R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

If a pedo goes to jail you already know what it is...and so do they

I’m not mad at it but I’m not glad at it either
Thats what yall are failing to understand, aint nobody wishing. These are facts!!!
No one's condoning anything. It is what it is. Especially for pedos.
Karma towards rapist
Man :lol: y'all turn that convienent blind eye to rape in prison or even the idea that it will happen. Chalking it up to karma really doesn't jive.

**** is in the similar realm of sentiment to prisoners having no heat, being starved, etc. a.k.a. "they deserve it"

If a pedo goes to jail you already know what it is...and so do they

I’m not mad at it but I’m not glad at it either
Yeah but when brought up like we arent already aware the sense of glee or payback/justice being served behind the statement is apparent
Who knows, Kellz might actually enjoy getting raped in jail. Dude is sick in the head.

I hope dudes stomped him out daily tho lol.
let me know when one of you kids have an open ig page for me to go through everything.
You know what sounds like torture to me?
Occasional rape aint it.

Besides Kelly seem like the type of weirdo that would grow to enjoy it. Not to mention he'd no doubt start raping others. Probably gay dudes in there that'd give it up.

Nah, real torture is preferrable.
Occasional rape aint it.

Besides Kelly seem like the type of weirdo that would grow to enjoy it. Not to mention he'd no doubt start raping others. Probably gay dudes in there that'd give it up.

Nah, real torture is preferrable.
Wait I got your initial message all wrong.

Nah, b. I get that people are upset by sex crimes, but reinforcing a culture of unchecked prison violence isn't the move.

Inflicting sadism onto sadists doesn't reverse injustice. It only serves to satisfy less extreme sadists.
Wait I got your initial message all wrong.

Nah, b. I get that people are upset by sex crimes, but reinforcing a culture of unchecked prison violence isn't the move.

Inflicting sadism onto sadists doesn't reverse injustice. It only serves to satisfy less extreme sadists.
My initial message was pointing out the hypocrisy when it comes to rape and how we treat our prisoners. Like it seems the implication rape is wrong except for these situations.

However, if you pose a hypothetical question to me about a daughter being raped and what I would do in regard to the rapist, it'd be torture. Not prison or any sort of unofficial accepted prison violence.

The sentencing would be similar to being on deathrow except you'd be tortured most likely to death.

As for that last part about sadism in this context just satisfying less extreme sadists it can be argued America and plenty other governments around the world have made it legal and acceptable to take one's life to satisfy morally questionable less extreme sociopaths. Since state and federal executions are basically state sanctioned murder.
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