///Post Your Desk/Setup\\\

my super wack dash cellphone
does not do the desk justice

peep the "poster bombed" cardboard box

seems like we all got xbox360 and ps3..i even rememebr a dude a couple pages back had 2 360's for some odd reason. no wii's lol.
MR MONDAY NIIGHT - I only use it as a download / media machine.It gets plenty of use, I have over 4TB of blu rays on it.

stylez23 - I use a wireless keyboard + mouse, I only use itwhen sitting on the couch. Never from the computer chair.
Throw it up on the wall for a better viewing angle

also, if you're not ripping your blu-rays, those 7-8 gb films you find online aren't true blu-ray
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

my super wack dash cellphone
does not do the desk justice

peep the "poster bombed" cardboard box


yo is that the ikea jerker desk? i got one... my fav desk by far
MR MONDAY NIIGHT - The couch is too low,putting it on the wall would make the tv too high. The rips are usually 18 - 24gb, I own a blu ray player and have compared Ironman and Iceage blu rays to therips and could see no difference.

what kind of monitor can I play a xbox in? I have a 22" from westinghouse or something

pic from the 1st pg
Originally Posted by HOLLAKID619

Originally Posted by Purple Face


chea this is where all the magic happens

Xmas is about to come around again and you still got the plastic on?

It's an Asian thing. It's like how Italians/Hispanics cover their couch in plastic too.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by entourage24

Originally Posted by sole vintage

nice set up and where did you get the desk from? looks dope

i wish i can tell you i had the desk since 98 when AOL was the big thing
move your speakers down

they should be @ ear level
thanks for the tip
the center channel is good where it's at

there's space on each side of the lcd to put them...it'll sound alot better that way..
Originally Posted by Purple Face

It's an Asian thing. It's like how Italians/Hispanics cover their couch in plastic too.

I never understood that. I'm Asian and my parents do the same thing but I don't. The wrapping makes it look like crap. I realize that people want tokeep it looking new but it's just something you're going to replace in a couple years anyways. Why not enjoy it in the meantime?
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