post your unpopular pop culture opinions VOL..JIMMIES WILL BE RUSTLED

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I can't stand social media. If it weren't for my music ventures, I wouldn't use any form of social media aside from YouTube. (Probably top 3/5 greatest things to happen to entertainment this millenium.)

Among all of the things that I hate about social media, the way it treats women is probably my biggest issue from it. Before social media, women went into society as "regular" women, whether they were attractive or not. They didn't think they were celebs, or better than anyone else just because of their looks or the fact that their Instagram went up the night before. Now, we have females who's heads are big as ****, think that they are some type of a celeb, and think they are just entitled to a balling ***** off of their looks alone. All because they got 500 likes on their last IG post and have Insecure, socially awkward ****** gassing them in their dms making them feel far more important than they really are..
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Big Seans first two mix tapes were legendary.
I will disregard the screen name and cosign...

Also... Love story may be one of the strongest songs I ever heard...

That joint brought me to tears one day when I was cuddled with my chick..
The acne thing

That's an actual theory? Damn, I didn't even know that :lol: I literally thought of evolution then thought of acne and put two and two together. I thought I was hot **** for thinking of something that and that no one else had really suggested that :lol: :smh:
Can't eeeem argue with this.
Word. That smile + dimples + voice = 

Bruh this **** has me dying :rofl: :rofl: lord knows I haven't for a second looked up that theory to see if someone had come up with it before, or if it actually had some merit behind it. I was like 17 with bad acne and every time I popped a bump, I would analyze the remains and always see a hair strand or two. Then I thought about evolution and Boom :lol:

Brb, gonna call Cal State LA and change my major to anthropology since clearly my future is inclined to being some rich educator concerning the human skin condition
I'd rather pipe an ugly girl with good bop game and good *****, than a dime who is mediocre in both areas
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The South is low key looked down upon

Slavery wasn't that long ago

I think the ancient Egyptians were black. They were too fly to be anything else..

Project Pat -Mista Don't Play:Everythangs Workin album is a classic..

Memphis created crunk and Atlanta blew up off of it
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I think aliens created the pyramids and the other world wonders.

The pyramids were too accurately built, kinda impossible back then for them to do that.
Fast food sucks.

Yes it taste good but you feel like **** after and you also just feel like a POS… or at least I do :lol:
If I could I would eat McDonald's every day :lol: **** is so good to me. I hardly ever eat it though because of i'm scared of getting fat and loosing my six pack :lol: that plus I think the food at all fast foods are injected with hormones that cause hair loss, cancer, and other significant health problems.

McDonald's FTW
- I actually earned respect for LeBron after the Decision. I don't agree with how he went about it but I do like the fact he did what he wanted. My respect for him increased even more when he said that hating him doesn't make fans lives any better. It was a real statement and people got hurt because it was raw truth. I also acknowledge that my "respect" ain't really ish in the long run because he has no idea who I am :lol:

- Fans are a part of the reason LeBron acted the way he did leading up too and during the Decision. When you put someone on a pedestal like that they are bound to be full of themselves. Once he finally did something they didn't like they lost their minds.

- RGIII owes McNabb an apology.
If I could I would eat McDonald's every day :lol: **** is so good to me. I hardly ever eat it though because of i'm scared of getting fat and loosing my six pack :lol: that plus I think the food at all fast foods are injected with hormones that cause hair loss, cancer, and other significant health problems.

McDonald's FTW

I feel the same way about eating box..
If I can watch a show about a multiple rape/murder every hour on the hour....I should be able to see some nudity at 730pm on a network tv show....
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