R.I.P Trayvon

What does everyone think of the Presidents speech on this?

I'm really appalled at no one in this thread mentioning it.

Obama hit a lot of points. Even said "35 years ago I would've been Trayvon Martin."

He also said "What if Trayvon had a gun in this situation? Would he have been standing his ground?"
I'm also glad that the Obama came out and said something.  He needs to try to reduce the heated divide this case has caused.  However, that second quote is him playing politics a bit.  He was the president of Harvard Law Review.  He knows damn well that stand your ground didn't play a part in this verdict (or at least it shouldn't have).  If Martin had killed Zimmerman, then I think stand your ground would definitely have been one of his defenses (and probably a good defense depending on how the whole situation played out), along with self-defense (again, depending on how it played out).  Obama probably brought it up because he wants to find a reason to help fight against that stupid law and to get some more support from the growing number of people who are becoming aware of and opposing the stand your ground law.

Also, for those saying that people should be focusing on all the killings of innocent African American teens everywhere...I don't think it's that people don't care about other people besides Martin being killed. This is a situation that has garnered national attention.  As such, people are using it as an opportunity to bring attention to an important issue.
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What does everyone think of the Presidents speech on this?

I'm really appalled at no one in this thread mentioning it.

Obama hit a lot of points. Even said "35 years ago I would've been Trayvon Martin."

He also said "What if Trayvon had a gun in this situation? Would he have been standing his ground?"
I haven't listened to his full statement, but I got a CNN text message about it earlier.  I will be sure to check it out today as I'm sure it will be all over the news.  I'm glad he spoke on it and I'm glad he personalized it to reflect himself pertaining to the situation as well. 
Yes, here Ill type it in caps so you don't have to bold it, GARBAGE.

Every other thread on NT turns into some type of race / TM thread now

So leave all that in this thread.
does it offend your sensibilities to have race shoved in your face?
Race never gets injected into these other threads in a clever or insightful way, though.

It's always a form of trolling.

Kind of like the whole ny>la la>ny getting injected in threads that don't mention either city.
What does everyone think of the Presidents speech on this?

I'm really appalled at no one in this thread mentioning it.

Obama hit a lot of points. Even said "35 years ago I would've been Trayvon Martin."

He also said "What if Trayvon had a gun in this situation? Would he have been standing his ground?"

:pimp: It was spot on. He's a smart cookie.
Powerful statements by Don Lemon just now on CNN. He was on the verge of tears recounting what he and many other black men go through in this country. If people have a problem with what Obama said and there are, then they are why we can't get past race.
Race never gets injected into these other threads in a clever or insightful way, though.

It's always a form of trolling.

Kind of like the whole ny>la la>ny getting injected in threads that don't mention either city.
i feel you, but why does it have to clever or insightful? it aint clever or insightful when its the other way
I can jump in a thread about Dwight Howard and demand that people start talking about how Shaq was better and he's the real Superman etc.

I'd be right, and that's a valid conversation to have, but I would just be some ******* trolling a thread with unsolicited rants and purposefully trying to derail a constructive conversation.

President Obama's comments are more impactful because of the fact that he is President of the United States identifying as a Black man speaking on the struggle of Black men in America, as well as personally identifying with Trayvon Martin and encouraging White America, as America's leader whether you think he is or not, to look at this not from the perspective of "oh well the jury blah blah," but use the larger context of Americas history of racial bias in the legal system.
what i mean is first, it takes the president for them to listen?

and the points he made (he could be trayvon, what if trayvon had a gun), when someone in here says that they are stupid and thinking with emotion.
Repped for saying something intelligent.

Man this is coming from a dude that stays saying dumb ish and back tracking, then trying to creep to other threads and act like everything is lovely and cool, like he hasn't said not one bigoted thing
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at least he got his hands on him before he was murdered
Are you effing serious? And you have the nerve to ask what was different between what you're saying and what Pres. Obama said?

Goodness. More than likely, he got popped BECAUSE he put his hands on him (whether it was in self-defense or not). 
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Look what beatin a short dude wit gun got trayvon

Bruh, you sound happy that Zimmerman is a coward? You getting some of that cash flow folks are sending him? I mean really dude, you sound happy as hell that another black man off the streets. 
what i mean is first, it takes the president for them to listen?
Sadly, yes.  It may take the president saying something for some people to actually listen (or at least listen more closely than they were before), but be more positive about it.  Is it good that it takes the president saying something to make people care? No.  However, it's great then that he said something.  If he can get more people to care/listen, then I think that is a positive on which to focus.
:lol: at Ninjahood acting like Zimmerman wouldn't have profiled and shot and killed him the same way he did Trayvon. You'd would've been a "black kid in a (champion) hoody."

Obama's comments were actually spot on (for once). Didn't expect him to say that much, especially considering he didn't really HAVE to.
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Is meth banning people from the thread, is that why people keep making different screenames?

I dont know how is more foolish ninjahood
or the ones who keep talking to him :lol:
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