Question for all the grown men on NT

Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.


1. Investment Banking
2. Networking and hard work
3. Yes
4. See point 1
5. Yes 
been out of hs 3 years now

ive been working since that summer

im supposed to start college in January,but i really dont want to.

my reason being ......i know people with college degrees who arent doing what they went to college for.

im like bruh you need a degree to be a security guard at north east market? ORLY?
Originally Posted by awon23

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

Let see I am 25 to start off with.
I am a Mechanical Engineer for company that produces polyester thread, and resins chips to make coca cola bottles. (If you live on the east coast and have any coca cola product, it came from my plant site).

I graduated with a Mechanical Engineering degree from Colorado School of Mines (Small Engineering school, but definitely was voted the best engineering school in the mid west, and is ranked in the top 25 overall for engineering). I was lucky enough to get a full ride football scholarship(We were D2), so i graduated with no debt. My job came to me, I was at another engineering job and posted my resume on Monster, and I had a lot of offers on the table. I took this job because I love South Carolina and wanted to live here. Money is pretty good, I am finically stable and able to have fun at the same time.

I am happy with where my life is for the most part. I miss Colorado(born and raised there) and my friends and family. But I didnt want to be like all my friends and never leave home. Work is great, only thing I dont like about it, is that I am so much younger than everyone else so no one really has much in common with me. Makes for some lonely lunches
. But my next venture is real-estate. I am in the process of buying a foreclosed house for dirt cheap and renting it out for extra cash. I hope by the end of next year to have at least 3 or 4 spots like that. 
Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

I got where I am today by making simply making good choices.  During my highschool years I separated myself from the friends that weren't focused on making something of themselves.  At 13, I volunteered full-time M-F during the summer 8:30am to 5:00pm at a local museum.  There I came in contact with many science and health care professionals that became mentors.  At 14,  I began being paid full time for my work there.  Making my own money at a young age gave me a passion for the rewards of hardwork, instead of running the streets with my friends.  I picked up a second job to get the things that I wanted, and continued working two jobs until I got to college.

College was the best thing that has happened to me.  It gave me four years to prepare for real life, and work towards a degree.  As soon as I got my degree,  I also got a Real Estate License to fall back on in case the economy bottomed out.
Good move looking back on it.  Some years ago I was able to generate a substantial amount of income by doing real estate part time on the weekends.  I started an entry level job right out of college and held several part time jobs to create extra income.  That hard work ethic from my childhood is still with me today.

These days I'm doing well financially and have achieved all of my carrier goals.  My wife has the option to be a stay at home mom, and I'm able to give my family all the extras in life.  I have a relocation promotion on the table that I have to decide on, and I am looking at exploring the challenge of self employment some time in the future.  That means going back to school at some time.  I'm now married with two kids and couldn't be happier. 

OP, it's never to late.  Get focused, set goals, and do your best to achieve them.
You can do anything with hard work.
Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.


To support myself I work at MLM company, financial advisor. But learning about and experiencing how to work with stocks and investments. But I plain on being a painter.

Study. Work.

I'm was in college and going back.

OK, but still dependent on my family.

Not exactly.
Good grades + Hard work + parents who prioritized education above all else (seriously: got ripped of a basketball team once for getting a B)

College: yes, and pharmacy school

Financially: I'm doing ok...I have a reasonably high-income (130k), but my net worth is miniscule (60k).  Hopefully, I'll have my student loans paid off at the end of this month and won't have to worry about that anymore.  

Happy: eehhh...I'm aite...I love the flexibility of my profession, and the compensation, but I'm not in love with the work.  In fact, I'm going back to school in the next year to get a degree in finance.  Hope they'll hire someone at the age of 31-33, cuz I'll be about that old by the time I finish.

If I had it to do over again...What would I do differently:

1. Still pick same profession: it offers me the change to make 40-50k working two days a week if I decide to pursue something else, so its a great fall back.

2. Ball less: Graduated four years ago...I've had a G35, a 335i, and now a leased 135i.  I've bought a Tag heurer, an Omega, and a Breitling.  Things are nice, but financial security feels way better.  I wish I had socked some of that money into investments.  Oh well, I know better now: my next car will be a 2009 328i or a CPO ford focus, which will be paid all cash.

3. Started school again, the second I graduated.  The money I've earned has been nice, but the time lost in doing something that isn't necessarily my passion was more valuable.
Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.


