POST TEN facts about yourself...VOL. get to know each other :)

1.) I'm 6'3 and 210 pounds.I am half white (English and German on my mom's side) and half Hispanic (my dad's side is Crillo-Nicaraguan)

2.) I was born and raised in and currently reside in Ventura County in California (the county just west of Los Angeles County).

3.) My favorite video game ever is Ocarina of Time and the games. I am currently playing through Secret of Mana, Halo 2 and SuperMetroid.

4.) Simpsons, Seinfeld, Sealab and Samurai Champloo are some of my favorite shows.

5.) I like to cook, especially authentic regional dishes from around Italy (for example, I make some great Pasta sauce with Pumpkin as the main ingredient)among other light and flavorful and Mediterranean recipes.

6.) My favorite team sport is Basketball and I played it in high school. As a kid, I played football, baseball and soccer as well. I love outdoor sports likehiking, sailing, surfing, mountain biking and skiing and my favorite out door sport is definitely sea kayaking.

7.) I am a practitioner of Kendo, samurai swordsmanship. We fight with dull edged bamboo swords that approximate the weight and feel of the short sword(Wakizashi), the medium length sword (Katana) and the long sword (Nadochi).

8.) Since the chances of me being in a sword dual are slim I also am pretty skilled with cleaning, loading and accurately firing small arms, especiallypistols. I also have also trained a bit with knives and unarmed techniques including like judo and karate.

9.) I double majored in History and Economics, I am working on getting my Masters in Economics and am currently studying for the LSAT exam and hope to go tolaw school in the future. I am currently working in wealth management.

10.) I speak four languages. English is my native language I grew up with Spanish because of my extended family and I also studied German and aced the AP in HSand I took a few semesters of French in college.
1. I just turned 22 this month

2. I'm currently a Biomedical Engineering major.

3. I'm trying to get into medical school.

4. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist.

5. I currently learned how to play backgammon and can't get enough of it. I think I'm addicted.

6. I enjoy many different genres of music which includes: classical, hip-hop, blues, jazz, opera, international music, techno. etc.

7. I enjoy going to museums and art galleries.

8. I like to read classic literature.

9. I'm a huge movie and music enthusiast. I enjoy watching a lot of different types of movies especially older ones.

10. I'm probably the biggest Knicks fan on NT.
i procrastinate too much
when i come out of awkward situations i replay in my mind what i could have done instead
i like blogspot better than tumblr
if i could wear one shoe forever it would be some classic low top vans
i always specify to go on drive through orders
i dont go to class lectures
i go to class discussions
driving while texting is always an adventure
niketalk is one of the first sites i check
i have too many head phones
1. im born in india
2. im 6'2
4. run my own business
5. borderline alcoholic
6. cigar fiend nowadays
7. currently messing with hood chicks
8. I need a haircut
9. unlike most of NT, i have a full beard
10. central cali is where i reside
- im 19
-born in dc raised in pg md
-attending the university of miami
-i love sex
-got my tongue pierced a week ago
-i have dual citizenship in trinidad and the us
-i drink when i party
-ive been diagnosed with depression
-i like boys and girls...but im not gay lol
- I'm starting study in the Construction Industry next year.
- I'm a lady.
- I have an internally twisted tibia torsion.
- I wear size 11s

- I won the athletics trophy twice at primary school.
- I've cut steel with plasma.
- I'm rugby mad. Mad. Mad. Mad.
- I have the outline of NZ tattooed on my wrist.
- I have a certificate in Computer Aided Design as well as a diploma in Interior Design.
- I'm obsessed with architecture.
i'm 18 years old.
i've been in a relationship for the majority of my teenage years.
i ate {} and smoked weed for the first time at 12 years old.
i'm 5 foot 9, i think.. give or take an inch or two.
i look like neither of my parents aside from one or two minor facial features.
i used to be a huge fan of both but i no longer care about sports or video games.
i love music.
i've lived in rhode island since i started grade school but everyone asks if i'm from nyc. i don't know if that's a good or bad thing anymore.
i've never had a facebook, myspace or twitter account. i don't like the idea of people typing my name into a search engine and being able to look atwhat my friends are saying to me and what i've been up to. call me antisocial but i like being lowkey.
i just bought a convertible for my first car and cuff your girl if you see me. HOLLA!
Im 18 years old.
I live in exile from "normalicy"
Im American Indian, Irish,"African American"
I love shoes, fashion, but they are to me a creative outlet
I am diabetic, and that is a fault of my immaturity.
Im a firm believer in a personal relationship with your God/ Gods
I sleep 5 hours a day
My family can be anyone
I can do anything I put my mind to, just dont want to do it now
Im forgiving almost to a fault
-28 years old(will be 29 on monday word to Sole Woman)

