Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained (a Spaghetti Western) scheduled for release Christmas 2012

It's easy for some people to say this,until the tables are turned around which we all know,whether you want to admit it or not,that it wouldn't go over so well.
It's also easy to say things like "If you don't like it,don't support it,direct your own movie" and the likes because it's so much easier to cast aside,ignore,responde with some type of rebuttal than it is to understand or try too understand why some people would be offended.Knowing that the film industry is much more complex,where money is the driving force and where the artistic side takes a backseat ride and is regularly dropped off on some deserted stretch of highway that is rarely is a route anyone tries to drive down anymore. These type of opinion's has to be written off and basically ignored for the most part because it's not constructive to anything,they just wan't their entertainment,until the day the lightening strikes too close to them on anything they feel strongly about,it's always self serving bias.A good Example of that is the Newtown, Connecticut school shootings,where now some wan't to come back to the table to talk about banning guns issue again,while other's attitude towards the issue now is the same as Cam'ron's in the movie "Paid in Full" when Azie's character is recovering after being shot and he say's something like "People get shot,everyday B",as if it's no big deal and in reality it's not because people really do.
But that's really not the issue,what is,is Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained movie that's opening tomorrow and what I don't understand is how some choose to act like the little ol' topic of race is not suppose to surface about a movie that is centered around race from a director,who indirectly seem's to be making a career out of it.
Or is it just me who notice's that BET has been playing the movie "Roots" since yesterday and every other commercial is either a trailor of Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained movie or Mcdonald's letting us know that the Mcrib is back on their menu's while enticing with the sweet tunes of Earth,Wind and Fire?.
i dont disagree with what your saying im just stating that it seems alot of ppl have a problem with whose behind the lens moreso then the movie itself considering they havent even seen the movie... I get ppl being offended AFTER seeing it... but to formulate an opinion and a persons intent and ulterior motives based on snippets...is in kinda a twist ironic considering the race of ppl we are talking about.

That and also due in large part of ppl basically considering this borderline *******...and mistrel...yet have seen the likes of many wayans brother movies... ice cube movies.. and hell probably have a copy of soul plane in their collection...
i wasnt speaking directy in terms of you as in you specific i was speaking in terms of like the spike lees out there etc... the ppl who are saying the angle direction in which django is coming from is a mockery... Im speaking on them saying how can they knock one and not the other...not even throwing in the fact that they havent even seen the movie. but are saying this movie is basically coming from that same type of angle.
Because one is a blatant satire and the other is an anachronistic spaghetti western. James Brown played in the trailer of a movie about slavery can't be put in the same category as Clayton Bigsby or The Player Hater's Ball. If a sammich looks like it has **** on it you can't blame anyone for not eating it.
ksteezy should probably try using his got damn brain. :rolleyes

If 20 people buy tyler perry movies

and 15 of them are black.

the majority of Tyler perrys sales consist of the black demographic.

That doesn't mean tyler perry movies represent anything to do with the black community

I've never seen a got damn tyler perry movie in my life. :stoneface:

:lol: you're lucky....my cousin made me sit through one at her house and I'll never get those 2 hours back :smh: I honestly think his movies are more disparaging and damaging to the already crumbling image of black males (in the eyes of many black women) than anything in this movie could be. But that's a different story though.....

I'm still excited for it, and I don't really get Spike Lee's criticism, you know what types of films QT makes....was there this kind of uproar about Inglorious Bastards as well?? At the end of the day, he's one of the few directors in Hollywood that isn't gonna romanticize slavery and make it more appealing and tolerable to "white" audiences....yeah its not true story or realistic but his films always have some bit of sensationalism to them and I love all his movies. Maybe Spike could've done what Steve McQueen has done and make an actual true portrayal of slavery in a film with "Twelve years a Slave" instead of sitting back a calling someone else out on it. I'm really excited for McQueen's movie too and there is space for both Django and Twelve Years a Slave, both are about the same time period but each has a different route to approaching the issue (and both will be GREAT films)...anybody complaining can just wait till next year when Twelve Years comes out, slavery wasn't poetic, clean, or harmonious, and I'm glad its violent and in your face (from what I've read)...it'd be disrespectful to make it anything less.
Because one is a blatant satire and the other is an anachronistic spaghetti western. James Brown played in the trailer of a movie about slavery can't be put in the same category as Clayton Bigsby or The Player Hater's Ball. If a sammich looks like it has **** on it you can't blame anyone for not eating it.
and it cant be in the same realm as ppl breakdancing and pop locking while eating mcribs for a bet ghetto awards show in honor of mlk and all he has done for the community ala boondocks... I mean come on... hell and thats just one example

