Quick Custom Question

Jan 24, 2006
I painted some white forces and didnt prep them. They didnt look bad, Is prepping white shoes necessary... Also I had a pair of black dunks and the paint didnt go on well on them even after prepping. Any help on these??
"prepping" them is for durability sake. you can paint over unprepped shoes all day, but theyre MUCH more likely to have the paint crack cause thepaint hasnt bonded to the leather
Okay, well on a small section of the shoe i prepped them until they turned grey, however the grey showed through the paint..
you need more coats of paint.
some paint colors are transparent and will take more coats than others. Yellow, red, some greens, white...theyre a headache cause they take so many coats.other colors like navy, or black, or brown take less coats cause theyre more opaque
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