Post The Random Things You Do

if i'm in a good mood (and no ones around) start singing and dancing, and sliding around on my wood floors (until i slip and fall)...
sometimes I walk around diddy boppin like larenz tate in this vid when I'm in a good mood.�
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

When I'm draining the vein, I flush the toilet then I try to finish before all the water goes down.. 9/10 I gotta flush the toilet twice

I thought I was the only one!
Originally Posted by iBlink

I freestyle while washing the dishes

I freestyle when i'm in the shower.. I swear I be spittin' hot fiyah!

I think you have extraordinary rapping ability while in the shower
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Another one:

When I use those urinals with the holes.. like this:


I try to aim it in the holes

My aim is on point post age 8
i do this too
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Originally Posted by iBlink

I freestyle while washing the dishes

I freestyle when i'm in the shower.. I swear I be spittin' hot fiyah!

I think you have extraordinary rapping ability while in the shower
I swear! I get my reed dollaz on when I'm washing up.
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Originally Posted by iBlink

I freestyle while washing the dishes

I freestyle when i'm in the shower.. I swear I be spittin' hot fiyah!

I think you have extraordinary rapping ability while in the shower

My rhyme skills are unmatched when I'm loading the dish washer fam.

Sing while getting a haircut
Sing in the shower
Shake my leg when I sit down
Start beatboxing out of nowhere
Slap the top of doorways
Sleep in the same position every single night
When going through a basketball court I always have to touch the net

Thats all I can think of

100th post xD
Originally Posted by Politics As Usual 22

Who else sleeps with one arm under the pillow and a bunch of blankets between the knees??


definitely me!

and this guna sound dumb cuz i'm a 19 yr old female but i still sleep with a teddy bear haahaha

im not comfortable if i'm not hugging something
when i go into an elevator..and there no one inside...i turn/walk in a circle....kinda like how a dog does before he/she lays down...

i dont even do it on just happens....

Whenever I'm heating something up in the microwave I always use weird numbers like 37, 19, etc instead of even ones

When I walk on the sidewalk with squares I always try to only make one step in between each square.. lookin like a weirdo most the time
Originally Posted by iBlink

ProduccionFrescos wrote:

When I'm draining the vein, I flush the toilet then I try to finish before all the water goes down.. 9/10 I gotta flush the toilet twice

I thought I was the only one!

When I walk, I try to walk on even sections of the sidewalk, like two feet for every square....i hate it, but I must do it.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss


Whenever I'm heating something up in the microwave I always use weird numbers like 37, 19, etc instead of even ones

When I walk on the sidewalk with squares I always try to only make one step in between each square.. lookin like a weirdo most the time

Wow, I didn't even see you say that.
Originally Posted by Emsterr

Originally Posted by Politics As Usual 22

Who else sleeps with one arm under the pillow and a bunch of blankets between the knees??


definitely me!

and this guna sound dumb cuz i'm a 19 yr old female but i still sleep with a teddy bear haahaha

im not comfortable if i'm not hugging something

O really?
I straight go Percy Harvin on everything when I'm runnning around the house, I also slap the doorways too, doin fake layups n %*@
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Alchemiss


Whenever I'm heating something up in the microwave I always use weird numbers like 37, 19, etc instead of even ones

When I walk on the sidewalk with squares I always try to only make one step in between each square.. lookin like a weirdo most the time

Wow, I didn't even see you say that.

yea I do that too, especially the step thing. For whatever reason I gotta take a certain amount of steps in each square without stepping on the crack unlessI'm in a big @!% rush, then whenever I go up some steps I gotta count them to make sure I either hit all of them or if I skip some make sure I did itright, then I
if I miscount or something
-When walking on checkered floors, i only step on one color, not both
-Most of the time somebody says anything to me, regardless of if i heard them or not, I say "huh"
the volume in the car has to end on 5 or 0.

It has to be 15, 20, 25, 30. I CANT leave it on 16 or 23.

flip the pillow over when it gets hot on one side.

my alarm has to be either end either in :30 or :00.
I do the slap the door way thing all the time, but the only thing random I do is I add artwork to every song in my itunes. I can't help it, if thecoverflow feature wasn't there I don't know what I would do.
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