Post Your Picture Vol. Lets be civilized

I'm waiting on my wife, Stepheezy to post. <3
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Dima better post her pic......don't make me go looking in my NT folder [/stalker]

Most here already know what I look like, especially the Twitfam. I have no recent new pics. I also gained weight and look fat.
My sisters would not stop with the fat jokes all week. Blame it on the Canadian Thanksgiving dinner this past weekend from munching down that turkey.

I can maybe try to look for some pics. I see my Twitalbum is still active.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I thought we were gonna go pic for pic? Then you go and delete your twitter...i wasjust about to DM you[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]You ain't fat thou.....that bust is bout to bust explode thou
YAY FOR 100!

Angel, can you post more pics? We will get it to 200 easyjust off of that.

Still, lots of girls have not posted or need to post more (ie. Stepheezy, Orangatrang,AJChick). I want more essential pics (she only posted one), also fromSimply. Where is Briteyes?

I will see if I can post something.
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