or how bout rosa parks... or hell the r kelly episodes... or in living color and their satire of and outright making fun ala ted turner classic style of great events and/or time periods in african american history
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This thread got derailed.

Someone brought up an interesting scenario. Since this is a killer slave movie, its not exactly going to be the norm of what the movie viewing public watches. Do you see it at a black movie theater and then go to a white theater to see their reactions?
I'm not trying to call anyone out personally, especially if I don't know them in real life but getting so upset by other people's opinion shows a lack of respect towards their intellect and right to express their views, based on their own personal experience and thought processes.

People pop off the handle ranting about the plot line of the new TMNT movie, a potential Space Jam remake or the misrepresentation of comic book story lines in major Hollywood films but cats can't intelligently talk about a movie dealing with the most sensitive aspects of their identity and ancestry?

Strikes me as suppressed bigotry spilling over.

So if you're not trying to call anyone out personally because you don't know them in real life, why even pull the "closet racist" card?  :lol:   Sure, you didn't say a name, but you made a blanket statement directed at someone or some people in this thread.  So we're just gonna make vague statements like that and just let it ride because you don't know anyone personally?   

When you insinuate that someone is a racist, please come with better proof than someone not being able to intelligently talk about a movie (intelligent is purely subjective, btw), or showing a lack of respect towards your right to express your views.  None of those instances lends any credence to someone being a racist.  Couldn't it just be that they have a different opinion than you? 

And could it be that your jimmies are rustled?  Because the only time I see people bring out the "closet racist" card without clear, concrete examples of someone actually being a racist, is when THEIR jimmies are rustled.  

Ok bro.

I didn't even know that there was a "closet racist card"....or is it every time you use the word "racist", the word "card" has to follow it?

I guess my jimmies are rustled.

Learn something new everyday.

I didn't even speak my piece on the movie, I'm just defending people's rights to have an opinion.

I personally could care less about this flick either way. It's a blip on the pop radar and will be forgotten in a couple of weeks.
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my thing is this:

What could be the negative outcome of this movie?

What would be the negative impact?

What would the negative reinforcement consist of?
Just to stand up for my man Tyler Perry, I think he gets a bad rep. All his movies aren't like the Madea movies, and most contain positive black characters (as well as negative). Also, he employs a lot of black people behind the camera as well. Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, Robin Williams, etc. all played women characters and didn't get this hate.

Back on topic with QT, I'm not gonna hold too much judgement until I watch the movie. If a black director, or even one who wasn't Tarantino made this same movie, I doubt so much negative criticism with be attached to a movie that hasn't even been released yet.
This thread got derailed.

Someone brought up an interesting scenario. Since this is a killer slave movie, its not exactly going to be the norm of what the movie viewing public watches. Do you see it at a black movie theater and then go to a white theater to see their reactions?

It would be "interesting" to see the reaction in a predominantly white theater I think :lol: since honestly most movies don't really have a black or minority protagonist killing off white characters, but who's really gonna be mad about slave owners getting murked? If anything it may be a little uncomfortable for some white people seeing it and realizing maybe HOW barbaric it really was.... but really I see this as almost a parallel to Inglorious Bastards which all my Jewish friends had no problem with at all....so I'm not getting my fellow black people taking issue with the movie. The slave is revolting and getting revenge on his former master and those who oppressed and dehumanized his entire existence....like its not meant to be realistic per se just like IB wasn't realistic, its an action movie more than a historical work imo.

