Putting my dog down tomorrow

I wont ever put my dog to sleep, I love her way to much
A good choice,
I give you your props for doing so.
You have to face the music, and look at it from a different view,
and know your doing a good thing.

If you couldn't walk.
And your life has been great.

Do what you do best,
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

My family always takes the dog up into the hills for one last day of running around, and then puts a .22 in the back of the head. We bury the dog up in the mountains. I won't let a vet do the job for me.
^^ Where is this from? I believe I seen this in a movie somewhere.

I might be confused with "Of Mice and Men" when George puts Lenny down.

But I understand this. You want to cherish the last moments with your pet. Then you wanna take him to a better place instead of a total stranger taking his/herlife.
Originally Posted by Jordman23

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

My family always takes the dog up into the hills for one last day of running around, and then puts a .22 in the back of the head. We bury the dog up in the mountains. I won't let a vet do the job for me.
^^ Where is this from? I believe I seen this in a movie somewhere.

I might be confused with "Of Mice and Men" when George puts Lenny down.

But I understand this. You want to cherish the last moments with your pet. Then you wanna take him to a better place instead of a total stranger taking his/her life.

Its the ending to Old Yeller.
If u actually follow through w/ this then r.i.p. to ur doggy
i have one also . im not lookin forward to that day at all.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

My family always takes the dog up into the hills for one last day of running around, and then puts a .22 in the back of the head. We bury the dog up in the mountains. I won't let a vet do the job for me.

Thats just sick
"don't do it" is NOT the right answer. as pet owners we are obligated to do whats best for our beloved pets. In most cases, it is actually themost humane act that an owner can do for their dog. it doesn't mean it's going to be easy and as someone who has gone through this before, the daysafter leave you with a very empty feeling. rest assured, all dogs go to heaven. stay strong and know that she/he'll be in a better place without thesuffering and pain. after some time has passed, get a new pet, not as a replacement (because each animal is different and special) but rather as a freshstart. it's the cycle of life and something all pet owners deal with. my thoughts are with you.
My dog is 14 but has arthritis in his back right leg so we have to carry him up and down stairs i cant even imagine having to do this
Originally Posted by daprescription

No info, but I think my shar pei is getting close
. It has so many problems, just feel bad for the guy.

Same here man. She's going on 13, and is starting to get more andmore issues. Don't know if I could do it though.
poor dog, doesnt even know he wont be in this world anymore real soon =|
I couldn't put my dog to sleep. I think I'd have a serious physical reaction if a vet told me there was nothing left to do besides euthanasia.
I just went through something similiar last month. Had to put my almost 16 year old German Shepherd mix to sleep. He had trouble getting up and lost alot ofhis muscle mass, at first we thought it was Arthritis because he was so old, ended up being Lymphocytic Leukemia.

All my family accepted that putting him to sleep was the best thing to do and I thought I handled it pretty well till we took him to the vet to get it done.Broke down right at the front desk and couldn't even put out a sentence.

It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life as far as letting someone go. I've had faimly pass away, but I wasn't close with them. Thisis the first family member that I've had to let go and yea.

His birthday was on Thanksgiving too, almost made it to 16..Smfh
the only question you need to answer is, is your dog still enjoying life? minus the arthritis, it seems like she is, since you said she's healthyotherwise. when we put my chocolate lab down, he had too many issues to endure, bottom line, he was suffering. the day we had to put him down was the saddestday of my life. i knew it was coming, but nothing can prepare you for that dreaded day. he was my best friend.

sad stuff in this thread... one morning my dog was fine. we had walked her just the day before. she appeared healthy for the past year. her yearly vet visitwasnt until november.. then one day, we were gone for no more than 2 hours and when we get back home, my dog is breathing heavily and didnt get up to greet uslike she normally did... we rush her to the vet thinging it might be something with her nose, as she had a allergy a few months prior.. instead, the doctorsays she has a tumor near her heart that ruptured and she had hours to live.... you go from top of the world having fun enjoying life with your dog thatmorning and a few hours later, shes on her death bed... having had xrays two years prior, and subsequently healthy until her death, it really came as asurprise.. You cant take life for granted.. sad sad times..

11 yr old malamute mix. i still havent vaccumed my room since that time in august 09...the shining light out of that situation i guess is the fact that we allwere there even some family that was in town to visit, and just two days later, i had planned to take a 2 week trip myself. i guess the time was right?

I still remember the time back a year when I was walking her and she got off her leash and started running home and wouldnt stop. she ran through anintersection and nearly died. I ran in the road not even thinking about my health. a few cars missed her and she was fine... If only I cherished each of thosedays and walks after that alittle more... then again, her death may have come in the road when a car hit her, so i guess ill look at it like that
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Also, this just came to me but think of your grand parents and older folks when they struggle to get up stairs and do the things they did when they were younger. We don't put them to sleep do we?

No, we put them in an old folks home...unless they're in the hospital. We pull the plug, then.
I had to do it a few years ago with my cat. The same day we brought my son home from the hospital after he was born we came home to the cat basically being inheart failure. There was nothing the vet could really do. My wife and I stayed in the room when he got put down. Single injection. He went very peacefully. Welet the vet take care of the remains. I don't normally cry for anything, but I shed a tear that day.
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