Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained (a Spaghetti Western) scheduled for release Christmas 2012

I think it's simple. If you find a movie and subject offensive, don't pay the 12 bucks to go see it. But don't go chastising people who do see it, who do like it and who are looking forward to it.

You can stand up for what you believe in and what you find racist, or offensive but don't get on a soap box and try to condemn those who do want to enjoy a movie and be entertained.

Where has that been done by anyone that opposes viewing this movie in this thread? Please quote and show me.
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Is been done, it's called Inglorious Bastards, it's a great movie, very entertaining and I don't remember the Jewish community screaming for Tarantino's head back then.
It's a movie, get over it...you hate the idea so much, don't pay to see it....simple as that.

basically...it's surprising enough that Hollywood is even making a movie revolving around slavery...but a slave/revenge flick??? how are black people even mad about this :lol:...even my mom wants to see this movie...Tarantino's always championed the black community and even decided to make a blaxplotation flick immediately following his most critically acclaimed movie and people still question his motives...
Yup the so called "Black Community" has one strict opinion that we are unwavering from. We all think the same thoughts, support the same issues, and there is clearly no variation between us.
K Steezy logic is uninformed and quite frankly extremely unintelligent.
And that's all you'll get from me, I'll profit nothing arguing with a fool.

Does the black community NOT support Tyler Perry?

Then tell me who the ***** does...please enlighten me, you are the fool here if you can't grasp what I'm saying and come to terms with t.
I think it's simple. If you find a movie and subject offensive, don't pay the 12 bucks to go see it. But don't go chastising people who do see it, who do like it and who are looking forward to it.
You can stand up for what you believe in and what you find racist, or offensive but don't get on a soap box and try to condemn those who do want to enjoy a movie and be entertained.
Now I wouldn't go this far. If this movie was about killing slaves and making them look like minstrels and a mockery then yes I would get on my soapbox and condemn those who watch it. Would I want it censored? Hell no. Would I judge everyone who watched it and was entertained? Yes.
Steezy, please refrain from talking about the "black community"
- sincerely,
Everyone on NikeTalk

Typical response, yet let Ninjahood express how he considers himself Hispanic as not black and NT go up in arms, is like everyone is entitled an opinion on ANY race on here, but when it comes to blacks one must proceed with caution, all I said is the black community supports a *** director simply because he's black and dudes get their Jimmies Rustled as if they can tell me this is an all out lie, GTHO
Yup the so called "Black Community" has one strict opinion that we are unwavering from. We all think the same thoughts, support the same issues, and there is clearly no variation between us.
K Steezy logic is uninformed and quite frankly extremely unintelligent.
And that's all you'll get from me, I'll profit nothing arguing with a fool.

Does the black community NOT support Tyler Perry?

Then tell me who the ***** does...please enlighten me, you are the fool here if you can't grasp what I'm saying and come to terms with t.

You do know its A LOT of black people that dont **** with Tyler Perry's movies right. Most of his fans are women that went to his plays years ago.

And Spike Lee is a legend btw for those other people.
You do know its A LOT of black people that dont **** with Tyler Perry's movies right. Most of his fans are women that went to his plays years ago.
And Spike Lee is a legend btw for those other people.

And I'm sure there is a lot more that actually do support him...and yes majority being females.
It's actually more of a precautionary comment, you seem to get riled up and when you do dumb things are said.
You do know its A LOT of black people that dont **** with Tyler Perry's movies right. Most of his fans are women that went to his plays years ago.

Nah fam ALL of us are supporters of him by default. "The Black Community" has one opinion and ours is that we're for Tyler Perry and all his works.
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So what about tht movie about Islam that ignited all those riots and lead to the death of people?
Or what about the birth of a nation, which inspired the resurgence of the KKK?
You don't think those movies should have been censored at the time of their release?
(not comparing django to those, just curious if you think nothing should be censored ever)


KSteezy, the majority of TP fans are black females. You should have said THAT from the jump instead of saying, "the black community."
You do know its A LOT of black people that dont **** with Tyler Perry's movies right. Most of his fans are women that went to his plays years ago.
And Spike Lee is a legend btw for those other people.

And I'm sure there is a lot more that actually do support him...and yes majority being females.

That doesnt = the black community my dude. You just arguing for the sake of arguing. :lol:

Women of all races got to see his BS.
Nah fam ALL of us are supporters of him by default. "The Black Community" has one opinion and ours is that we're for Tyler Perry and all his works.

So what should I have said in order to caregorize the vast majority of TP fans without you getting bent out of shape bruh?...

Yes DC black Females, I was not aware the term "black community" was insulting....please all nonhispanics of NT refrain from ever using the term "papi" :rolleyes
I'll be on the look out to get my Jimmies Rustled when you guys blatantly generalize every other race.
And dude still doesn't understand, it's really not that hard :lol:
Carry on...

Don't let me catch you e-slippin

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And yes the black community (black females) supports Tyler Perry, deal with it.

Ya under the impression that every single black person has to be a supporter for that statement to be true....pull down ya skirts getting bent out of shape over a generalization, as if you never in your damb lives generalized a group of people, GTHO.
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I love people getting upset over dumb things :lol:

But won't make moves for real issues :lol:

It's a movie, get over it :pimp:
Why are you on the internet begging for someone to get bent out of shape so bad? :lol: Your usage of corny NT vernacular doesn't make me feel any type of way no matter how bad you want it to. Not a thing you've said will affect my life in the least bit, as previously stated your statements reek of ignorance and unintelligence and you're too jaded by your singular opinion that you can't pull your head out of your butt long enough to see it. Hate to say it but it's your emotions that are truly showing right now fam.

Again, I won't argue with a fool.
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