R.I.P Trayvon

"it gives white people and black people that are racists a platform to vent their views"


he even looked uncomfortable saying that ish
The rest of the world doesn't see black and white? I don't know how far you've traveled Ninjahood, but black and white and color in general is big outside of the United States. Throughout Latin America, there are unspoken caste systems in which the lighter you are, the better you're treated and the higher in society you are. Brasil is the perfect example of this. They are going through their own civil rights movement and have looked to the United States as an example as to what to do. The president of Brasil admitted on national TV that there was a racism problem in society a few years ago. In India, although outlawed, the caste system is firmly entrenched in society. One of the best selling beauty products in the country is bleaching cream.
Maybe not Canelo really but the Irish person could possibly pass. 

I can't subscribe to that. I think discrimination goes beyond skin hue and is based on culture. If you're Puerto Rican, you will likely face racial stereotypes compared to the German person, regardless of skin hue.
The rest of the world doesn't see black and white? I don't know how far you've traveled Ninjahood, but black and white and color in general is big outside of the United States. Throughout Latin America, there are unspoken caste systems in which the lighter you are, the better you're treated and the higher in society you are. Brasil is the perfect example of this. They are going through their own civil rights movement and have looked to the United States as an example as to what to do. The president of Brasil admitted on national TV that there was a racism problem in society a few years ago. In India, although outlawed, the caste system is firmly entrenched in society. One of the best selling beauty products in the country is bleaching cream.
Maybe not Canelo really but the Irish person could possibly pass. 
I can't subscribe to that. I think discrimination goes beyond skin hue and is based on culture. If you're Puerto Rican, you will likely face racial stereotypes compared to the German person, regardless of skin hue.
If your talking about DISCRIMINATION then yeah I'm with you on that one.  I was just saying that some of those individuals you posted could possibly.............possibly pass off as white.  I was just going back to the "complexion for protection for the collection" phrase. 
I was just saying that some of those individuals you posted could possibly.............possibly pass off as white.  I was just going back to the "complexion for protection for the collection" phrase. 

The "darker" skinned toned people ARE European American whites though.

You see where I'm going? It goes beyond complexion...
i DONT..i get treated like a latino/hispanic.

only on NT is this some sort of taboo issue.

when i log off and go outside its business as usual.

How did that work out for Marc Anthony :lol:

Keep living in your moms crib, I mean your bubble
you're right, GZ shoulda sprinkled some crack on him then it would be a race thing

TM was too innocent for his own good...

Exactly. You have no proof. The prosecution had no proof. Many of us just use logic and experience to assume it was racially motivated. Logic does not always equal "beyond a reasonable doubt."
depending on whos looking at it there is a lot of evidence

1 obviously biased and 5 other mentally defunct jurors simply trotted out there to do what was intended from the very beginning....

carry out "justice" in the name of the law...

the reason you cant see it, the reason you need proof is because it is everywhere, it is top down. 

like how can you defend a system that can so easily be subverted?
The rest of the world doesn't see black and white? I don't know how far you've traveled Ninjahood, but black and white and color in general is big outside of the United States. Throughout Latin America, there are unspoken caste systems in which the lighter you are, the better you're treated and the higher in society you are. Brasil is the perfect example of this. They are going through their own civil rights movement and have looked to the United States as an example as to what to do. The president of Brasil admitted on national TV that there was a racism problem in society a few years ago. In India, although outlawed, the caste system is firmly entrenched in society. One of the best selling beauty products in the country is bleaching cream.
great post.
How did that work out for Marc Anthony

Keep living in your moms crib, I mean your bubble
you're being ignorant with that statement. No better than the idiots on twitter who call this their country and dont realize that puerto ricans are U.S. Citizens.

Edwin be on some Dominican Malcolm X steez from time to time but he's spanish in 99% of the U.S. If you've been to the D.R., you'll see every shade, just like in most countries. Belizeans are "hispanic" but, they're seen as "black" in most cases. Ninjahood looks spanish.

Not sure if this has been posted but it applies.

you're being ignorant with that statement. No better than the idiots on twitter who call this their country and dont realize that puerto ricans are U.S. Citizens.

Edwin be on some Dominican Malcolm X steez from time to time but he's spanish in 99% of the U.S. If you've been to the D.R., you'll see every shade, just like in most countries. Belizeans are "hispanic" but, they're seen as "black" in most cases. Ninjahood looks spanish.

Not sure if this has been posted but it applies.

Yeah right...

Dude looks like most of the black dudes around my way. 
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you're being ignorant with that statement. No better than the idiots on twitter who call this their country and dont realize that puerto ricans are U.S. Citizens.

Edwin be on some Dominican Malcolm X steez from time to time but he's spanish in 99% of the U.S. If you've been to the D.R., you'll see every shade, just like in most countries. Belizeans are "hispanic" but, they're seen as "black" in most cases. Ninjahood looks spanish.

Not sure if this has been posted but it applies.

No, you're just not intelligent enough to get my point. If you didn't get it, you should have asked.

