Post The Random Things You Do

- Pretend I'm kicking an invisible soccer ball, kinda helped some technique.
- Switch songs on my ipod after about 10 seconds of listening to it
i get my madden juke move on when theres a crowd of ppl
some ppl look at me like im crazy
Originally Posted by seventh letter

- Do random spin moves trying to avoid an invisible defender

i sorta do that lol

Except i run around the house juking the table, lamp, and then cutting into the kitchen lol. Then I run up the stairs and I'm like "He's going allthe way...20...10....touchdown!" when i reach the top
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Another one:

When I use those urinals with the holes.. like this:


I try to aim it in the holes

My aim is on point post age 8

Am I the only person who thought the shape of those holes looks like..... Nevermind
- I acronym everything to what I think it is (license plates, organizations, Random letters on street signs)

- I have to see 12:34 either pm or am

- If there is some object to stand on and I'm waiting for something, I put one foot on it, lean forward like a lunge and I hold a mic up like I'm infront of a crowd either rapping or screaming into an invisible mic (the metal head in me coming out)

- I cross over people with an invisible ball from a distance.

- I replace lyrics in songs

- Everything has to be lined up evenly.

- I stretch a when I eat (spread my arms high, flex)

- If there is a Douche bag tailgating me and changes lanes to get ahead in front of me, I will switch lanes after he passes me up and speed up until he getsbehind another slow car and I box him in with another car in front of him. I act like nothing and if it's timed well it sweet because the punk is boxed infor a while.(does this make sense, hopefully I explained it well)
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by iBlink

ProduccionFrescos wrote:

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]When I'm draining the vein, I flush the toilet then I try to finish before all the water goes down.. 9/10 I gotta flush the toilet twice[/color]

I thought I was the only one!

When I walk, I try to walk on even sections of the sidewalk, like two feet for every square....i hate it, but I must do it.
I do the the top of door things
when i walk pass a wall or something...i smack it like an *** as i go by
When i get new stuff....i interview my self and show off my house to myself like im on cribs
crack jokes on everyone i know because they never crack one back good enough
or they're too scared to say something
play with my ear
randomly laugh
procrastinate bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddd
constantly have a song in my head
-slap the top of doorways
-shoot my classwork in the trash can(me and all the guys in class do it be competing and junk haha)
-^block other people's shots out of nowhere
-dunk on random people in the hallway
-in crowds i swear be getting my marshall faulk onrunning and juking one way then spining of dudes people look at me like the @#!$?
-freestyle in the shower or i act like im in a video or on stage
-look at everyone's shoes (i know im not the only one)
-i front like im a guard when i play by myself and with friends knowing im a forward smh
-retie my shoes even if there tied
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]When I'm draining the vein, I flush the toilet then I try to finish before all the water goes down.. 9/10 I gotta flush the toilet twice[/color]

I thought I was the only one!

I knew I wasn't alone.

-find the definition of every word I've never seen used.
-WIKIPEDIA anything that is unfamiliar to me (people, places, objects, science, politics, current events, music, popular culture).
-consistently and subconsciously rub my face like i have a streaming beard.
-cough when I'm nervous, or about to defend my position in an argument
-check my phone to see if I have a new message/notification even though I'm fully aware there isn't
-constant AIR GUITAR and pretending I can sing/rock out frontman style

-take a long $%% shower every morning to the point where I'm accused by the house hold members of wanking in the bathroom every morning!! can anyone giveme a hell yeah on this one? LONG, HOT, COMFORTABLE, REFRESHING showers FTW!!!!!
-i say gucci when i do somethin good or when somethin good happens
-i have a habit of somehow finding a way to disagree wth most of the people i talk to

-sometimes i call my v-mail to make sure my phone is still on if it didnt ring all day

-refer to females i associate with as ms(last name)/ or ms lady

-look at everyone's shoes (i know im not the only one)
thats not random last time i checked this is nt
invisible basketball lol


yo if you train your kid to slap the door tops when hes younger, he'll have mad hops, dunkin freshman year
take my shirt off when i crap....
its like i start getting hot as hell
check my alarm 5 times before i go to sleep
Take my shoes off while their tied at night.
Put them on while they are still tied in the morning.
Then un-tie them, and re-tie them.
when i put something in the microwave i go to the bathroom and pee and see if i make it back before it hits :00
I always scare people, yell random nothings, i tend to talk to myself sometimes to.
-dunk on the top of doors
-cross over anything thats in my path while at the house
-always check my phone, even though i know i have no calls/messages
-stop the microwave before it hits :00
-use spell check on everything, even NT posts

and I'm surprised nobody has said this one...