-My son is 12(I had him when I was 16) and my daughter is 4

-I never knew who my father was until I was 27 years old.

-I grew up an only child only to find out I have 9 brothers and sisters from my fathers side

-my best friend just got sentenced to 492 months(41 years) in federal prison

-I am married but I am seperated

-I am in great shape

-I am the definition of an introvert

-I coach JV basketball

-I am writing a book and it is about 85% finished. Its all I think about all day every day.
- 21 yrs. old
- From the city of the current NFL champions
- Lived in Orlando, FL for over a year
- Probably one of the nicest/coolest dudes you'll ever meet
- I make beats in my spare time
- I have an Associate Degree in Recording Arts
- People say I have the best handwriting they have ever seen
- I love music (mainly Rap, Techno/Dance, R & B, starting to get into Jazz)
- My mom's only child
- Never had any cavities
I'll play

- I'm 20.
- Only been in trouble with the law twice (MIP's), unless you count speeding tickets.
- My high school spelled my middle name wrong on my HS diploma

- They spelled it Kesung. It's really Key Sung.
- Quickly becoming more responsible with money.
- From Florida, living outside Portland now.
- Sometimes I have to dumb down my vocabulary for my friends.
- I have 2 sisters
- I love sports. Any sport.
- Sometimes I'm too introverted.
1.) My mom's, dad's, and brother's opinion matter the most to me in this world.

2.) I value loyalty, and genuine friendships because they are rare as I get older. Everyone has an agenda, it seems. I have accepted that some relationshipsare based on I scratch your back and you scratch mines.

3.) I don't plan to settle down for a minute.

4.) If it was up to me, I would rather have my old lady stay home with the kids and take care of the home front while I take care of everything else in thefuture.

5.) I'm a Longshoreman, so I support all Unions. I feel NT is just like a Union. People don't get along all the time, but we all got love for NT andthe cause.

6.) I've fallen before to the dark abyss like Rick James, and I've come back harder. So my view on life at 29 is still "you can do anything if youput your mind to it."

7. I'm proud to be a momma's boy.

8.) My way of relieving stress, is knocking back a couple of beers with a bunch of funny people that have stories about what they've been going through.When exercising, I like sprints, pull ups, push ups, squats, and basketball.

9.) I hope to be a good dad like my old man. He has his flaws, but the man is my OG. Looking at my dad's life, has made me realize, one man can make a hugedifference in this world, and do it with integrity.

10.) I will always be a kid at heart.
- i love and miss my family
- 19
- from the east bay now residing in central valley for school
- won friendliest senior
- college is awesome
- been high almost everyday
- time to get my %%@$ straight
- used to love games and sports now getting back into it
- will come through for anything
- skinny but i love food and will eat nonstop
Originally Posted by DanniTheKid

1. I can remember the longest number combos (i literally know all my contacts #'s, the numbers on my debit
cards, etc.)

2. I love french fries & ketchup

3. Attended a private-catholic school until I was 11

4. I'm 6'3

5. I love to travel

6. I have a strong passionate for bridges, and I have goals of designing one.

7. I'm a girl

8. I love candles--vanilla bean & passion fruit from Yankle Candle are

9. I'm left handed

10. I absolutely love water.
-im 18
-Filipino with a lil bit of Chinese
-is catholic
-scared of heights

-big fan of the 90's hip hop
-plays ball 4 times a week
-love my family to death
-will always be a kid at heart
-hates school
1 I'm 34, caucasian (irish / german collab) and wear a size 12
2 Married for 8 years. We've known/dated eachother since I was 19.
3 I have 4 kids...7yo son, 5yo daughter, 2yo daughter and the finale coming in December (another daughter)
4 I've had a vasectomy. The damage has been done. I've also had both ACL's replaced.
V I have only been to 3 states that do not touch Illinois or Lake Michigan (born and raised in Chicago) - Arizona, Nevada and New York.
6 I'm skipping number seven
8 I have ZERO interest in other peoples opinions that are not my family.
9 My father was my best man when I married
X I love shoes but do not have the need to buy all of them any more.
1. I am 21 years old. I attend college in California.

