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Killzone beta's pretty fun. I can already tell this will make up for that abortion Black Ops.

Awesome?!??! I already got kicked from the party...

And what is up with the flickering.... The flickering... 8/8 party, but the bottom 2 names are cut off... I guess it is a beta...
KZ3 beta is tight. I got squad up with decembersown and some others. dare2107 is my PSN if yall want add me.
This game aint bad. I never played any of the other KZ games so its gonna take some getting used to. I keep pressing O to crouch gotta hold L2 though.
Originally Posted by pip777

KZ3 beta is tight. I got squad up with decembersown and some other others. dare2107 is my PSN if yall want add me.

ohh so that was you

the beta is !@#$ing with me the shotgun was cheese then it sucked
the hip firing was chees then it sucked now its cheese again
sniping is cake tho
the little cloak for the shotgun class where it makes you appear as the other team is ridiculous
all in all im impressed by the beta
i feel it takes a lot of bullets to kill am i the only one?

melee is cheese

i dont like how dark it gets when your near death

i hate the noise he makes when he dies

graphics are
, the smg had me feeling like i had a ak47u

gonna play some more beta idk how i feel yet
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

i feel it takes a lot of bullets to kill am i the only one?
it's always been like that in KZ. Makes kills a lot more rewarding imo.

I dunno, I've never been as frustrated playing KZ as I get playing CoD. So I may retire from Black Ops for good when KZ3 drops.
Well I just beat GTA IV: The Ballad Of Gay Tony and I got to say damn the game was hella fun and is what GTA IV should have been in the first place.

I suck though on the base jumping side quest missions though

Anyone on here still play multi player for this game?

Also is GTA IV: The Lost & The Damned worth playing? I heard it's not as good as the The Ballad Of Gay Tony.

But either way getting the disc version of episodes from Liberty City for $19 bucks a few months back was so worth it.
the expansions were MUCH better than the original game. Hopefully R* has learned their lesson... if we wanted "Facebook" and Oprah's lesson of the day, we would log on to Facebook while watching Oprah. GTAIV was horrible and the expansions saved it some. We can only hope GTAV doesn't suck. BoGT was definitely the best of the 3.
What class and what weapons are youll running with for the Killzone 3 beta? I'm using the Infiltrator with a shotgun and Im thinking of using the Rpg as a secondary once i get enough points.
Originally Posted by Dok

What class and what weapons are youll running with for the Killzone 3 beta? I'm using the Infiltrator with a shotgun and Im thinking of using the Rpg as a secondary once i get enough points.

I use the SMG class. Forgot the guns.
whichever class has that floating attack drone.

The infiltrator class doesn't need a shotgun.

It's gotten to the point where I'll shoot anyone that comes close to me that has a shotgun.
Am i the only one having troble getting into a game in the killzone 3 beta ??

I have not been able to play a game since yesterday i keep getting stuck at that briefing screen

They should fix this problem and extended  the beta
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Am i the only one having troble getting into a game in the killzone 3 beta ??

I have not been able to play a game since yesterday i keep getting stuck at that briefing screen

They should fix this problem and extended  the beta
I had that problem last night. I just backed out to the main screen and kept trying until I got into a game.
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