-Civil Engineer
-Career wise, I got to be where I am at today thru a combination of school and internships. Although school played an important part on getting hired on, the experience I gained from my years of interning while in school def made me stand out. There was a lot of hard work, sacrifices and dedication to get to where I'm at now
-College graduate with a B.S in Civil Engineering.
-Financially, I'm doing pretty good. I have a healthy savings account, have a pretty cool car and working on making my first home purchase. I'm coming up on a promotion, so the savings account should grow a bit quicker while still being able to maintain the lifestyle I live.
-Am I happy with where I'm at in life? Yes and No. Career wise, I'm happy. I see a bright future for myself at the company I'm at. Personal life, not so happy. Its been a good year for me - bought myself a new M3, looking to purchasing my first condo... but the girl I thought was 'the one'  dumped me couple days ago. I struggle with personal issues which drives me into a mood of depression.

I'm 25 by the way.
Originally Posted by awon23

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

1.  Mutual Fund Accountant, primarily fund reporting
2.  fell into the mutual fund industry after graduating from community college.  but being persistant and working hard always helps no matter what you do.

3.  after community college went to 4 year school part time, and had to graduate to get where i am.  

4.  i'm comfortable, but my wife's income helps out just as much.

5.  i'm content.  to move up in this industry, i'd have to get my master's.  with a mortgage and 2 kids, i don't think that's in the cards.  
Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

Hardwork in the classroom and Gym

I graduate next December

The NCAA doesn't let me make this paper like I'm supposed to

I'm happy, but I'm not fully content. I want more.
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

Hardwork in the classroom and Gym

I graduate next December

The NCAA doesn't let me make this paper like I'm supposed to

I'm happy, but I'm not fully content. I want more.

cut your hair, hippy.
Originally Posted by awon23

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?
Im 26 and have yet to find anything i truly love doing besides
or gettin wasted with friends. I feel like an unk, smh

-Asset Manager for a govt agency

-I was working as a laborer for the govt (delivering boxes, movin office equipment) when i noticed that the guy tracking the computers was doing way less work and getting way more money. I learned enought to put in on my resume and I've been moving up the career ladder ever since (from 25k to 65k in 2.5 years)

-Dropped out of community college after a year

-I make good money but I manage my money terribly

-Im content with my life, but I know deep down inside I could be doing sooo much more. Not to mention my Ex seems to have stolen my mojo along with my furniture. My confidence is in the dumps currently, but i plan on smangin a couple hoodrats to get it back. Im giving serious consideration to moving to the west coast and trying to open my own dispensary.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

I got where I am today by making simply making good choices.  During my highschool years I separated myself from the friends that weren't focused on making something of themselves.  At 13, I volunteered full-time M-F during the summer 8:30am to 5:00pm at a local museum.  There I came in contact with many science and health care professionals that became mentors.  At 14,  I began being paid full time for my work there.  Making my own money at a young age gave me a passion for the rewards of hardwork, instead of running the streets with my friends.  I picked up a second job to get the things that I wanted, and continued working two jobs until I got to college.

College was the best thing that has happened to me.  It gave me four years to prepare for real life, and work towards a degree.  As soon as I got my degree,  I also got a Real Estate License to fall back on in case the economy bottomed out.
Good move looking back on it.  Some years ago I was able to generate a substantial amount of income by doing real estate part time on the weekends.  I started an entry level job right out of college and held several part time jobs to create extra income.  That hard work ethic from my childhood is still with me today.

These days I'm doing well financially and have achieved all of my carrier goals.  My wife has the option to be a stay at home mom, and I'm able to give my family all the extras in life.  I have a relocation promotion on the table that I have to decide on, and I am looking at exploring the challenge of self employment some time in the future.  That means going back to school at some time.  I'm now married with two kids and couldn't be happier. 

OP, it's never to late.  Get focused, set goals, and do your best to achieve them.
You can do anything with hard work.
As a young guy in my first semester of college, this thread is very inspirational; especially the post where dudes are not pulling in major bank but still happy. God Bless.
Originally Posted by awon23

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?
Right now I'm finishing up an Electrical Engineering degree, and when I'm not doing that I'm either at work testing prototype HP switches, trying to do something out of the apartment with my girl, or trying to fit in enough sleep to get by.

