Professors not getting back to you UNAPPRECIATION vol FML

Jul 13, 2007
I just started this Geology class this week and it is by far the hardest class I have ever taken in my life. Only reason I took it is because I needed somescience credits and this class is the only one that seemed worthwhile. I ended up missing the first day/lab due to being out of town and she said she wouldemail me the first day's notes (still hasn't). We got lab homework today and this stuff is ridiculous. I've looked through both books/notes andhave yet to find anything pertaining to the this stuff. To make matters worse I'm not sure if the work is due tomorrow during class or during our next lab(Mon). I emailed the professor like 7 hours ago but I have yet to hear from her and its got me stressin out. /rant

Geology class
Missed 1st class/lab and still haven't received notes in email from her
Had class/lab today and got ridiculously hard homework
Emailed professor 7 hrs ago to see if due next class (tomorrow) or next lab (Mon)
Still waiting for response

Discuss your experiences...
Usually the TA would take care of those things, not the professor. And if I miss a class, they wouldn't give me notes, they just say get it from aclassmate.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

if it's not your major...then P/NP ftw.
thats the way to go. my profs have honestly never returned an email ive sent them. there was ONE time when i was asking about an RA position
she said she would email me the first day's notes (still hasn't)
ducktales.... i have never heard of a professor emailing a student notes unless they are ill, or have an emergency... being out of town doesntcount...why the hell dont you just ask someone in your class.. i mean.. it is college.. no need to be scared little one
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