post your unpopular pop culture opinions VOL..JIMMIES WILL BE RUSTLED

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The contributions that people of African descent have made to the world are criminally disregarded or rehashed in a skewed light 

And I'm not talking about peanut butter b

I'm talking government structure, maths, sciences, religion

history at times is basically hidden or damn near re written 

there's a time before slavery 

that's as unpopular as it gets

queue nas' last verse on I Can

/end rant 
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Africans are just as responsive for slavery as whites...

Africans should feel like scum they way they did their own people...

Africans could've avoided the slave trade..

Africans are just as responsive for slavery as whites...

Africans should feel like scum they way they did their own people...

Africans could've avoided the slave trade..


I think about this all of the time. Like, have we ever truly been united without having our backs against the wall (that might not be exclusive to blacks actually)?
Africans are just as responsive for slavery as whites...

Africans should feel like scum they way they did their own people...

Africans could've avoided the slave trade..


This is why being black =\= American Negro...

Black is a skin tone/genological

Being an American Negro is a political/cultural heritage.
M My people from Baltimore, not...Ghana...Africans don't even mess with negroes like that.
Black social media ruined memes.

J Cole is underrated.

So is Verizon.

Yeezus Album was terrible but the tour was wild entertaining.

PAC and BIG were not the greatest rappers. They're ***** are rode cuz they are dead.

Pron is the devil

Khloe is not that bad looking. She's "ugly" because she doesn't look like her sisters.
Breaking Bad is really only a good in the moment type of show. I'd cringe if I had to watch it now without Twitter or others for that matter to enjoy.
Some episodes were exceptional, but I really fell asleep on a good number of them only to wake up and it was still on. :lol:
Breaking Bad is really only a good in the moment type of show. I'd cringe if I had to watch it now without Twitter or others for that matter to enjoy.
Some episodes were exceptional, but I really fell asleep on a good number of them only to wake up and it was still on. :lol:
If you needed twitter and stuff to enjoy the show and found yourself falling asleep on some eps you weren't ever really in to the show, you were just riding the hype around it and the experience of watching it with other ppl that were actually in to it.

There's a difference to the ppl that caught on and just enjoyed the last two seasons similar to LOST and the ppl that got in to the show, watched like 2 or 3 seasons on netflix on their own to catch up for the last half of S5 and then came with theories and all that cuz they genuinely enjoyed and were interested in the show.
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^I can see where he's coming from with the whole twitter in relation to the tv show thing, cause I watched Catfish without twitter one day, and it was on of the most boring experiences ever. Two completely different shows, but I can see what he means
if baseball disappeared would anyone miss it?
hell yeah..and I don't even watch baseball

^I can see where he's coming from with the whole twitter in relation to the tv show thing, cause I watched Catfish without twitter one day, and it was on of the most boring experiences ever. Two completely different shows, but I can see what he means



I own all of the seasons on dvd except the last one. But I won't ever sit down and watch them over again--unless I'm with company.
Saying 'the book is better than the movie' is nonsensical. The book didn't have any cinematography, the directing was terrible, it ran entirely to long, the soundtrack sucked...they're different forms of media...
Saying 'the book is better than the movie' is nonsensical. The book didn't have any cinematography, the directing was terrible, it ran entirely to long, the soundtrack sucked...they're different forms of media...
When ppl say that they're talking about the story and to a larger point that the way they imagined the story in their mind was better than the portrayal of the actors, depiction by the director, music by the composer, the cinematography, how the damn sets looked, etc.
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