Like I said earlier though, people can go see Twelve Years a Slave if they want an accurate portrayal of the period and a more "emotional" journey; both movies look/sound great to me but people gotta know what to expect going into it
No because as time goes on the attitude toward certain vicious events lessens. Can't possibly expect young people today to think slavery is as big of a thing as kids in the 70/80s looked at it. I mean they honestly just don't care..

Not saying it is right, just the way it is.
No because as time goes on the attitude toward certain vicious events lessens. Can't possibly expect young people today to think slavery is as big of a thing as kids in the 70/80s looked at it. I mean they honestly just don't care..
Not saying it is right, just the way it is.

naturally there will be some disconnect

but at the same time i think it's a topic that should be treated with a certain amount of respect still

just my opinion
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because certain lessons shouldn't be forgotten?

I don't think it should be either but the way human nature works is that as we are more separated from it by time it loses any relevance in our lives. Except for the politically minded, slavery will not be a major issue to the kids of my generation and beyond. It will just be another fact to remember to pass their tests/regents.
The only respect the issue is going to be given is its inclusion in grade school curriculums, and the occasional movie. The societal significance dissipates. It's what happens with nearly every major event in human history.

The masses don't really care about the topic of slavey. Especially in the United States where discourse on the topic of slavery or race hardly ever occurs across ethnic lines. Like Eric Holder said, the United States is a nation of cowards when it comes to the issue of race.
my thing is this:
What could be the negative outcome of this movie?
What would be the negative impact?
What would the negative reinforcement consist of?

people becoming completely desensitized to the topic of slavery?

I can see your point, but my thing is, its not up to Hollywood to teach about the horrors of slavery, that's not the responsibility of action movies or movies in general....it's realllly hard to make a serious accurate portrayal of how awful and despicable that was for African (and African-American) people, that's why I'm also really excited to see Twelve Yrs a Slave. Take issue with history books and things like that and how it is taught in schools, that has much more of a profound impact on how people perceive the period.

Inglorious Bastards didn't "desensitize" the Holocaust, nor did other Jewish revenge movies like Munich, so I don't think it will have that effect. I think as time passes white people will naturally want to distance themselves from it, and I can't blame anyone who would. Its tough to swallow that some of their ancestors were involved in something that still has lingering effects on race relations to this day like 2-300 yrs later...QT's motive isn't to educate people on slavery but to give a depicition of it that offers like what we wish would've happened I think. Like most people now probably WISH that Toussaint L"overture or Nat Turner were more successful in uprooting and fighting back against the institution of slavery. And I doubt that the humor that comes from this is gonna be directly related to a scene with a slave being beaten or anything like that...
i dont disagree with what your saying im just stating that it seems alot of ppl have a problem with whose behind the lens moreso then the movie itself considering they havent even seen the movie... I get ppl being offended AFTER seeing it... but to formulate an opinion and a persons intent and ulterior motives based on snippets...is in kinda a twist ironic considering the race of ppl we are talking about.

That and also due in large part of ppl basically considering this borderline *******...and mistrel...yet have seen the likes of many wayans brother movies... ice cube movies.. and hell probably have a copy of soul plane in their collection...
Ok,but for example If Tyler Perry was to anounce that in 2013 there will be another Madea movie in threater's,at this point in time none of us have to actually see a movie trailor or any advertisments to know what that movie probably will entail because theres already a history and something we can already make reference to.That's no different for Quentin Tarantino,unless he's going totally left-field with Django Unchained, which I doubt because it wouldn't be a Quentin Tarantinos film.
I'm personally not judgeing the movie,just yet, not until I see the movie first and that won't be tommorrow nor probably at a movie threater either but just at a later date.
I'm also not upset about whose behind the camera because for example Steven Spielberg directed "The color of purple" which if you've read the book really wasn't a happy story but he went out on a limb,chose the right actor's and artistically brought to life,a movie that 27yr's later no one question's why it was made?,what purpose did it serve? and how will it be preceived by other's because let's be honest,some people base their thought's,feeling's, and knowledge off of the character's and images they see,as stupid as it is,they do.

