Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by DARC7

(what other job do u know that u can possibly make 70k+ w/out a degree)

UPS driver.

Lower/Mid-Level Resteraunt
-I actually had a black server get mad at me cause I sat "too many" black people in her section and she said and I quote "No more black people I want tips." Not wanting to be racist, I ignored it and continued to treat every server the same and sit the same people. Then, the server showed me the receipts from black people compared to other people, I saw no tips-$3.00 (on a 6 person table). I didn't even know what to think, still don't.
-These places are JUST like the movie Waiting- nasty food, nasty people, unsanitary
-Being nice to your host and server will make your good get special care- and not in a bad way. Treating other people like humans will get you far in any facet of life

- When you take food out of the refirigerator/freezer, don't leave it out for any amount of time or decide you don't want it at the register. It gets thrown away automatically, and we can't eat it either. It goes to waste, so frustrating to throw out good pizzas, milk, etc
-Interact with the salesfloor people, doesn't have to be about where something is. We're happy to shoot the #+## with you. It actually gets lonely cause they mostly isolated each salesperson.
-Don't try to steal from them, security is legit and THEY WILL PERSECUTE to the maximum possible

Coffee Shop
-Again, politeness goes so far
-People think they run the world
-Also met some of the nicest people I've ever met there
-We put $2 in the tip jar because we want you to feel social pressure to add to it
Originally Posted by moo23

I’mnot much of a poster, more of a lurker...I gotta say, this thread is one of thebetter threads I’ve come across...great topic OP...


I will share aswell...T-Mobile Retail Sales Associate


1. One of the bestcompanies u could work for (what other job do u know that u can possibly make70k+ w/out a degree)

2. Full benefits forfull time and part time employees (dental, vision, PPO insurance, 401k)

3. Even during thehardest times when no ones hiring, WERE HIRING! follow these steps...go>bottom of the page, click on jobs--->create a profile,upload resume--->find a open req thats in your area--->apply to thatreq--->take the assessment--->you must pass this test with a C or better,it won’t tell u the score, but when ur taking it, just have the followingmindset TEAMWORK, SALES, INTEGRITY, TEAMWORK!!--->after taking theassessment and completing everything, head down to your local T-Mobilecorporate store, ask to speak to a manager, assistant manager, salesleader...dress somewhat nice, not suit/tie, but slacks, button up isgood...have a resume with u, turn in the resume...first question they usuallyask is if you’ve done the online application, if you say that u have, it looksvery good...even if that store in particular is not hiring, the manager mightinterview u for a nearby store and have u in mind.

4. After being w/ thecompany for several years, job gets repetitious...(bill payments, activations,upgrades, escalations)

5. I work in one of thetop sales stores in the country, that’s the reason y I don’t move up from beinga sales rep...I make more than my sales leader, assistant manager, and manager

6. There are 2 kinds ofsales reps...sharks and newbies...(I can’t speak for everyone, but I’vemastered sales down to a fine art...every customer is a dollar sign to me...don’tget me wrong, I will provide u with the most thorough service, but I’m in itfor my money at the end of the day…even if a customer is making a simplepayment which usually theres no money to be made...I’m looking at ur accountand seeing what features I can adjust to make the industry, thisis called swapping...everyone does it...yes its not right and if u get caught,u will lose ur job...but its very difficult to get caught...and they can’t justfire one person, they would have to fire 80% of the entire

7. Not that many girlson this site, but one thing I can say...I’ve worked at stores that havebeautiful girls come in...when we take ur phone to the back to switch out abattery or test it out to see what the problem is, we're really going throughur pics...and let me tell u, it never fails...I’ve seen some amazing pics

8. Girls do get specialattention, but if you’re a cool dude...I will spend time helping u get theright phone, service, discounts.

9. I can pretty much dowhatever I what to ur u tons of money and give u plans/featuresthat don’t exist in our brochures anymore...just have to be nice.

10. Yelling andscreaming...throwing ur phone on the table in front of me...cursing atme...only makes me give u the run around and get u on the phone w/ customerservice. NEXT in line!