Marc Anthony was born in New York and people were questioning why he was singing America The Beautiful at the all star game.

If you're a dark skin latino, you have your own battle(as being perceived as less than american or illegal) and black americas to most of america.
Lol they discriminate in AFRICA too...my dad is from Lagos Nigeria. My mom is pretty lightskin she could pass for Hispanic, they will tell my dad no when asking for things and turn around and tell my mom yes....when white people come they treat them like gods
you're being ignorant with that statement. No better than the idiots on twitter who call this their country and dont realize that puerto ricans are U.S. Citizens.

Edwin be on some Dominican Malcolm X steez from time to time but he's spanish in 99% of the U.S. If you've been to the D.R., you'll see every shade, just like in most countries. Belizeans are "hispanic" but, they're seen as "black" in most cases. Ninjahood looks spanish.

Not sure if this has been posted but it applies.
Exactly. You have no proof. The prosecution had no proof. Many of us just use logic and experience to assume it was racially motivated. Logic does not always equal "beyond a reasonable doubt."

You and your crew must get into a lot of conflicts with blacks.
Cause you refuse to give the kid any benefit of the doubt he wasn't the aggressor.
And why do you discredit Rachel Jeantel's testimony, but accept the testimony of all Zimcoward's lying a** friends?
you're being ignorant with that statement. No better than the idiots on twitter who call this their country and dont realize that puerto ricans are U.S. Citizens.

Edwin be on some Dominican Malcolm X steez from time to time but he's spanish in 99% of the U.S. If you've been to the D.R., you'll see every shade, just like in most countries. Belizeans are "hispanic" but, they're seen as "black" in most cases. Ninjahood looks spanish.

Not sure if this has been posted but it applies.
Yeah right...

Dude looks like most of the black dudes around my way. 
That doesn't make him black tho. 
what evidence (besides the submitted dead body) would it take or should it take?

its like we as black people have to go above and beyond just for this **** man...

imagine if this same event took place somewhere else...

GZ is just a dude at mall lookin at people...

he sees TM and thinks he is a shoplifter...

he follows him all thru the mall on his scooter...

calls the real security guards, they tell him stay on the cart we're on our way...

he jumps off the cart, grabs TM and says "HEY! STOP!"....

TM snaps, GZ shoots and kills him....

you mean to tell me in a case like that, GZ should go free cuz this is not about race?
Yeah right...

Dude looks like most of the black dudes around my way. 
Where do you live.

In Los Angeles, he's spanish
No, you're just not intelligent enough to get my point. If you didn't get it, you should have asked.

Marc Anthony was born in New York and people were questioning why he was singing America The Beautiful at the all star game.

If you're a dark skin latino, you have your own battle(as being perceived as less than american or illegal) and black americas to most of america.
da second i seen zimmerman i knew i was from south america... unlike americans, da rest of da world doesn't see da world in just black and white.

bottomline is da zimmerman is not guilty because of self defense, his injuries were shown as being sustained from being under trayvon martin.

Good for you, but you live in America.  So does George Zimmerman and isn't that who we're discussing here?  :lol:

Stop trying to avoid the obvious truth, sir.  If you went into that police station and wrote down that you're white, they'd laugh your black *** out of that station.  Zimmerman?  Not so much.

zimmerman doesn't look white..is skin color all you guys see? thats pathetic...

and im not black.

No you're not, but you really believe that you're not perceived as being black by many whites (and blacks, for that matter)?
i DONT..i get treated like a latino/hispanic.

only on NT is this some sort of taboo issue.

when i log off and go outside its business as usual.

And herein lies the problem, ninja.  You rarely get outside of YOUR world.  

Step outside of Da Heightz and NYC and hit up some smaller town in upstate NY.  You'll be looked at as black, more than likely.

I'm not saying it's right, but it is what it is.  That's America.

Just because it doesn't happen in YOUR corner of the world doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.  
sounds like you're giving excusing for people to be ignorant of culture, in NYC which is rich with multiculturalism i dont have a problem

with people understanding that im latino/hispanic. i dont need to change, people need to adapt...america has always been wack overall cuz of that,

thank god NYC doesn't represent da rest of america.


Giving excuses?! Not at all, but you know that. You tend to go off on tangents when you know you're not making any sense.

We're discussing a situation that happened outside of your enclave of NYC. Yes, things are different out there. So no, you cannot apply your logic and experiences in NYC to those who have experienced things differently in locales outside of Da Heightz.

Unfortunately a lot of the US isn't multicultural, and I agree that those folks need to adapt. I wish NYC represented all of the US when it comes to multuculturism. But it doesn't. So yes, Zimmerman is seen as white by a lot of other races. It isn't right but it is what it is.

BTW, the real irony of this back and forth is that you're championing people being multicultural and acknowledging others as different, yet you're pretty much denying that things outside your world are different. Trust that given your complexion, as well as your affinity for da jesus piece, Champion hoodies and sneakers, that you're just another n***** to a grip of white folks out there. They don't give a damn about the DR, just as they don't acknowledge Zimmerman's Peruvian roots. Perception is key.
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