post your unpopular pop culture opinions VOL..JIMMIES WILL BE RUSTLED

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Bruno mars is talented
Bieber is above average in musical inclination. Does that make sense? Lol
Ariana grande is a good singer too.
UFC is NOT a sport.

It's a celebration of violence, and I think it should be banned.



and yes Arby's is horrible
Seems like Wayne Brady may not just slap but might have to choke a *****
That's cuz this is Em's gimmick which he's made his millions off of not simply off of the quality of his skill and talent. The other established rappers don't have this jokey gimmick so of course they'd be clowned. Em is the only rapper attacking pop stars for being pop stars. Now if a new rapper was on some similar **** and made good music for the most part they'd be accepted for this wild ****.

I mean Busta Rhymes and Missy Elliot had some wild videos where they dressed up and were never clowned for it. Same for Andre 3K to an extent.
I don't know what it means either but when I say thot in my head head I can't really imagine ppl saying it aloud and it being a thing like say ratchet.
You'd be surprised at the amount of Jay stans that consider him goat doa.
You sound like an idiot for saying a weed head and crackhead are the same thing in your book but if your book is for dummies then I understand.

Anyone who lets a drug consume them is a fool. Your life sucks so much you have to get high just to get through the day. If weed heads were shunned like crack heads we would have less weed heads.Smoking weed ain't bad but it isn't good either. It isn't a necessity and I don't care what anyone said it is a getaway drug maybe not for everyone but for most.

I'm not talking about CASUAL bud smokers. I'm talking about ***** who come to work high every day .
I should be clear I'm not talking about your social ideas on how some drug users should be treated, I'm sorry but that's irrelevant. If you think a crackhead and a weed head is the same thing you're not very smart.

If you think shunning crackheads means there'll be less crackheads you're not smart at all. That's basically the reverse comparison your slipping in when you say ppl should treat weed heads like crackheads to deter their use of weed or frequent use of it. The idiocy is ridiculous but maybe you just worded some of this wrong or purposely chose to be hyperbolic because you have such strong disdain for weed heads. If you don't like weed heads, the ones that let it consume their lives, that go to work high fine. I'm not really addressing your hate for ppl who smoke weed. I'm not even interested in you actually thinking weed is a "gateway drug" since that actually laughs in the face of that whole process and lifestyle of drug use not to mention the ever present double standard when it comes to alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

I'm just saying you sound like an idiot for saying a weed head is the same thing as a crackhead in your book.
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- Camping out for shoes unless your reselling for a large profit is crazy
- 98% of fast food is nasty.
- Polo >> Crazy outfits
- All of these reality shows suck..(except for T.I's cuz he's trying to do something semi-positive :lol:)
- TV in general these days sucks.
Pac was at his best when he was making positive songs. I mean I'm not going to act like Hail Mary and Hit 'Em Up and whatever else weren't hard but songs like Keep Ya Head Up, Dear Mama, Smile, I Ain't Mad At Ya truly stand out to me throughout his catalog.
Beyonce is not attractive.

Milk chocolate skin > Light skin (women)

WSHH needs to be shutdown, and Q should serve a life sentence for helping destroy the black community. 

Jordans/brons/kobes/nike basketball been wack for awhile now. 
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I should be clear I'm not talking about your social ideas on how some drug users should be treated, I'm sorry but that's irrelevant. If you think a crackhead and a weed head is the same thing you're not very smart.

If you think shunning crackheads means there'll be less crackheads you're not smart at all. That's basically the reverse comparison your slipping in when you say ppl should treat weed heads like crackheads to deter their use of weed or frequent use of it. The idiocy is ridiculous but maybe you just worded some of this wrong or purposely chose to be hyperbolic because you have such strong disdain for weed heads. If you don't like weed heads, the ones that let it consume their lives, that go to work high fine. I'm not really addressing your hate for ppl who smoke weed. I'm not even interested in you actually thinking weed is a "gateway drug" since that actually laughs in the face of that whole process and lifestyle of drug use not to mention the ever present double standard when it comes to alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

I'm just saying you sound like an idiot for saying a weed head is the same thing as a crackhead in your book.

Bruh this four page letter is unnesscary.
IT'S MY OPINION.How can I be stupid for my opinion. You sound stupid for saying that.

A weed head is someone who is addicted to weed a crackhead is someone who is addicted to crack.

I wouldn't call that apples and oranges

Though people say you can't be addicted to weed physically, I believe you can mentally.
I was telling you those things to explain why I have come to that OPINION.

I'm done though
I should be clear I'm not talking about your social ideas on how some drug users should be treated, I'm sorry but that's irrelevant. If you think a crackhead and a weed head is the same thing you're not very smart.

If you think shunning crackheads means there'll be less crackheads you're not smart at all. That's basically the reverse comparison your slipping in when you say ppl should treat weed heads like crackheads to deter their use of weed or frequent use of it. The idiocy is ridiculous but maybe you just worded some of this wrong or purposely chose to be hyperbolic because you have such strong disdain for weed heads. If you don't like weed heads, the ones that let it consume their lives, that go to work high fine. I'm not really addressing your hate for ppl who smoke weed. I'm not even interested in you actually thinking weed is a "gateway drug" since that actually laughs in the face of that whole process and lifestyle of drug use not to mention the ever present double standard when it comes to alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

I'm just saying you sound like an idiot for saying a weed head is the same thing as a crackhead in your book.

