Question for all the grown men on NT

Nov 30, 2007
I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

I did graduate several schools
school loans
I'm content
Originally Posted by awon23

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.


Construction (full machanic)
Hard work and knowing a few people
Started but dropped out after 2 semesters
80k-105k depending on the year
Life is good cant complain since it was worse before

One piece of advice is not to compare yourself to others accomplishment (use to do that all the time
) just find something that your good at and run with it.
Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.


Trade School(Stiil attending)

Well, I don't have loans, since I go to school for free. So yes.

I'm content, but I want more
Im a fresh 24 year old.

Starting off as a porter for a honda dealership i moved on to being a service writter.
After being at Honda for 5 years.. the !+%* hit the fan with new managers and trying to crunch numbers. i got tired of screwing customers over, long hours and being pushed to my highest stress level.. worrying about losing my job everyday due to poor management. sucks being in that position.. talked to my parents and they said it was alright for me to leave.. I didnt want to look like a quitter to them.

started school back in Aug, and i love it. Majoring in Education. Minor Criminal Justice.

Thinking about it does make me sad but cant look back.

Family, school, shoes, and friends all mixed in one keeps me going.
About to be 23...... everything cool except

I screamed at this kid in the hood cause I think he stole my weed plant..... thing is the kid's family might be gang related so now Im thinking of apologizing for getting loud at this 15yr old... Im still gonna buy a gun tho as a present for my self and just in case a war pops off... dang
Originally Posted by MrBrown

About to be 23...... everything cool except

I screamed at this kid in the hood cause I think he stole my weed plant..... thing is the kid's family might be gang related so now Im thinking of apologizing for getting loud at this 15yr old... Im still gonna buy a gun tho as a present for my self and just in case a war pops off... dang
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

I did graduate several schools
school loans
I'm content
plus he has an awesome trench coat. 
Originally Posted by awon23

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?
Admission counselor for a tech college (a for-profit)
I was referred by a friend

I graduated in May 2011 from a four-year liberal arts school with a journalism major and English minor

I make 40k a year, but I am still really struggling with budgeting and saving. Rent is $600 (major metropolitan area). 0 debt from college.

No. I was just thinking today in the car about how I have nothing positive in my life. I hate my job; I basically persuade immigrants to sign up for $20,000 loans with 20% interest
 ... and my boss told me I have 30 days to step up my #s or else, I don't know any girls, rent got raised today by $100, I argue with my roommate all the time, my car had to get fixed, my 42-inch TV got stolen last night and I just drove 2.5 hours today for no reason. Oh, and I saw a dude get killed today (bicyclist got hit by a car, blood everywhere, wasn't moving) 
NycPosite wrote:

A piece of advice is not to compare yourself to others accomplishment (use to do that all the time
) just find something that your good at and run with it.

By far the best advice. we can lock this one up. We are all not blessed the same. 
Originally Posted by awon23

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

M-F I work at a Cancer center in one of NY's best hospitals. I help patients mostly with interpretation (English to Spanish) but I also steer them around the hospital, book appointments, request foreign records/films. I do a bunch of other stuff (job description is very vague) but that is the bulk of it.
Most weekends I volunteer as an EMT. Tons of fun, especially when you get good calls. 

I am actually there today because I got fired from a retail job in the summer of 2010. I was nervous as all hell because I am the sole provider of a family of four and NYC aint cheap. But in the long run that was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was getting 55k a year, but working all weekends, holidays, never spending time with the family, always worried and stressing about sales goals. Managing people that sell stuff to people pays great but not really fulfilling. When I got canned I decided my next move would be career based, not just a well paying job. Went back to school and got my EMT certification. I cut my salary in third but that experience on my resume helped me land what I have today, and eventually i will work for FDNY (i hope). 

I went to college but never finished. Its on the bucket list, but my experience there has zero impact on my life with the exception that I met my wife there. 

Not too shabby in the financial department. Bills are paid, comfortable, family has everything they need, and most importantly, ZERO DEBT! I know people my age that have a bit more lavish lifestyle (better car, bigger house), but they are 25k or more in debt. I'll pass on that. 

Yes but I know the best is yet to come. I set some long term goals and im slowly positioning myself to make those a reality.
Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

1. Personal Trainer
2. Hustle and hard work.  Also took some risk and a few months making little to no money but now it's all good.

3. Went to school for something else.  Did not graduate but you don't need a degree to be a PT, just certification, but it's better to have more than one cert, and if you DO have a degree in exercise science/kinesiology it helps with landing a job.  I wish I finished school though.  If I leave my job now I"m starting over again getting clientele.  You have more options for work when you have a degree. 

4. Doing OK financially, but not completely comfortable yet.  Can pay rent/bills no problem and still save a little and have money to do things but I'm not without debt.

5. Happy where I'm at in life, look forward to seeing where I go.
Originally Posted by Glockwork3

^^^ i don't even know how to act...

I mean, things are always better the next day, I guess. But I came home today to an empty entertainment center and it reminded me how badly things are going right now 

Wish I was still in college, acting reckless with no consequences... 
Originally Posted by awon23

I'm a 23 year-old contemplating what the @#++ I'm gonna do with my life. I have yet to find something I absolutely love doing and something I can put my heart into.
With that being said I have few questions for all the grown men on NikeTalk.

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?

I don't mean to get too personal, I just would like some input.

I'm in my late 20's. I'm 2 quarters away from my Masters in Social Work.
Married, with 1 child, and we own our home on 1 income.

I am very happy with where I'm at right now.

It took a while for me to commit to a career. At 23 I was drinking and hanging in clubs and such. Needless to say thinking about what I wanted to do for 35 years made my head hurt. OP find something your truly passionate about, and make a plan on how to get there. What can you do in 1 mo, 6 mo, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. 
26 years old

graduated with my B.A. in communication sciences and disorders
studied, took my role in college seriously because my parents were footing the bill
yes and yes
not at the moment...I still have to get my graduate degree in speech-language pathology
I am very happy with my life...I may have no car, no girl...but I got great prospects on my horizon, good family and friends, some
and a positive mentality every day I wake up.
I also do some side business that has piqued my interest for quite some time and i'm about to take it more seriously.
Originally Posted by MrBrown

About to be 23...... everything cool except

I screamed at this kid in the hood cause I think he stole my weed plant..... thing is the kid's family might be gang related so now Im thinking of apologizing for getting loud at this 15yr old... Im still gonna buy a gun tho as a present for my self and just in case a war pops off... dang

sooo unexpected
Originally Posted by awon23

What is it that you do? 

How did you get to where you are at today?

Did you go to college and graduate to get to where you are today?

Are you doing well financially?

And most importantly, are you happy with where you are at in life?
im 26

billing office of a major hospital in NYC
not going to lie, i got hooked up. i work directly for my friends mother.
went to college for things other than medical billing. did not graduate.
finally have enough to live on my own. how comfortably remains to be seen.
not really but i cant complain i guess.
graduated with business management - marketing
currently looking for a big boy career job ( Chicago Area)
financially struggling but trying to make the best of it.
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