Post The Random Things You Do

Originally Posted by seventh letter

- Slap the tops of doorways
- Shoot everything into the trashcan, I never walk up and drop it in (missing FTL!)
- Do random spin moves trying to avoid an invisible defender

That's all I can think of right now... post yours
i thought i was weird
same here but instead of the invisible defenders I cross chairs and spin off walls...
hints why im so elusive on the court...cant see me!
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Alchemiss


Whenever I'm heating something up in the microwave I always use weird numbers like 37, 19, etc instead of even ones

When I walk on the sidewalk with squares I always try to only make one step in between each square.. lookin like a weirdo most the time

Wow, I didn't even see you say that.

i do the square thing
daytime tv volume - 23 night time volume = 10
Writing the shoes I wear in the calendar...

I smelll everyyyyything omg...I don't know why...can't even get into

I count in three's when I walk...every since I was like 8yrsold...I'm the illlllest person in 3's I count in three's as good assome people count in one'
Originally Posted by YungMooly

-Most of the time somebody says anything to me, regardless of if i heard them or not, I say "huh"

I did that so much that I had a mini-intervention in my mind and forced myself to quit doing it.
Originally Posted by YungMooly

-Most of the time somebody says anything to me, regardless of if i heard them or not, I say "huh"

My cousin does that $#!# too.. it's mad annoying
- He also sniffs his dirty draws
Originally Posted by YungMooly

-Most of the time somebody says anything to me, regardless of if i heard them or not, I say "huh"

i do that..but i say ''what'' instead
Originally Posted by MvP07

sniff plates/glasses/etc before eating.

me too i swear sometimes glasses be smelling like egg ::fills cup with water/drinks + breathes at the same time::
1. Phobia of soar throats so I buy a new tooth brush everyday

2. If I'm writing in pen and can't erase, I use 250 pages of college ruled
to complete a 3 page assingment

3. Throw out broken Doritos or cheeze-its only eat whole chips

4. Have MSN as my homepage just to type google in my URL
Slap the top of doorways/other tall objects
Always say "huh" when people say something no matter what (Trying to stop)
Shoot everything into the trash, no matter where I am
Blow bubbles with my mouth when Im bored
Set the microwave for like 39 seconds and stop it within a second so its like 38.5 seconds
-I drink everything in a cup.
-Stare at the wall/object for _____ amount of time.
-Tap a soda top 3X
-Jump on the bed when it's bed time
-Random push ups whenever I feel like it
-Practice my basketball handles with an invisible ball. I be on AI status for no real reason.

-Sometimes when I walk up stairways, I act like I'm in a shootout or something. I'm usually dual-wielding and shooting in both directions and makingthe sound effects myself.

-Whenever I'm listening to music, I sometimes make my own raps biting the style of whoever I'm listening to. Ghostface and Young Dro FTW!!

-I ALWAYS sniff milk before I drink it,

-I can't stand the volume on the TV to not be divisible by 5. It has to be 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.

-Sometimes rap lines get stuck in my head and I keep repeating them out loud. By now my friends are tired of hearing me say "Scooby snack, jurassicplastic bag, booby trap".

-I correct people's grammar and spelling on AIM. I can't help being the grammar police.
i slap top of doorways
when i lay down before i go sleep i my whole body for 3 seconds like a seizure
flush the toilet and try to finish before its done flushing
everytime i open on of thos ejuicy fruit sticks, i'll use the wrapper to roll a pretend joint
No joke, I count people's license plate numbers, add them up, and get the average number

I try to do it all within 10 seconds....

Also, when driving on the highway, say for instance you have Exit 104B

1+0+4 +2 (The number "2" is for the letter "B": the second letter in the alphabet). Add all these numbers up then do an average....

I travel from North Carolina to Ohio and vice versa so I find time to do random %^ this...
- Put the microwave on odd numbers, like (57, 63, 39 etc. etc.)
- Guess how many commercials before the show that i'm watching comes back on
- Eat cereal from a cup
I sing "I believe I can fly" every time I get in an elevator since seeing *@+# and Jane.

I do the robot at random times during the day knowing damn well I can't dance.

I chew on all my pen tops.

I check Facebook on my phone even though I'm on the computer with it up in another tab.

Even though I'm up late I choose not to watch Conan and wait 'til the DVR is done recording to watch the show the next day.

...there's more but I can't think of any right now.
Originally Posted by seventh letter

- Slap the tops of doorways

- Shoot everything into the trashcan, I never walk up and drop it in (missing FTL!)

- Do random spin moves trying to avoid an invisible defender

That's all I can think of right now... post yours


I get my juke moves on
LT ftw !

-Make faces and voices in the mirror
-Rap in the shower and make movements like I'm or stage or doin a video
-Get dressed and bop to some type of cool beat in my head while checkin myself out in the mirror
-If someone is on the way to pick me up I see if I can paf and get one off before they pull up
I sing the 70's show theme randomly.
I tickle people under their armpits unexpectedly.
I go "he-he" really loud & obnoxiously when it's quiet in class...
Shoot an invisible basketball, practicing different player's forms (like Ray Allen)
Pretending to drive to the hoop or block a shot while home alone
Air guitar while in class

Think of something funny when I'm bored, and start smiling or chuckling. Man, I do this all the time!
And its sorta embarrassing when people see me dothis, because they're all "@%** is he smiling about?"
Originally Posted by Derrock

Think of something funny when I'm bored, and start smiling or chuckling. Man, I do this all the time!
And its sorta embarrassing when people see me do this, because they're all "@%** is he smiling about?"

You and me both fam
I like to make eye contact with random girls on the subway. Sometimes they smile or sometimes they feel like I caught them doing something wrong and there eyesscramble and look away lol.

Garbage basketball ftw!
-If I'm eating chips off a plate I eat all the crumbs and broken one first.
-Make sure all my money is in order and facing the same way.
and some of the stuff others said.
-Slap the top of doorways
-Pretend I'm doing a lay-up near the trashcan
-Count my steps by 5s or 10s (very random, I know)
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