Probably Gonna Have To Put Our Dog Down Tomorrow.

Nov 27, 2008
Had her going on 10+ years. She isn't eating and has lost a lot of weight, and really just lays around all day now. The doctor found cancer and decided it would be better to put her to sleep instead of making her suffer.  She was the first pet I've had for a long period of time, and I really don't know if I can be there when they do it because I may not be able to stomach that. Does anyone have any advice on how to handle the short amount of time I have left with her, and if not going with my family to put her down would be a mistake? I just don't know if I can sit through that.
honestly, one of the toughest days i've ever had was when i came home from school one day and my dad had to put my childhood dog down a few years back, it sounds like yours has the same thing, my dog had stomach cancer and one day just laid down and never got up 
 it'll be rough not seeing your dog around for awhile, but after awhile you'll be ok, keep your head up man
this is really something i hope i will never be around, i couldnt even imagine doing probably gona cry smh
i had to do it may 2008 with my 14 year old dog. they found cancer in this case, too, but we had it removed and it came back elsewhere...

i ended up getting the call from my parents one day they were gonna go, i left work early and we all went in there with her and held her as the vet did his thing. said our goodbyes, got emotional and let her go.

one of the saddest days of my life so far. i had a mousepad made of my dog's face, so i still see her every day.

good luck.
rip... i remember when i my dad had to put down our German shepherd. oit aws around 12 years old.. so sad
i had to put my dog of 6 years down one week before christmas 09. i aint gonna lie, it was the hardest thing i have ever gone through. my dog was eating, but she was weak. so what i did before she passed, was just give her her favorite things, food, etc. i went to the hospital where we put her down and just stayed with her holding her the entire time, so her last memory on earth was that she was loved by her family. i know it sounds crazy, but she meant alot to me, and dogs know and sense these things. im still a little shook up about it to this day and get teary-eyed thinking about her and typing this.

but just give your dog a little more attention than usual and try to make the last few days for your dog as comfortable as possible. they know when its their time, they are intuitive like that.
Had to put mine down a few months ago. She developed bone marrow cancer and she couldn't even walk. The Vet had to come to our house to put her down.. she died in our arms!! 

She was 11, old for a Saint Bernard. 

My dog just turned 8 and I know she only has a few good years left in her. I just tell myself to enjoy her while I still have the chance. I can't even imagine how different my life will be when she is gone. Keep your head up op.
I put my dog down last summer... Got her in 1999... She had diabetes, and was just not eating anymore and she loved to eat (Beagle)... Hair was falling out, she couldn't really do much anymore just slept.. If I were you I'd give yourself a couple extra days with her (not to change your mind but just to be around her).. I think if the vet thinks its the best idea and YOU truly think it is right you should do it.. You can't let her suffer, and its hard to let go I know.

As for going with them.. I went because I wanted to be there for her the countless times she was there for me.. I was crying like a baby, and it was hard to know what was going to happen (tearing up as I type this)... But it happens quick within seconds of the injection the dog is gone.. It may suck that you can't stomach it but I think you will regret not trying to comfort her.
That video just made me cry..My dog is 10 and the thought of having to do that anytime soon kills me..
you need to be there for your dog

just think of all the times she was there for you.

you know the dogs can feel it. they have some crazy internal/innate stuff going on.
they know. and i'm sure she would love for you to be there with her.
Thanks for the kind words. Glad to say we at least got one more day with her as we decided we would have to put her down tomorrow morning instead. Not gonna be easy by any means, but she will be in a better place.
Threads like these make my family and I truly appreciate our cat while we still have her (she's only 2).
Just think about how much better her life was with a good owner  and hold her  paw  when they     put her down
Happened to me a year and a half ago, literally the day after he turned 12.

Makes me sad thinkin bout it. It's not easy, similar to losing a best friend. Keep your head up man.
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