11. if ur activating newline of service, thats when u have most grounds to ask forsomething...especially multiple lines...u will get almost whatever u want,FREE! before u go into the store, print out an ad for the phone u want or competition price match all the nicecustomers that don’t do this, and I want to help them out, I print them outfrom my store and use it to give customers blackberrys, HD2's,etc

12. if ur bill came highbecause u went over ur minutes, or text, or whatever u did, most of the reps inthe stores can’t do much...not even a customer service and benice...tell them this has never happened before...see if they can work withu...customer service can credit each line $50 a year just out of courtesy...ifthey don’t help u out, just drop a line like 'I’m planning on cancelling mylines, because this is getting too expensive, yadda yadda yadda' they’ll mostprobably credit on the spot, or transfer to loyalty dept and they’ll work w/ u.


That’s all I can thinkof at the moment…ill add more later
they hire with no prior sales experience?
Originally Posted by silverswoosh

-Don't try to steal from them, security is legit and THEY WILL PERSECUTE to the maximum possible

Quoted for truth. They are no joke.
This is kinda crazy that you brought this up.
My close friend worked at Target for about 6 months.
They found out that he was stealing from the register over a 2 month span. Duke took $2600.

Security arrested him right when he clocked out and he was scared.
He signed a paper from the cops basically saying he did it cause he was scared. They didn't even have evidence.

He got a year of probation and 300 hours of community service.
Don't %#@! with Target.
Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by silverswoosh

-Don't try to steal from them, security is legit and THEY WILL PERSECUTE to the maximum possible

Quoted for truth. They are no joke.
This is kinda crazy that you brought this up.
My close friend worked at Target for about 6 months.
They found out that he was stealing from the register over a 2 month span. Duke took $2600.

Security arrested him right when he clocked out and he was scared.
He signed a paper from the cops basically saying he did it cause he was scared. They didn't even have evidence.

He got a year of probation and 300 hours of community service.
Don't %#@! with Target.

lol yup my friends GROWN husband got busted for jacking a HD lol.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by silverswoosh

-Don't try to steal from them, security is legit and THEY WILL PERSECUTE to the maximum possible

Quoted for truth. They are no joke.
This is kinda crazy that you brought this up.
My close friend worked at Target for about 6 months.
They found out that he was stealing from the register over a 2 month span. Duke took $2600.

Security arrested him right when he clocked out and he was scared.
He signed a paper from the cops basically saying he did it cause he was scared. They didn't even have evidence.

He got a year of probation and 300 hours of community service.
Don't %#@! with Target.
lol yup my friends GROWN husband got busted for jacking a HD lol.

my friend walked out with a hat from Target and the alarm didn't sound. he forgot he had it on and we were already a couple blocks away and nothing happened

- the customers aren't the first ones getting to the fruit. more often than not, I'd eat some of the mango, pineapple or whatever else before I actually brought it out from the kitchen.
- we leave small change in the tip jar so the customers get the hint
- we're supposed to stir the yogurt in the machines every 20 minutes but sometimes it just sat there for an hour before being stirred. it really backs up the yogurt flow.
- because customer service is so %@!%%@* important to that company, we'll do anything for you but wipe your #**.
- however, most customers don't know this because they're straight up douchebags.
- i've never done it because it's %@!%%@* gross, but my friend/coworker at the time told me how he'd sometimes spit in the yogurt while he was making/stirring it. by that time he had already given his 2 week notice in.
- he also stole lots of fruit
- we're technically only allowed to have 1 medium yogurt with three toppings per shift but no one really paid attention to that. we pretty much took whatever we wanted whenever we wanted.
- the amount of yogurt that gets thrown away each night is astounding. straight up gallons are pulled from the machines and poured right down the drain every day.

thank god i don't work at that hellhole anymore.
Kaplan SAT Instructor -

I know the answer 90% of the time, that other 10% isn't important (Collegeboard Test Questions)

Just practice. I got 1300 during HS (in the 90s), but can easily crack 2k without blinking an eye. That's because I can sit my $++ down and take the test every Saturday with no issues. Take the full test 20 times and if you are of average intelligence you will see the patterns. Take is 30 times if you are below intelligence. Bottom line is that you need to be patient, and you need to practice.

Attorney -

Caught a Case - Pick your attorneys according to their reputation and their looks. Unless, you are going to federal court or court of appeals the judges are dumb !+*+@. Having an attorney with a good reputation, and is good looking is the way to do it. Knowing the law plays a role, but personality and court demeanor is at least 50%.

