Question for my fellow humans?

Apr 3, 2011
i know you guys are infatuated with capitalism but do you guys(especially americans) believe that capitalism is the best distributor of resources?There's a reason why no country in the world uses a pure capitalistic system.
I believe this due to fact that a  pure capitalist system would send us  back  to the feudal ages.*(by fuedal ages i mean closer to Marx's rendition).

Question 1:So why do you guys  cling onto  capitalism ?

It should be painfully obvious to us all by now that the market as a distributor of resources is a failure.Also i feel the centralized bureaucracy(socialism and its many faces) as a  resource sharing method has failed as well.

Question 2: Is there a way to share  resources  in an egalitarian  way without (the market or some form of government) ?

Since  2007-8, I felt there was an opportunity for us as humans to address issue of resource distribution, but all ever got was occupy wall street.The looming economic hardships in have given me Hope that  this can be brought up again.

I feel sooner or later, we as humans are going to  have to deal with this issue.[Money can not be the "be all end all" for us]

forgive my impudence, for i lack an understanding of the ways the world works!
Plus i have a lot of extra time
i would prefer to 12 really good responses over 62 pages of pics, gifs and did not read

socialism  as  a system  would be most appropriate since the market  can not be relied upon to distribute anything

but  my socialism is heavily reliant on the government.So as long the government doesn't become corrupt  everything runs  smoothly
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