Oct 3, 2009
i just got done talking to my boys about this situation. i guess him and his girl had a scare recently so he was telling me about he was $#*%%# BRICKS for thepast week.. it got me thinking, what would i do in the situation...NT, lets talk preg scares, i know there has to be some crucial stories.... NOT WRAPPING UP -FTL
put it this way, since the scare is over, they're probably going to do the same thing until another scare comes along.
My first time could have been a Father..No strap FTL
I learned not to stress it until its confirmed. ive wasted too many days being scared that she was pregnant.
My girls a few days to over a week late once in a while. Even scares me with it knowing she has her period. smh
ive been scared twice the the second time really scared me because we had just broke up
1 scare.. cuz that chick was ugly and stupid
i was about to go psycho let my boy punch that chick in the stomach.

other 2 it was like whatever pretty and smart..

but the chick im with now im scared cuz she only gets periods 4 times a year or something..
My ex was like two weeks late before. Scariest thing ever. I was a senior in high school.

If you're reading this, then hi!
Twice. Once back when I wuz like 16.
(The worst.) And one like a year ago. Ididnt want it to happen obviously. But I was workin makin decent money so I was AS shook. So I wudda juss takenresponsibility for it. Definitely UNappreciated tho.
Originally Posted by supahoopa

1 scare.. cuz that chick was ugly and stupid
i was about to go psycho let my boy punch that chick in the stomach.

other 2 it was like whatever pretty and smart..

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]but the chick im with now im scared cuz she only gets periods 4 times a year or something..[/color]
This dude is quaking in his boots ALL the time.
Not you typical pregnancy scare scenario but my freshmen yr of college, one day moms calls me going OFF about a letter I got in the mail saying I owed a crazyamount for back child support for 3 kids.
I wasn't even smashing back then but still had me all $!##!* up in the head.
Def. unappreciated. It's not worth the stress, so just strap up or make sure your gf not jumpoff is on the pill. It has happened to me plenty of times. Onetime I know I didn't pull out in time because my gf at the time wouldn't get off top and when I told her that we needed to get the Emergency pill sherefused to do so because it would be the 2nd time that she would have to get it from planned parenthood. She was like ohh it's unlikely that I'll getpregnant since the odds of getting pregnant are lower than most people think and on top of that she always had irregular periods. I told her eff that we'retoo young to be parents and she got the pill (17 and 18 at the time). However, before she popped the pill or right after she did I beat raw again smh andbusted inside of her for the hell of it, luckily the pill came through and I'm still childless at 22.
I've had one major scare...

Summer of my junior year. I was still somewhat new to the high school, I had just transferred during my sophomore year and I was just beginning to get a solidgroup of friends. Anyways, there was this one chick that I was always joking around with and what not in class. I never really looked at her like that, but afew of my boys were like "Girl is digging you. You should holla for the summer jump." So I'm like yeah, yeah, whatever.

Anyways, towards the end of the school year we got assigned a project together and she got my number. She never called or texted, and I eventually forgot Ieven gave it to her. School ends, we end up doing our own things, everythings cool.

About a month after school ended, I get a call during the day from some random number. She leaves a message saying "Hey, this is K. Call me back when youget this." I didn't worry about it too much, and I get a text later that night like "Why didn't you ever call back?!" I texted her"I just got back from work, calm down, what's been happening?" I get my chop on via text, and she tells me that I should go with her to some fairthing with her and her dad and a couple of their friends. I agree, we have fun, I go back to her dad's apartment with her while he and his friends go outdrinking. (So I'm thinking
) We fool around, he busts in before we can really get busy, I go home with blue balls.

A couple days later, she tells me to come over to her house because her mom is gone. I go over, forget to bring a condom, say eff it, and go raw. I go homehappy, bragging to the crew like "Smell my fingers, bro!" The next week, she calls me with the same thing. Only this time, she's being stingy, soI leave cause I'm not trying to waste time with that bull.

Fastforward. Theres two weeks until school starts, and I'm chilling over my friend's house with one of his female friends and a mutual friend. Theymake a joke about smelling fingers, the girl asks who I hooked up with over the summer. I say "That K girl. I haven't talked to her in a while though,since like last month." She says "OH! K?! I was her boss! ....She quit though. She said she was pregnant."

The dates of us cutting contact and the dates of her resignation just happened to coincide. I almost start crying then and there. I flip, go outside of thehouse, and blow the girls phone up like "We have to talk, call me back when you get this." A day passes, no response. I call again with the samething.

Three of the LONGEST DAYS ever pass when I get a call from her all innocent sounding like "Yessss...?" I ask her if she was pregnant, she acts supersurprised and says "Oh, no. Dear no." And I say "Oh, that's not what I heard!" And she gets all inquisitive like "Who said that,who told you? Tell me their name, I just want to know who said it." I say "#+$% it," hang up, and don't hear back until a week before schoolstarted.

Homegirl sends me a half naked picture like "Its a shame we didn't work out, this is what you're missing out on."

I almost threw my phone in the mississippi. I was so heated, because I'm almost positive that she was lying about being pregnant (I think she got anabortion though.) ((Just for clarity, I'm not heated about the abortion. Just the fact that she (or any woman, for that mattter,) would keep something likethat from a guy.))


Met a girl in a class
hung out with her once, she turned into the summer jumpoff
things turn sour, we stop communicating
i hear from her friend that she quit her job due to pregnancy
i blow up the girls phone, she acts all innocent but gets defensive when i tell her what i heard
i get a passive aggressive naked picture sent to my phone. the end.
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