Putting my dog down tomorrow

My pit/boxer mix had some form of cancer and he ended up having tumor type growths all over his body. He was on meds for a couple of days but they would makehim pant like really hard and it made it impossible for him to sleep. Next day we knew it was time.

Not gonna lie man putting my pup down was the hardest thing i've ever done. Holding him in your arms and looking straight into his eyes
. You cant helpbut think what's going through his head. I take comfort in knowing he was asleep before he was actually gone because the vet gave him the sleeping stufffirst then the euthanasia stuff afterwards. Still man, I can't think about it, it was waaay more traumatizing then I thought. Just a heads up.

I agree though, doesn't sound like it's your dogs time to go.
We put our 12 year old Lab down last September. She was really struggling to stand up, had 3-4 tumors on her body, lost all her front teeth, and was just inreally bad shape.

It's a very tough experience. We all stayed in the room, and stayed with her until the end.

The first thing they do is a give the dog a sedative, give you some time with it, then they do the lethal injection, and you pretty much just watch the lifeleave the dog's body. It's very difficult. I was in tears.

I'm proud of you (without even knowing you) for making the choice to put the dog down, because she can't live a quality life. It's a tough dilemmabecause you know the dog wants to live, and wants to survive, but simply can't perform physically. That's the downside to owning dogs. They love sodamn much, but their lives are so damn short.
Reading this thread is making me tear up. Bottom line, don't put the dog to sleep unless it's in really bad shape, if it's suffering, than it'sthe best thing to do.
My mom's dog passed away in August in my arms. She was 15 and a half and had a very good & happy life. It was really sad to see her go after havingpractically grown up with her 'cause she made life a little happier for not only myself, but my mom in particular. It's tough to come to terms with adog's ailing health and passing especially since most of us consider them as a member of the family. Good luck.
i love my dog AMY i dont know what i would do if i was in your shoes,she rides with me no matter what im doing
The day I am most afraid of. I just know I'm going to break down if the time comes.

Man eaalto, that story made me tear up.
you must not really love your dog, Ive seen plenty with handicap wheels, op I dont know what your thinking, we put our dog down when it was in its last fewdays, sure she went through hella pain and suffering but there was still a chance, and we were there the whole time, with her
yeah had to put my dog down last summer. she was having trouble breathing one night, so we took her to the vet and they wanted to keep her overnight to see ifit gets worse or stays the same because they weren't 100% sure what was wrong. it turns out she had lung cancer and before we left the vet they asked us ifworst comes to worst would we want them to euthanize her or just let her fight it out and we chose to have her euthanize if it came to it. a few hours laterand they called and said she didn't make it but she went peacefully, so we went to the vet to see her one last time and figure out what to do with herremains, one of the saddest things i've ever been through. it depends on if you think your dog is suffering or not, it would be hard to even get the wordsout but i'd probably have to put it down if it can barely walk around the house because it just seems like it's living not really happy...
I've never had a dog, but when my girlfriend put down her dog of 10+ years, that %%!% still tore me apart.

I can't even imagine what you are going through right now.
Man, reading these post is making me choke up. Me and my g/f adopted a 2 year old Frenchie earlier this year and we love her to death, consider her our baby. Ican't imagine what I would do in OP's situation. Its a tough decision that someone he has to make.
Man, I'm taking her in at 3. Terrible day.

This is her last night. Shes completely deaf, lost 19 pounds the last 3 weeks, a couple of tumors on her body.

I'm so sorry man. Our dog went to rescue shelter yesterday cuz he's going deaf, getting older and he's gonna need more care and attention than mymom and sisters and I have been able to give him lately...I miss him but hopefully he will see a good home who will love him like we did and provide the carehe needs... He's a pomeranian

my dog passed last month in his sleep while sleeping next to me, he was getting old around 12yrs old, but the last 7-8 months he was showing signs of old age.he lived a great life, had many many great memories with him and i was glad that he died in his sleep rather (nature) rather than maybe having to put him down.

you will have to be strong to put your dog down, not saying you shouldn't, but just seeing your dog on the table for the last few minutes or so would begut wrentching... getting attatched to something similar to humans hurts, but the memories built make up for it 2x over..
it was easily the second hardest thing i have ever had to do in my life. Seeing her lay on the table, life just rushing out of her body was tough.

Memories are for sure great. Can not wait to start the process over with a little puppy someday.
it was easily the second hardest thing i have ever had to do in my life. Seeing her lay on the table, life just rushing out of her body was tough.

Memories are for sure great. Can not wait to start the process over with a little puppy someday.
Originally Posted by wohcttank

it was easily the second hardest thing i have ever had to do in my life. Seeing her lay on the table, life just rushing out of her body was tough.

Memories are for sure great. Can not wait to start the process over with a little puppy someday.

what's the first?

I feel your pain, one of the hardest things I had to do... but my dog was in pain but it had to be done... saying goodbye to him was terrible...
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