Pregnant woman assulted for 6 mins vol. I'm ashamed of my race

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by antoekneeo

As Chris Rock said "There are n..... and there are black people" the n..... have got to go.


Oh, and paging Thugnificence , who a day ago called DC a garbage city that I should be ashamed of. How do you feel about your precious Bay now?

Everywhere has flaws, some people in my city have AIDS in high numbers due to drugs and sex, some people in your city obviously have no couthe...
you do realize that the same types of things happen in DC + you guys still are the AIDS capital of the world...

try harder next time...
@ the video
@the comments in here.
@ these clowns in this thread being ashamed of their race. I swear the media has brainwashed a lot of people.
I hate when ppl try to generalize a whole race of the actions of one or a few person(s), such ignorance, this volume is.

You should've been in NYC in the 90s, not uncommon. I remember in another thread ppl were saying black ppl in Oakland are different. Different how?It's still the 90s there, everyday is some L.A. riots possible situation.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Dakingii wrote:

Im Not You wrote:

I was going to OD when I clicked REPLY coming in here but I'ma cool off cause I ain't trying to get banned...but im starting to get tired of the racial $$*% going on in this forum toward black people with all the "hoodrat, ghetto, ashamed of my race" nonsense.

exactly, seeing a couple of chicks fight on the internet makes you not want to be black
GTHO with that nonsense

People act like they never saw people fight before

word...dudes love to distance themselves from hoodrats and be quick to fill a post with "hood things you do" and talk about how hard your city goes.

you're ashamed of your race cuz some people fought? Why let them speak for you? What about the doctors, lawyers, teachers or just every day citizens doing right by society? Hell the president is a black man but you let these girls represent you?

i'm just tired of the mods letting blatant racial statements about blacks to be they don't ban anybody and they let the thread stayopen....


if a member crack any kinda joke on an asian they're banned instantly.....or if there was a video of an asian getting beat down the thread would be closedbefore it hit page 2....its funny to me...only thread i've seen open is when the asian dude defended himself and dirty came in there praising him likehell...but he ducking all these other threads
AS usual, the ignorance in this thread is abundance. And if a video like this makes you "ashamed of your race" you were never proud of it to beginwith. Don't try to use this video as a scapegoat, be honest with yourself.

The video is shameful period. But race has nothing to do with it. And the people standing around watching it happen and blocking the door are just as much toblame. Still...the woman should have at least tried to defend herself or at least quit verbally sparring with them if she knew she didn't want to fight.Why even continue talking *%#* if you know you're not going to fight back and you're outnumbered?
Everyone involved in that fight is guilty, and yes the "pregnant" woman does have some responsibility in this also. Your carrying a child and yetyou continue to run your mouth and act hard. She didn't even attempt to defend herself. Obviously she talking trash and once someone decided step to her,she realized she gotten herself into trouble and used the I'm pregnant line to get out of the situation. If she really was pregnant, she's anirresponsible mother to be for continuing to instigate in such a situation. If your going to act that way your asking for trouble, being pregnant doesn'texcuse her from her part in this.

And you can miss me with all that ashamed to be black nonsense too.
OMG...I've never even met trash who acted like this. They wouldn't even let her leave.
They need to prosecute every single one of those idiots. Andthe people in the windows, %*%.
Originally Posted by StylishStef89

Everyone involved in that fight is guilty, and yes the "pregnant" woman does have some responsibility in this also. Your carrying a child and yet you continue to run your mouth and act hard. She didn't even attempt to defend herself. Obviously she talking trash and once someone decided step to her, she realized she gotten herself into trouble and used the I'm pregnant line to get out of the situation. If she really was pregnant, she's an irresponsible mother to be for continuing to instigate in such a situation. If your going to act that way your asking for trouble, being pregnant doesn't excuse her from her part in this.

And you can miss me with all that ashamed to be black nonsense too.
I don't really understand this logic. So if someone talks about you, it's okay to hold them captive and beat them? I think you'reconfused.
Originally Posted by muffinlover

Originally Posted by StylishStef89

Everyone involved in that fight is guilty, and yes the "pregnant" woman does have some responsibility in this also. Your carrying a child and yet you continue to run your mouth and act hard. She didn't even attempt to defend herself. Obviously she talking trash and once someone decided step to her, she realized she gotten herself into trouble and used the I'm pregnant line to get out of the situation. If she really was pregnant, she's an irresponsible mother to be for continuing to instigate in such a situation. If your going to act that way your asking for trouble, being pregnant doesn't excuse her from her part in this.

And you can miss me with all that ashamed to be black nonsense too.
I don't really understand this logic. So if someone talks about you, it's okay to hold them captive and beat them? I think you're confused.

No. You notice how after they got out the store, she continued to jaw back and forth with them and talk about how she isn't playing games and so on, as ifshe was about to really get it in even after they just had beat her down in the salon she's gonna try and throw the hands while "pregnant" with achild. All of sudden her being pregnant wasn't an issue, she offered them another round. She went from victim to instigator. If she was really pregnant,she should've did her best to avoid that situation after what had happened in the store. She didn't do that. You just got jumped but yet you wanna goanother round and your carrying a baby? And then she confesses to not being pregnant. If anything shorty who got beat up is most likely a BSer
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