[PS3] Official Call of Duty 4 Tournament V Thread: Vol. Team 7 vs. 8 Finals | Finals Info PG27

Good game... but seriously... we need to have captains next tourney (if there is one). Teams like Boost, Arnolds_Protege, DBLACK, and Anything plus anotherteam having Chris, Muhloss (who apparently never misses and has one shot kills... yes, he's that nice), Disgaea, and... well that was it really... but yeahteams like that shouldn't exist.
Damn Mo I can't get my props.
Its cool! Good games homie.
Good Game Team 2! One of the best games/matches i've ever played! HAHA! Good Stuff Team 7! What a way to go CLUTCH!
Alright.... after some craziness, we finally figured it out.

First game we lost, but it wasn't to 1000, so we replayed.

We won that one, by 2 kills.....

We played HC TDM again, on Bloc and destroyed.... so everyone dispearsed.

Then Mo and I discussed.... it was supposed to be best of 5 (in the damn fine print, Boost
) and I find out the Boost also said only one of each match type in theround..... but that wasn't posted until a page later

So we rounded up who was left, played 4 v 4, regular TDM

We won that one.

And we picked up Antoine for the third, and final game, regular Domination

We won.


Team 8 is in the finals. Like the good ol days.
aw man i thought u guy had already won cuz the lobbied closed hope i get a run in the final. im ready haha. way to hold us Down guy

go team 8
Yeahhh... good games everyone.. sorry for disappearing after that match. I had to go pick up some burgers and salad for me and my brother, the joint was gonnaclose in 10 minutes and I had to rush there super fast. See you guys in the finals.
Team 7 beat Team 2, barely though, 3 games to 2, ill post pics in a minute but maan this pic thing sure does $+%@ $%%# up
after this one... make another tournament until the next modern warfare comes out

we need to reissue the draft system

lol @ no pics screwing everyone up
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Why Chris mute Antoine?
Dude had his inauguration party a few days late...

Cosigned. I really don't think it WAS Antoine playing. Dreking must have made a cameo or two

Good game though. Y'all deserved it. So... I say we start the next tourney a week after this one ends. Captains and drafts.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Team 7 beat Team 2, barely though, 3 games to 2, ill post pics in a minute but maan this pic thing sure does !@$# !#%! up

"Did anybody get pics?"
Aww !%%#."
damn I wish I had a better connection. Good games Team 7.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Team 7 beat Team 2, barely though, 3 games to 2, ill post pics in a minute but maan this pic thing sure does !@$# !#%! up

"Did anybody get pics?"
Aww !%%#."
damn I wish I had a better connection. Good games Team 7.


Good Game Team 2..all of you guys came out guns blazing! Didn't give up a single time!

And Sabotage at Wet Work was straight mayhem....
MoMoney848 wrote:
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

KneeNoh wrote:
Why Chris mute Antoine?
Dude had his inauguration party a few days late...

Cosigned. I really don't think it WAS Antoine playing. Dreking must have made a cameo or two

Good game though. Y'all deserved it. So... I say we start the next tourney a week after this one ends. Captains and drafts.

How many more times must I murk this dude to get hisrespect? Its OK because I know that deep down in his soul he knows I'm better than him. Its cool see you next round homie.....Hold up.
Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

MoMoney848 wrote:
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

KneeNoh wrote:
Why Chris mute Antoine?
Dude had his inauguration party a few days late...

Cosigned. I really don't think it WAS Antoine playing. Dreking must have made a cameo or two

Good game though. Y'all deserved it. So... I say we start the next tourney a week after this one ends. Captains and drafts.

How many more times must I murk this dude to get his respect? Its OK because I know that deep down in his soul he knows I'm better than him. Its cool see you next round homie.....Hold up.

You been had my respect. I know you're a good player.I just think it's amusing to deliberately ignore your abilities. Now get to work and win another ring. Cleanup on Aisle 7
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Team 7 beat Team 2, barely though, 3 games to 2, ill post pics in a minute but maan this pic thing sure does $+%@ $%%# up



Championship 09 rules coming tomorrow... congrats to Team 8 on there victory, we will see you in the finals!
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