-after i take a doo doo, i stand over it and admire what I've made before i flush it.
Originally Posted by sick023

when i put something in the microwave i go to the bathroom and pee and see if i make it back before it hits :00

Lol I do this all the time
- Rate the drive-thru girls (1-10) based on their voice as theyre taking my order.... then laugh to myself about how off i was when i'm paying.
- Never use straws

- Always check the backseat of my car at night before I start driving (...
ever since i saw the yellow guy from sin city)
- Jab step followed by a quick pull-up J when i dispose of my trash

- Do the people's eyebrow when i'm reading something really closely (studying)
Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

the volume in the car has to end on 5 or 0.

It has to be 15, 20, 25, 30. I CANT leave it on 16 or 23.

flip the pillow over when it gets hot on one side.

my alarm has to be either end either in :30 or :00.
i do this w/ the numbers too except mine has to end in an odd number preferably 5,7,15,27,23, or any odd number after that.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]When I'm draining the vein, I flush the toilet then I try to finish before all the water goes down.. 9/10 I gotta flush the toilet twice[/color]

I thought I was the only one!
You guys are not alone

- Slap the top of the doorways like everyone else.
-When I don't feel like talking to someone/get nervous, I start to drink water, or re-tie my shoes.
- I always turn the doorknob twice before putting in my key to open up to get into my house.
- I clean the bathroom up before I take a shower (put things back in its place and whatnot, not a full out cleaning job).
- Whenever I feel like I am going to forget something or feel the need to be reminded of something, I write it on my post-it and put it on my desk. (It may beto download a song, ask someone something, etc).
- Check my pockets for my cell phone, wallet, and/or keys all the time, even though I know they are secure. I even do it when they are in my jacket, allzippered up.

There is plenty more things that I do, but I can't think of them at the moment.
when I'm bored I go into my closet and put on random fits and see how they look.
i do to

Slap the top of doorways

that too

When i go to a fast food joint i never use a lid for my drink just a straw....................
-I drink and leave the empty carton of juice/soda in the fringe
-I piss in the shower
-I wait till halftime of whatever game Im watching to do a little homework
-I have to have water running when Im talking a dump
-When I pick up my home phone I wait until the person mutters or says something to recognize who it is
-I watch channels on regular then switch it to hdtv just to feel the difference
-I switch into bball shorts the minute I get home
-When nobodys home I blast embarassing songs
-I put my pillow near the window to get it cold
-Then I put it between my legs and fall asleep
-I never eat the cookies in dunkaroos, just the cream
-My steering wheel becomes an imaginary drumset when Im driving
Originally Posted by seventh letter

- Slap the tops of doorways
- Shoot everything into the trashcan, I never walk up and drop it in (missing FTL!)
- Do random spin moves trying to avoid an invisible defender

That's all I can think of right now... post yours
color code my closet
Count stairs when I walk down em.
Catch the microwave before it hits :00
when I'm bored I go into my closet and put on random fits and see how they look
Most of the time somebody says anything to me, regardless of if i heard them or not, I say "huh"
flip the pillow over when it gets hot on one side.
Shoot everything into the trash, no matter where I am
WIKIPEDIA anything that is unfamiliar to me (people, places, objects, science, politics, current events, music, popular culture).
check my alarm 5 times before i go to sleep
Check my pockets for my cell phone, wallet, and/or keys all the time, even though I know they are secure. I even do it when they are in my jacket, all zippered up.
switch into bball shorts the minute I get home
I do all this
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