Generally, speaking 90% of issues that come across my plate gets settled.

Transactional Law is the easiest and most profitable. I work mainly with small businesses and its pretty much all boilerplate. Just a control-f and replace and I'm done.

Law is one of the worse fields to be in. It isn't demanding, but it can be. What makes it bad is that you are dealing with ******s 99% of the time. Everyone has baggage, everyone lies, and at the end of the day you are cleaning up after people's @!%%.

Don't do it unless you love the law. A lot of lawyers starving out there, and 100k is debt is no joke.

Project Manager -

@!%% gets done not because I am on programmers and developers all the time, but because I play video games and can relate.

Not having to wear a shirt and tie to work every day is worth the 20k paycut.

There is no hard and fast rule to programming. It's just problem solving. Get me from point a to point b, and that's it.
Originally Posted by lazybonejone

Kaplan SAT Instructor -

I know the answer 90% of the time, that other 10% isn't important (Collegeboard Test Questions)

Just practice. I got 1300 during HS (in the 90s), but can easily crack 2k without blinking an eye. That's because I can sit my $++ down and take the test every Saturday with no issues. Take the full test 20 times and if you are of average intelligence you will see the patterns. Take is 30 times if you are below intelligence. Bottom line is that you need to be patient, and you need to practice.

Attorney -

Caught a Case - Pick your attorneys according to their reputation and their looks. Unless, you are going to federal court or court of appeals the judges are dumb !+*+@. Having an attorney with a good reputation, and is good looking is the way to do it. Knowing the law plays a role, but personality and court demeanor is at least 50%.

Generally, speaking 90% of issues that come across my plate gets settled.

Transactional Law is the easiest and most profitable. I work mainly with small businesses and its pretty much all boilerplate. Just a control-f and replace and I'm done.

Law is one of the worse fields to be in. It isn't demanding, but it can be. What makes it bad is that you are dealing with ******s 99% of the time. Everyone has baggage, everyone lies, and at the end of the day you are cleaning up after people's @!%%.

Don't do it unless you love the law. A lot of lawyers starving out there, and 100k is debt is no joke.

Project Manager -

@!%% gets done not because I am on programmers and developers all the time, but because I play video games and can relate.

Not having to wear a shirt and tie to work every day is worth the 20k paycut.

There is no hard and fast rule to programming. It's just problem solving. Get me from point a to point b, and that's it.
co-sign the SAT prep instructor stuff.  I taught SAT prep at Princeton Review throughout college (its funny how much they talk bad about Kaplan and I imagine it was the same over there too).

How do you find out about an attorney's reputation?  Word of mouth?  Martindale?  Other online sources?  What is the best and easiest way to find out which attorneys have good relationships with the local judges?


Reputation is a tough one, and it really applies to situations where there is a high chance of litigation (usually criminal cases). Martindale is ok, but so many good attorneys do not participate. Word of mouth is the best option, but here are some things you can do if you have no clue.

1. See if they will talk to you for free. If you are serious, everyone is willing to answer a few questions over the phone or in the office.

2. Look up some criminal court judges on the county site. Ask if they have ever appeared in front of so-and-so, and see what they come up with. You just put them on the spot, now gauge their reaction.

3. Ask is they have dealt with similar situations in the past, and whether they were successful or not. Experience plays the biggest role. In the long run it saves you time and money.

The important thing is that you want to go into a law firm informed, and able to ask the right questions. The internet is a wealth of information, you need to be resourceful and use it to your advantage. If you are good at reading people, then you know that honesty is really hard to fake. I guess it is because I have been doing it for so long, but I can see some one lying to me right away.


Kaplan always talked smack about Princeton Review, but I really didn't care. I knew they all did the same thing. All these SAT programs do is create a controlled environment that teaches students how to focus. Strange to think that this skill isn't taught in High School, Middle School, or Elementary School.
Originally Posted by NewZ05

Originally Posted by Princetonchaney

At Best Buy you can buy something with a reward zone card, ask for a gift reciept, immediately return the item at customer service, walk back and grab the same item, walk out the door, and return it to another best buy for a full cash refund within 5 hours...

i read what he said 3 times...
i dont get it...
Nike will no longer make Timing products (aka watches, sport watches, etc.).... By Mid 2011 all timing will be done with...
Nike will no longer make Timing products (aka watches, sport watches, etc.).... By Mid 2011 all timing will be done with...
Originally Posted by silverswoosh

-Don't try to steal from them, security is legit and THEY WILL PERSECUTE to the maximum possible

Quoted for truth. They are no joke.