Bruh this four page letter is unnesscary.
IT'S MY OPINION.How can I be stupid for my opinion. You sound stupid for saying that.

A weed head is someone who is addicted to weed a crackhead is someone who is addicted to crack.

I wouldn't call that apples and oranges

Though people say you can't be addicted to weed physically, I believe you can mentally.
I was telling you those things to explain why I have come to that OPINION.

I'm done though
There is no such thing as addiction to weed though. This just more foolishness on your part. You can't in one breath say this is my opinion and then in the other try to pass things off as fact.

It's not apples and oranges. It's apples and candy corn. **** aint similar.

A weed head is someone who smokes weed a lot. A crackhead is a person who is addicted to crack-cocaine. If they don't do the crack they will go through withdrawal. When a weed head stops doing weed they sober up. There is no mental addiction to weed. They freely choose to frequently smoke it after a period when they stop.

I'm saying that that part of your opinion is utter bull ****. How you got to that opinion doesn't matter if the conclusion is still bull ****. There's either a leap in logic or how you got there was bull **** logic as well.
Nothing in the OP moved me. Only thing I'd take issue with is that Kevin Hart was ever funny.

As for posts, :lol: dude who thinks Breaking Bad is overrated loves Scandal.
Lebron is a better player than Mike and Mike only says Kobe is the closest because he knows it and doesn't want to give LBJ the nod.
Same thing with Shaq, Dwight is the best C right now but Shaq won't admit and rather give Bynum the crown.
When MJ gave Kobe the nod Bron wasn't even in the league. Plus at that point when he did publicly acknowledge him Kobe had earned it. LeBron hasn't earned MJ acknowledging and praising him like that.

Yall dudes need to accept that Bron is a great player in his own category where as Kobe is in the same vein as MJ just a few notches below.

As for Dwight, stop it. If he had kept up any sort of consistent play from before his back injury you'd be on to something but Shaq should never praise his bum play the way he's been since the Dwightmare. Dwight is playing incredibly below his potential. It's pathetic. If you think Dwight is anywhere near prime Shaq you're insane. being the best C in the league right now aint really saying much and that title you're putting on him is questionable and definitely arguable.

This is more of S&T unpopular opinion though.

Fans can have whatever opinion they want but I'm talking about MJ and Shaq. They definitely have a big ego. Lebron is a force on both ends and a great leader. He is the best player in the league but MJ still picked Kobe over Lebron.

Shaq is just upset that Howard is taking over his superman nickname. That and Howard being called the best C in the game. I know it doesn't mean much but Shaq won't give credit when its due because he has that napoleon complex.

I don't have a problem with their opinion as long as it was well justified and not because they have a grudge against that player. Lets be honest, MJ felt disrespected when his own teammate Scottie Pippen said LBJ was better than him.
Oh that. Didn't MJ pick Kobe cuz Kobe had rings and LeBron was a mental ****** failure at the time when it came to winning rings? He says 5 beats 1. As for Pippen, I'd feel agitated too if my sidekick was talking sideways. I don't even feel like MJ is watching games across the league constantly assessing who is the best in the league or who is possibly better than him. When it comes to something like that let LeBron prove he's the best to the point it's undeniable not wait to get praised early by MJ.

As for Shaq he doesn't have a grudge against Dwight. He likes him in real life. He's just hugely disappointed in Dwight's game and that's self evident. Son is wasted potential. Even I'm disappointed in dude and that was after championing him for MVP cuz I felt he was one big crucial step away from being a dominant center up there with Shaq and Hakeem. He's the best C now (arguably) but that's not saying much in this league of centers. I dunno blame it all on that negative attention and back injury. I don't believe at all Shaq is actually mad about some Superman nickname when he has about 40 other nicknames he goes by. There is currently no credit due for Dwight Howard. So I honestly don't feel Shaq is withholding that from him. Compare a reg season from prime Shaq to one of Dwight's and it's easy to see who is more dominant, even more so in the playoffs. Dwight's offense is anemic. Won't be surprised he's proven to be the weak link on the Rockets come this playoffs.
Beyonce is not attractive.
While I'm not attracted to her either. I can't say she's not attractive, she has the features and enough quality to be considered attractive despite lacking sex appeal.
I've know dudes that let weed control/destroy their lives just like a crack addiction would. |I
Those dudes used weed as a crutch, they would've been failures because they never wanted to try and if it's not them doing it you should ask yourself if it wasn't for weed would they really be doing better in life? or would they just find some other vice to indulgein and lose themselves in to try and escape the real world?
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I've know dudes that let weed control/destroy their lives just like a crack addiction would. 
Lack of self-confidence or motivation. 

Everything in moderation. Some people cant balance out being high and being productive. Its like a mental wall, literally.

Show me where I said it was a fact. I said I BELIEVE you can be mentally addicted. That is my belief based off people I know. I know longer care for your rustled jimmies

Back to the subject

Thong sandals on guys aren't that bad.

JT is overhyped

The hate for drake is too serious though he is a lame.

The hate for Kim k is too serious porn hub is filled with **** with sextapes get over it
I think turbo wagons are pure sex on wheels. Volvo's in particular. Wish i could get my hands on a ooooooooooooooolder bmw joint, though.
Show me where I said it was a fact. I said I BELIEVE you can be mentally addicted. That is my belief based off people I know. I know longer care for your rustled jimmies

I have no clue what you're talking about or what conversation occurred before my comment. Dont really care. I said what i had to say.
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