R.I.P Trayvon

Spanish is a language Dominicans speak. It's not a term to describe who they are.
That doesn't make him black tho. 

But dude said he looks Spanish...and by that logic ***** I'm Spanish. 
That doesn't make him black tho. You can argue his African heritage if you want, but dude is not black.
you are upholding the verdict as a triumph and shinging example of this justice system at work.

Link? Reading apparently isn't your thing huh? I clarified how the justice system works for you in theory about 10x. You still haven't grasped it. Now you're saying I'm upholding the verdict as a triumph? Jesus Christ. Take a nap...

You and your crew must get into a lot of conflicts with blacks.
Cause you refuse to give the kid any benefit of the doubt he wasn't the aggressor.
And why do you discredit Rachel Jeantel's testimony, but accept the testimony of all Zimcoward's lying a** friends?

Did you quote the wrong person? When did I say TM was the aggressor? :stoneface:

And I don't have a "crew." I'm a grown *** man. What is this Westside Story?

I do get in conflicts with blacks though. My black friends and I always argue about sports and women.
That doesn't make him black tho. You can argue his African heritage if you want, but dude is not black.
Did you not see the post I quoted where dude said ninja looks Spanish? 

I said how? By that logic I could pass for Spanish...whatever that means man. ****, any light skin brother could be lumped together with the ninja's of the world. 

Our exchange is based off of perception...not actual heritage. 
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I'm not an Obama person, but I am glad he is bringing the racial aspect of the case to the forefront. People are going to say it is inappropriate for him to discuss this but as a black man it will always be appropriate.
Link? Reading apparently isn't your thing huh? I clarified how the justice system works for you in theory about 10x. You still haven't grasped it. Now you're saying I'm upholding the verdict as a triumph? Jesus Christ. Take a nap...
i understand how the justice system works.  if a jury of your peers feel as if a black boys life is worthless then it is.
Well by law if he lived or born in the U.S. 50 years ago he would of been consider negro/black.

Would he agree with the law then?
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I skipped lunch today, so I probably did miss it. I just came in and saw ninjahood and black together so I figured the debate had started again.

Carry on folks.
ran out of reps....five pages ago

just finished catching up from yesterday and i have to say, props to Ninja for standing behind not only your values but your opinions as well. 

that Barkley interview is spot on,  enormous respect to him and his words.

i think alot of you are getting some emotions confused:  just because someone AGREES with the verdict doesnt mean that they believe Trayvon DESERVED to die, or that he was ACTING like a "thug" or even that Zimmerman is COMPLETELY without fault.  BUT as for how the case was presented and tried he IS innocent.

yall are acting like some of these opinions are mutually exclusive but that couldnt be further from the truth. 

and the whole "dont act white""stick with your own kind""dont try to "fit in"" **** is probably what makes the "racism" you say you perceive a REALITY.

yes i understand that in certain demographics of this country you already start at a disadvantage.  but if you truly wanted people to see you differently then wouldnt you accept that challenge and do your best to dismiss those (maybe) preconceived notions?

oh i see.  the problem is you are then abandoning "your own kind" by trying to "fit in" and then have to come in here and get ridiculed by your own "race" for not upholding the prejudices and resentment of your ancestors.  shame on you.

are there still whites who hate black? yes

the same as there are still germans who hate jews, turks who hate greeks and so on...

but these are the minority.

your going to live your life based off the prejudices of a few as opposed to the acceptance of many?


and Deuce, you keep referencing the "history of race" in this country.  while i admire your desire to study the past i must ask you, is it influencing how you interact with people today?
ran out of reps....five pages ago

just finished catching up from yesterday and i have to say, props to Ninja for standing behind not only your values but your opinions as well. 

that Barkley interview is spot on,  enormous respect to him and his words.

i think alot of you are getting some emotions confused:  just because someone AGREES with the verdict doesnt mean that they believe Trayvon DESERVED to die, or that he was ACTING like a "thug" or even that Zimmerman is COMPLETELY without fault.  BUT as for how the case was presented and tried he IS innocent.

yall are acting like some of these opinions are mutually exclusive but that couldnt be further from the truth. 

and the whole "dont act white""stick with your own kind""dont try to "fit in"" **** is probably what makes the "racism" you say you perceive a REALITY.

yes i understand that in certain demographics of this country you already start at a disadvantage.  but if you truly wanted people to see you differently then wouldnt you accept that challenge and do your best to dismiss those (maybe) preconceived notions?

oh i see.  the problem is you are then abandoning "your own kind" by trying to "fit in" and then have to come in here and get ridiculed by your own "race" for not upholding the prejudices and resentment of your ancestors.  shame on you.

are there still whites who hate black? yes

the same as there are still germans who hate jews, turks who hate greeks and so on...

but these are the minority.

your going to live your life based off the prejudices of a few as opposed to the acceptance of many?


and Deuce, you keep referencing the "history of race" in this country.  while i admire your desire to study the past i must ask you, is it influencing how you interact with people today?
at the end of the day, TM parents' lawyer was garbage.
Just because indisputable FACTS based on video aren't available, doesn't mean human beings can't come to conclusions based on other evidence such as witness testimony, trace evidence, etc.

I skipped lunch today, so I probably did miss it. I just came in and saw ninjahood and black together so I figured the debate had started again.

Carry on folks.

:lol: Fair enough.

For the record, ninja can call himself whatever he wants. Doesn't matter to me in the least.

I just want him to know that to a lot of people outside of NYC, he's "black". And it works both ways--light skinned Hispanics are often seen as "white".

Honestly, I can't even believe that this has to be spelled out in such simple terms. That NYC bubble is real. :lol:
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