I didn't know what I wanted to do when I was in highschool.  I dragged my feet and procrastinated on scholarships, and frankly it was mostly because if I got the scholarships I had no damn clue what I was going to do in college.  One day I asked my best friend and asked him what he was doing.  He said he was thinking of joining the Army as a radio repairman (35E at the time).  I tagged along to talk to the recruiter, found out their was a buddy program, and since I had no clue what I was going to do I decided  that I might as well do something with someone I know.  At first I wanted to be EOD as I love messing with bombs (look I lived in the country where pipe bombs strapped to trees is a form of entertainment).  My Mom and even the recruiter would have none of it, and the recruiter pointed out I had to have the same MOS as my buddy to do the buddy program.  So about 6 months later found me sitting on my duffle bag chatting with my bud while waiting for the bus to take us from reception to bootcamp at Fort Benning, GA.  The date was Sept 11, 2001.  My friend and I would eventually go to Fort Gordon, GA to do our MOS training, and then to Fort Lewis, WA for our first duty station.  We would also do two tours of Iraq together, although the second tour he was in Mosul and I was in Tal'Afar.  Before the first tour I was thinking seriously of going career Army, after the first tour I was thinking seriously of going to college.  I really loved working with the electronics, and I'm good at math, so I decided to major in Electrical Engineering.

See Above.

Tuition has increased more than 100% since I started, the GI Bill has increased ~ 15%.  I get by, barely.

I hate college, and view it as the most expensive babysitting in the world.  It's not really designed to teach you anything, and the only things you'll learn you will teach yourself.  In that I'm frustrated and pissed off constantly as I feel ripped off.  Then I think, no one is shooting at me so that's kind of nice.  I've got a good girl, a car that works, food in the fridge, a roof over my head, running water, the ability to do laundry, and a long list of other things that I've spent a good chunk of my life without.  All in all I can't and won't complain too much....except about homework.  I @@%$%+* hate homework!
Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

Work in IT as a Systems Admin
At maybe around my early 20s just like you, I realized this Liberal Arts degree is not gonna get me any where.

So I said F_ it and went back to school for an IT degree. I always like computers and so forth so I said why not. Turns out it was one of the best decisions I ever made. 
I went to work full time and went to school at night. Its not a easy road but you can do it. Now, 3 degrees later I am in a great situation.
I make your average sysadmin salary. I am content, I love to make more but that will come with experience and some luck.
FYI, I am your typical slacker, always wanted to hang and never wanted to do any work. There will be a day that you will see the light and start taking life serious.
I hope you find your calling.
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

Good grades + Hard work + parents who prioritized education above all else (seriously: got ripped of a basketball team once for getting a B)

College: yes, and pharmacy school

Financially: I'm doing ok...I have a reasonably high-income (130k), but my net worth is miniscule (60k).  Hopefully, I'll have my student loans paid off at the end of this month and won't have to worry about that anymore.  

Happy: eehhh...I'm aite...I love the flexibility of my profession, and the compensation, but I'm not in love with the work.  In fact, I'm going back to school in the next year to get a degree in finance.  Hope they'll hire someone at the age of 31-33, cuz I'll be about that old by the time I finish.

If I had it to do over again...What would I do differently:

1. Still pick same profession: it offers me the change to make 40-50k working two days a week if I decide to pursue something else, so its a great fall back.

2. Ball less: Graduated four years ago...I've had a G35, a 335i, and now a leased 135i.  I've bought a Tag heurer, an Omega, and a Breitling.  Things are nice, but financial security feels way better.  I wish I had socked some of that money into investments.  Oh well, I know better now: my next car will be a 2009 328i or a CPO ford focus, which will be paid all cash.

3. Started school again, the second I graduated.  The money I've earned has been nice, but the time lost in doing something that isn't necessarily my passion was more valuable.

 really like the sincerity of this post

as far as i go:

Respiratory Therapist age 29 been doing so for the past 6 years

worked two jobs prior to college, Footaction and Express

continueed both jobs and enrolled at a local community college taking liberal arts credits

was recruited by the head of the programs dept

enrolled in the program and was put on by one of the professors to work at a sleep clinic 4 nights a week, went from minimum wage to 17.50 an hour FELTGOODMAN.

worked nights and went to school during the day, both full time.

graduated and landed a job immediately, been here for the past 6 years and for the past 3 ive worked a second part time job at a different hospital, once you are in, mostly everyone in my field holds 2-3 the people you work with also work in other hospitals and that facilitates your opportunities to work in other hospitals soooo much.

im not rich, but im content with my life and what ive been able to achieve, could i have done better??...of course, could i go back and do it now??...unfortunately no, i have a family to support and myself, really no more time for school, but i find pride in the fact that if things continue down this path, my kids will live up to the potential that i couldnt because ill have their back like my mother just couldnt, she did her best and im grateful.

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