Persecution of Jews has occurred on numerous occasions and at widely different geographical locations. As well as being a major component in Jewish history, it has significantly impacted the general history and social development of the countries and societies in which the persecuted Jews lived.
Originally Posted by hawtsauce

Originally Posted by silverswoosh

-Don't try to steal from them, security is legit and THEY WILL PERSECUTE to the maximum possible

Quoted for truth. They are no joke.

Persecution of Jews has occurred on numerous occasions and at widely different geographical locations. As well as being a major component in Jewish history, it has significantly impacted the general history and social development of the countries and societies in which the persecuted Jews lived.
Are you jewish
Originally Posted by lazybonejone

Kaplan SAT Instructor -

I know the answer 90% of the time, that other 10% isn't important (Collegeboard Test Questions)

Just practice. I got 1300 during HS (in the 90s), but can easily crack 2k without blinking an eye. That's because I can sit my +%+ down and take the test every Saturday with no issues. Take the full test 20 times and if you are of average intelligence you will see the patterns. Take is 30 times if you are below intelligence. Bottom line is that you need to be patient, and you need to practice.

Attorney -

Caught a Case - Pick your attorneys according to their reputation and their looks. Unless, you are going to federal court or court of appeals the judges are dumb $%+%*. Having an attorney with a good reputation, and is good looking is the way to do it. Knowing the law plays a role, but personality and court demeanor is at least 50%.

Generally, speaking 90% of issues that come across my plate gets settled.

Transactional Law is the easiest and most profitable. I work mainly with small businesses and its pretty much all boilerplate. Just a control-f and replace and I'm done.

Law is one of the worse fields to be in. It isn't demanding, but it can be. What makes it bad is that you are dealing with ******s 99% of the time. Everyone has baggage, everyone lies, and at the end of the day you are cleaning up after people's *%%+.

Don't do it unless you love the law. A lot of lawyers starving out there, and 100k is debt is no joke.

Project Manager -

*%%+ gets done not because I am on programmers and developers all the time, but because I play video games and can relate.

Not having to wear a shirt and tie to work every day is worth the 20k paycut.

There is no hard and fast rule to programming. It's just problem solving. Get me from point a to point b, and that's it.

Dang homie, you've done everything!
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by hawtsauce

Originally Posted by silverswoosh

-Don't try to steal from them, security is legit and THEY WILL PERSECUTE to the maximum possible

Quoted for truth. They are no joke.

Persecution of Jews has occurred on numerous occasions and at widely different geographical locations. As well as being a major component in Jewish history, it has significantly impacted the general history and social development of the countries and societies in which the persecuted Jews lived.
Are you jewish

not at all, was just posting to demonstrate another usage of the word.

my guess is the OP did not know the true meaning of the word, but i could be wrong.
Retail (Sears, Target, etc.)

-If you ever steal anything and security catches you just walk keep walking like you didnt do anything. 9 times out of 10 security is not allowed to touch you or hold you. Also if they tell you that you just have to sign a paper saying that you will not come on the property again do not believe them. That is how they get you to stay while the cops come and arrest you, and when you do get arrested they will usually end up charging you for 4 times the cost of what you stole.

-At Sears Parts & Service the repairmen suck. A lot of time they do not repair things well and it ends up breaking on you again. They usually do that to waste away your warranty or to be able to charge you more for their services. Also they will do work that you did not want to be done or that was not necessary. Therefore, a lot of times it is not worth taking it to these places and it is better to just try and fix it yourself or take it to an old school repair person. Lastly, if the people working there look young and you don't see a manager than try to cut a deal with them on the side, because the money that it costs to repair something is independent of store revenue so the repairmen have no way of knowing whether or not something was paid.

-If you are ever looking for a good place to have sex with your girlfriend and are far from home or can't go home for some reason do not do it in the changing rooms. It happens more often than you think and is way too easy to get caught. Instead go to the garage and go to the highest floor or bottom floor, whicheve is further from the entrances.
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