I'm not calling anothing a minstrel show or even going in that direction because personally I have no problem with the whole minstrel thing because if it wasn't for people like 'Steppin Fetcher',just think where black's would be at in Hollywood,now?we have to crawl before we can walk,and I think we've crawled enough,we've walked miles in circle's and it;s now time to stop settling,get our fund's together and begin to run,literally,our own ****.And to be totally honest,if someone like a Spike Lee,John Singleton,Hype William's...ect, had half the support,funding ,***-kisser's and following that someone like a Quentin has in Hollywood,I don't think movie's like "Soul Plane" would be problem because we would have something out to counter that garbage.But right now,if you'er a black actor,it's either gangster,criminal,comedian or your masculinity is so delluted,til your just there in a movie.
Will Smith's character in the movie "Handcock" where he was a man that could do just about anything but first he was a pictured as a slacker,unmotivated, abuser,bully who didn't get his act together until he met a white family and fell in love with a white woman.I found it funny,but no I don't know if there's a book or if that's how the character really is,I'm just going off of what little I did watch of the movie,I couldn't finish it;And no I am not bothered by the white family part or the white woman part.......it's a fluffy family movie.
I can see your point, but my thing is, its not up to Hollywood to teach about the horrors of slavery, that's not the responsibility of action movies or movies in general....it's realllly hard to make a serious accurate portrayal of how awful and despicable that was for African (and African-American) people, that's why I'm also really excited to see Twelve Yrs a Slave. Take issue with history books and things like that and how it is taught in schools, that has much more of a profound impact on how people perceive the period.

i disagree, film is a very powerful medium.

going a bit off topic here, but have you seen city of god? When the film was released, it sent shockwaves throughout brazilian society and prompted reforms in socioeconomic policy.

films can have a big hand in altering people's perception, often times more than politics can.
I can see your point, but my thing is, its not up to Hollywood to teach about the horrors of slavery, that's not the responsibility of action movies or movies in general....it's realllly hard to make a serious accurate portrayal of how awful and despicable that was for African (and African-American) people, that's why I'm also really excited to see Twelve Yrs a Slave. Take issue with history books and things like that and how it is taught in schools, that has much more of a profound impact on how people perceive the period.

i disagree, film is a very powerful medium.

going a bit off topic here, but have you seen city of god? When the film was released, it sent shockwaves throughout brazilian society and prompted reforms in socioeconomic policy.

films can have a big hand in altering people's perception, often times more than politics can.

Absolutely it is a powerful medium, and I've seen City of God and loved it...but that movie and Django are completely different. Slavery isn't something that is going on in our country today as it did hundreds of yrs ago...and this movie isnt not going to prompt any kind of change in American culture. And I also agree that it can alter people's perception but from all accounts this movie doesn't romanticize the "slave masters" in fact it makes you hate them maybe even more than you did before you sat in the seat to watch it b/c it wasn't visually displayed right in front of you how evil those people were...I just think that this is in the same vein as IB, its a revengeful take on what we wish would've happened to more of the slave owners...he's not trying or attempting to make the ultimate depiction of slavery, and I think the trailers actually help accomplish that goal.

