in and spend 5k and pay in cash they will be glad to count it. I also bring only cash when I go shopping as a way to limit my spending. I dump theplastic at home because I don't want to impulse buy. Oh and mellowg LV employees don't get commission off sales. They are suppose to meet a salesquota every month and thats it. Maybe they will receive a bonus if they exceed the quota who knows, but I used to have 2 friends that worked at LV and bothsaid they only got paid 15/hr with no commission.
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