2. My Mother is white, but only mixed people can tell.

3. I have dual citizenship in Jamaica.

4. I post how I actually am in real life, I talk so much trash I doubt most of my friends really even like me

5. Since joining I haven't said a word about NT * Except about a crush I have on here

6. I can draw/paint, and I also write some times.

7. I have no idea what I want to do with my life

8. I actually think a few people on here would be cool in real life.

9. I've been out of the states twice, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico.

10. My taste in food is unique, I love Coffee Ice Cream, Black Licorice, and Sparkling Water.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

1. I am 21 years old. I attend college in California.

2. My Mother is white, but only mixed people can tell.

3. I have dual citizenship in Jamaica.

4. I post how I actually am in real life, I talk so much trash I doubt most of my friends really even like me

5. Since joining I haven't said a word about NT * Except about a crush I have on here

6. I can draw/paint, and I also write some times.

7. I have no idea what I want to do with my life

8. I actually think a few people on here would be cool in real life.

9. I've been out of the states twice, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico.

10. My taste in food is unique, I love Coffee Ice Cream, Black Licorice, and Sparkling Water.
nycknicks105 wrote:

10. I'm probably the biggest Knicks fan on NT.

If My math is right, you were like 5 or 6 when they were actually good
,nah young scrapper, I go WAY back with the Knickerbockers. Knowing stats is one thing, but burning spliffs with Anthony Mason is another
- I hate talking on the phone
- cut off my internet at home because I never got anything done when I had it
- even though I live alone, I always lock the bathroom door
- I've never once shaved my legs yet girls always ask me if I do
- I customize shoes
- I love looking at bodies of water, yet Im deathly afraid of being in it
- I believe fish, women, and birds of prey are the greatest creations ever
- I have chronic sinusitis
- I've never broken a bone
- dont know what I'd do without TV
-Born in DC
-Raised in PG County
-Currently Attending Stevenson University in Bmore
- 11,000+ songs in the iTunes
- 6'2
-Aspiring Graphic Designer, Photographer and whatever else i can get my hands on.
-I Like sneakers
-Loves Basketball
-People quickly realize im alot smarter than they 1st perceive.
Originally Posted by Meagaveli

- 6 foot.
- light skinned
- real green eyes
- full lips lol
- from Bay Area
- Author/writer
- 21
- gay lol
- face kid
- only child - grew up the only child

no wonder why he made that hottest transvestites (sp?) post
1) 5'10'' ~165lbs; 23... turning 24 in January.
2) Hispanic
3) Born of a teenaged, single mother... who was in a private HS, and went on to graduate college with honors--Thus, leaving me no sympathy for young, singlemothers who say their life is "ruined"
4) Born and raised in Houston, except for the semester my mother went to Cornell--lived in Ithaca, NY then (I was only two years old)
5) Devout atheist, and unsure why others can't accept or understand that. How am I the crazy one for not believing everything I hear?

6) I'm a student-intern at the biggest law firm in the city (heard it went down to number two after these other two merged, though)
7) Girls I've been in relationships with just can't seem to fully appreciate/respect me because of my religious beliefs
The fact that I'mpolite, intelligent, diligent, handsome, etc. just becomes chopped liver.
8 ) I absolutely hate stupid people. I think we have screwed natural selection by allowing too many morons to pollute to our gene pool (what kind of foolsleeps with an idiot and reproduces with them?
9) I, too, have a strong liking for clothes/shoes/stuff because I had to do without for a good portion of my formative years
10) I have this big plan/dream to go to law school, practice with the firm I'm at, and be successful, but part of me wishes I could just pack up all (well,a bunch) of my stuff and be a drifter (like how Ashton Kutcher used to do in NY). I'm sure I won't do this, but it's a cool thing to imagine about.
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