Maybe this movie will make people go back and look at what actually occurred in the past, instead of just brushing it off as cartoonish. But I think the manner in which it is covered in history books, much like the way they treat the Manifest Destiny issue have a more profound impact on a young person's mind. I don't think too many school books or history teachers delve into just how awful this was....and from all the accounts I've read QT doesn't skimp on displaying the immense pain and violence that comes from it. But I'm also in a way happy that there is a black male character getting to revenge his family and fight to be reunited with his wife too, its more of an entertainment film than one that is a social commentary...I just think that there is room for both in this instance, like with IB and a movie like the Pianist or something. But movies being made like Twelve Years will give that more accurate depiction and more realistic look at what slavery was....I just hope as many people go check that out as they do a Tyler Perry Madea movie :lol:
Ok,but for example If Tyler Perry was to anounce that in 2013 there will be another Madea movie in threater's,at this point in time none of us have to actually see a movie trailor or any advertisments to know what that movie probably will entail because theres already a history and something we can already make reference to.That's no different for Quentin Tarantino,unless he's going totally left-field with Django Unchained, which I doubt because it wouldn't be a Quentin Tarantinos film.
I'm personally not judgeing the movie,just yet, not until I see the movie first and that won't be tommorrow nor probably at a movie threater either but just at a later date.
I'm also not upset about whose behind the camera because for example Steven Spielberg directed "The color of purple" which if you've read the book really wasn't a happy story but he went out on a limb,chose the right actor's and artistically brought to life,a movie that 27yr's later no one question's why it was made?,what purpose did it serve? and how will it be preceived by other's because let's be honest,some people base their thought's,feeling's, and knowledge off of the character's and images they see,as stupid as it is,they do.
I'm not calling anothing a minstrel show or even going in that direction because personally I have no problem with the whole minstrel thing because if it wasn't for people like 'Steppin Fetcher',just think where black's would be at in Hollywood,now?we have to crawl before we can walk,and I think we've crawled enough,we've walked miles in circle's and it;s now time to stop settling,get our fund's together and begin to run,literally,our own ****.And to be totally honest,if someone like a Spike Lee,John Singleton,Hype William's...ect, had half the support,funding ,***-kisser's and following that someone like a Quentin has in Hollywood,I don't think movie's like "Soul Plane" would be problem because we would have something out to counter that garbage.But right now,if you'er a black actor,it's either gangster,criminal,comedian or your masculinity is so delluted,til your just there in a movie.
Will Smith's character in the movie "Handcock" where he was a man that could do just about anything but first he was a pictured as a slacker,unmotivated, abuser,bully who didn't get his act together until he met a white family and fell in love with a white woman.I found it funny,but no I don't know if there's a book or if that's how the character really is,I'm just going off of what little I did watch of the movie,I couldn't finish it;And no I am not bothered by the white family part or the white woman part.......it's a fluffy family movie.
you cant compare him with tyler because generally tyler only makes 1 type of movie and generally drives in one lane ala like spike.... so you cant say oh this is a typical genre style,subject matter that qt would do..cause outisde IB...and even that isnt quite the exact same...what other movie is in the realm of this produced by him? What pulp fiction....kill bill...plus he makes abroad movies...that cater and are well recieved by all races...tyler perry not so much..  And steven is a different type director then qt...and if its about subject matter then that red tails was almost borderline garbage in terms of if it was to be a true and accurate depiction...hell the made for hbo tuskeegee versions blows it out the water and spent at the very most a tenth of the budget...

I mean i like spike but you even have to admit hs catalog doesnt scream...a wide range, or diversity in terms of style content, context, or esp... genre.

Yea its a bunch of grabage in terms of black tv shows/movies out...and there def should be a counter and needs to be a counter...While this movie again isnt the second coming of roots, it wasnt intended to be, but ppl act like because it isnt then itss gonna be on some spaceballs,,,police academy, smothers brothers type of movie. In no clips that i have seen or even the preview reviews description of the movie did it suggest of give an inclination this was some sort of longated extended version of the chappelle show slavery skit. And thats what ppl are basically saying it is based on.... what a clip, the producer? i could see if he had a history of making several movies in this nature and has made them into a mockumentary of some sort.

But outside of IB what has he even remotely done close? And even that movie wasnt racist, or making fun of a horrific event. Like i said i see this movie on the lines of like a boondocks episode... it will have some funny moments..in which not to be a comedy, it will have some heartbreak/heartfelt moments, and it will give a dumbed down message that is relatable to the masses, yet have subtle,hidden gems of truths and underlying facts...for others. Kinda like his other movies like a pulp fiction. A movie with in the movie...This movie will have layers, thats the one thing i go in and expect.
I'm not trying to call anyone out personally, especially if I don't know them in real life but getting so upset by other people's opinion shows a lack of respect towards their intellect and right to express their views, based on their own personal experience and thought processes.

