Pros and Cons of Online Courses

Jan 4, 2008
I'm strongly considering taking 5 credits of online classes that my school offers during the summer. I would do it in person, but I don't live where myschool is. For those who have taken the opportunity, how was it? Other than the obvious, what are the main differences between online and regular lecture? Whatis one thing you took away from it? Thanks.
I'm taking some now...


1) Not having to physically go to class: I don't mind going to class, but sometimes, you just don't want to be there. Be it a boring teacher, annoyingclassmates who ask 15 irrelevant questions a minute, or whatever, sometimes the ability to go online, review the lesson at your whim, do the work at your ownpace and generally just handle your own business is nice. The teacher is always available if you need help, you can communicate with your classmates, its anice system of support if you need it...

2) Deadlines: For most of my classes, the professors will start the week on Monday and end it Sunday night. So, we have all our assignments due on certaindays, so there are no pop-quizzes or surprise test, etc. It makes it easy to plan your week out and pace yourself...


1) Lack of focus: Obviously, if you don't have to physically report, there's more chance you'll slack. And to be honest, if your not focused ororganized, you'll fall behind. And fail. The professors know the course is online so in some ways, they are more lenient and willing to help you if youask, but if you just slack and don't show effort, I've noticed they will be less likely to cut you slack than in a regular class...

2) Work: Some classes are best taught in person. I wouldn't recommend taking something thats really hands-on, or something that is totally out of your areaof knowledge...

Hope that helps. I've got to go do some work now...
biggest drawback to online classes is how easy it is to fall behind and not do the work...

other than that, my experiences with online classes have been a breeze..making sure i remembered due dates and things of that nature were the biggestchallenges...
a pro is that you can take tests using your textbook, and some of the teachers are laid back so they make it easy for you, a con is that it is very easy toforget when assignments are due because your too checking out the general forum on niketalk, its kinda hard to leave this place
Originally Posted by Don Korleon

a pro is that you can take tests using your textbook, and some of the teachers are laid back so they make it easy for you, a con is that it is very easy to forget when assignments are due because your too checking out the general forum on niketalk, its kinda hard to leave this place

so true.
i wouldn't recommend them for the reasons previously mentioned. the only online classes I ever took were those electives that were guaranteed"A's". if it's a serious, non-bs class, I wouldn't do it.
I'm kinda afraid to take online classes cause I'm a huge procrastinator. Plus, I don't even understand how they work. For example, statistics. Howdo you do math online?
For the people that have done this, did you do it at your own university or another? My school, Miami University in Oxford, barely offers anything in terms ofonline courses...
^^Community/City colleges are the way to go for online classes, way cheaper as well.

I took intro to business online when i was a freshmen, and man would i lag on my hw and tests, it would be due on monday at midnight and id be just gettingstarted on 2 assignments and an exam around the evening haha, i did get a B in the class, but it was a **** and my professor was nice.
If you do a group project through online theres like a 90 percent chance someone will be MIA for the entire project
I have taken at least 6 classes online. You must be aware of deadlines and able to deal with ambiguous situations because nobody will be there to help you. Ifyou did in fact need help then you would have to start everything early and not procrastinate. This pretty much sums up my advide for taking online classes.
Online courses give you a low affective filter which means basically there's no external pressure to get things done. If you're self-motivated,you'll be fine.
Originally Posted by sole leisure

I'm kinda afraid to take online classes cause I'm a huge procrastinator. Plus, I don't even understand how they work. For example, statistics. How do you do math online?
you will use blackboard and there are tools there to do the calculations...i remember taking a math course and it wasn't too bad. i can actuallyunderstand it better then if a teacher was to explain it to me because everything is laid out
^I hated Accounting to be honest, but loved Econ. I think most people are the opposite. Plus my school is a top business school, so it was hard as +%%*. Takeit online if you're just doing it for credit and it's not your major.
Accounting sucks either way. I would just take it in person. If you're not strong in a subject don't do it online.
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