People pop off the handle ranting about the plot line of the new TMNT movie, a potential Space Jam remake or the misrepresentation of comic book story lines in major Hollywood films but cats can't intelligently talk about a movie dealing with the most sensitive aspects of their identity and ancestry?

Strikes me as suppressed bigotry spilling over.
So if you're not trying to call anyone out personally because you don't know them in real life, why even pull the "closet racist" card?  
  Sure, you didn't say a name, but you made a blanket statement directed at someone or some people in this thread.  So we're just gonna make vague statements like that and just let it ride because you don't know anyone personally?   

When you insinuate that someone is a racist, please come with better proof than someone not being able to intelligently talk about a movie (intelligent is purely subjective, btw), or showing a lack of respect towards your right to express your views.  None of those instances lends any credence to someone being a racist.  Couldn't it just be that they have a different opinion than you? 

And could it be that your jimmies are rustled?  Because the only time I see people bring out the "closet racist" card without clear, concrete examples of someone actually being a racist, is when THEIR jimmies are rustled.  
Ok bro.

I didn't even know that there was a "closet racist card"....or is it every time you use the word "racist", the word "card" has to follow it?

I guess my jimmies are rustled.

Learn something new everyday.

I didn't even speak my piece on the movie, I'm just defending people's rights to have an opinion.

I personally could care less about this flick either way. It's a blip on the pop radar and will be forgotten in a couple of weeks.

Great response, bro.  Ignore my points, be sarcastic and then skate away by saying you could care less about the movie.  Btw, it would be I COULDN'T care less.  

This isn't about your view of the movie.  Frankly, I don't care what your opinion is.  You mention defending people's rights to have an opinion--so long as it agrees with what YOU believe, right?  Because it seems to me that those who oppose what you believe are closet racists (your term....not mine), right?  

As a black man, it pains me to see my folks throw around the word "racist" when it comes to situations like this.  Is there a chance that those who think differently from you are indeed racist?  Sure.  But you can't prove it until someone gives you a clear cut example, of which there have been none in this thread.  When you throw that word out there, it immediately breaks down any sensible conversation that was taking place.  There is a surefire way to devolve meaningful interaction between differing viewpoints regarding race--call the "opposition" racist.  Good job.  

Don't even bother responding because I don't even care about this movie and it'll be forgotten in a couple of weeks.  You know how you can tell I don't care?  Because I've posted in this thread multiple times. 
Great article about QT's mindset, and the use of the N word.


Not finna copy and paste the whole thing (it's six pages) but I loved this quote

HLG: Why do you think we've had to distance ourselves from the pain as we have -- which makes your representation shocking?

QT: I don't know the answer to that question because I don't feel that way. I can't understand why anybody would feel that way. I think America is one of the only countries that has not been forced, sometimes by the rest of the world, to look their own past sins completely in the face. And it's only by looking them in the face that you can possibly work past them. And it's not a case where the Turks don't want to acknowledge the Armenian holocaust, but the Armenians do. Nobody wants to acknowledge it here.
Great article about QT's mindset, and the use of the N word.


Not finna copy and paste the whole thing (it's six pages) but I loved this quote

HLG: Why do you think we've had to distance ourselves from the pain as we have -- which makes your representation shocking?

QT: I don't know the answer to that question because I don't feel that way. I can't understand why anybody would feel that way. I think America is one of the only countries that has not been forced, sometimes by the rest of the world, to look their own past sins completely in the face. And it's only by looking them in the face that you can possibly work past them. And it's not a case where the Turks don't want to acknowledge the Armenian holocaust, but the Armenians do. Nobody wants to acknowledge it here.

But to that quote you just posted, I would tell QT to make a movie seriously depicting the trials and tribulations that slaves had to go through, not a stylized spaghetti western. I think thats the main issue
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