R. Santorum: Iran & nukes have deeply embedded beliefs that the afterlife is better than this life

Make no mistake...

What Bradley Manning did was treasonous.

And i'm against the war effort.
Romney will get the Party's nomination, there's no need to worry about extreme right wingers like Santorum.

Romney is the most electable candidate and his ability to raise money is astounding, and that is what is needed.

I'm a democrat and I don't see anyone taking the seat from Obama later in the year, but I will say this, if someone did I'd rather it be Mitt Romney. He's a moderate if anything, and definitely leans left on many issues.

A lot of people need to realize that the mess we are currently in is going to take a few presidential terms to fix. There is no simple solution, and from the looks of things the economy has seen a slight improvement. I'm reading a book about Clinton right now and as many of you know after the 1st Bush presidency the United States was in a much similar situation as what we are dealing with today, just not on as large of a scale.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Locked up and imprisoned, only one person has been imprisoned over wikileaks. Rule of law and world law and international law like those laws made by the *gasp* UN that he is so against. 
And conspiracy theory aside, if you were President and where 90% sure that you could attack the safe house at which OBL was hiding in you would risk him getting away by playing nice with Pakistan and giving them the information so we could work as a team? I'm sure that would have worked out great.

I agree for the most part of what you said. In hindsight though and if you read/watch RP's entire speeches/interviews and not just taking small pieces, Paul's views are more common sense than crazy right?  Or is it just me?  

Honestly I spent a greater part of last week watching a ton of his speeches and interviews just to get a grasp on why people call him crazy.   I ended up gaining more respect for him and understanding his stances more.  To me it's just so enlightening to see an actual elected Politician saying these things.  

Like this "What If" speech... I was just MINDBLOWN that he had the audacity to say this in front of Congress.  

By military law, yes it was treasonous and yes he deserves to get punished for it. But locking him in a 6x10(or something like that) sized cell and chaining his foot to the center of the floor, denying him communication with family, denying him books, making him sleep naked with no blankets or pillows, and not allowing him to sleep past 4 am is basically torture not to mention what we DON'T know that happened to him while in military custody. Bradley Manning did what he thought was right, and that was exposing corruption and war crimes. I'm not saying give him a parade and government entitlements for the rest of his life but at least give him the due process he is guaranteed. And you've obviously never read the Wikileaks book because if so you would know he never thought about releasing anything until he came upon the "Collateral Damage" video. What Bradley Manning did is NOTHING compared to what Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, Blackwater, and Obama have done in the middle east, period.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Make no mistake...

What Bradley Manning did was treasonous.

And i'm against the war effort.
Aiding the enemy to be precise. Just like Ryan G. Anderson or Amir Abdual Rashid who attempted to pass classified info about defeating the M1A2 Abrams tank to al-Qaeda.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Make no mistake...

What Bradley Manning did was treasonous.

And i'm against the war effort.
Aiding the enemy to be precise. Just like Ryan G. Anderson or Amir Abdual Rashid who attempted to pass classified info about defeating the M1A2 Abrams tank to al-Qaeda.

What enemy? Al-CIAda?
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Make no mistake...

What Bradley Manning did was treasonous.

And i'm against the war effort.
Aiding the enemy to be precise. Just like Ryan G. Anderson or Amir Abdual Rashid who attempted to pass classified info about defeating the M1A2 Abrams tank to al-Qaeda.
Apples and oranges. Nothing was given to a terrorist or enemy combatant.
I need to vote strategically to make sure people like this don't end up anywhere near the white house
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Romney will get the Party's nomination, there's no need to worry about extreme right wingers like Santorum.

Romney is the most electable candidate and his ability to raise money is astounding, and that is what is needed.

I'm a democrat and I don't see anyone taking the seat from Obama later in the year, but I will say this, if someone did I'd rather it be Mitt Romney. He's a moderate if anything, and definitely leans left on many issues.
I refuse to vote for mittens. He's the worst kind of politician. He'll say whatever that gets him elected. One minute he says not everything I do matches what the NRA likes. Next minute he has a lifetime NRA membership. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Locked up and imprisoned, only one person has been imprisoned over wikileaks. Rule of law and world law and international law like those laws made by the *gasp* UN that he is so against. 
And conspiracy theory aside, if you were President and where 90% sure that you could attack the safe house at which OBL was hiding in you would risk him getting away by playing nice with Pakistan and giving them the information so we could work as a team? I'm sure that would have worked out great.
I agree for the most part of what you said. In hindsight though and if you read/watch RP's entire speeches/interviews and not just taking small pieces, Paul's views are more common sense than crazy right?  Or is it just me?  

Honestly I spent a greater part of last week watching a ton of his speeches and interviews just to get a grasp on why people call him crazy.   I ended up gaining more respect for him and understanding his stances more.  To me it's just so enlightening to see an actual elected Politician saying these things.  

Like this "What If" speech... I was just MINDBLOWN that he had the audacity to say this in front of Congress.  

It does seem like common sense until you really think about it. I have no problem with like 90% of Ron Paul's views on the domestically but he's all messed up on foreign policy and that's where the President has the most power. 
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

By military law, yes it was treasonous and yes he deserves to get punished for it. But locking him in a 6x10(or something like that) sized cell and chaining his foot to the center of the floor, denying him communication with family, denying him books, making him sleep naked with no blankets or pillows, and not allowing him to sleep past 4 am is basically torture not to mention what we DON'T know that happened to him while in military custody. Bradley Manning did what he thought was right, and that was exposing corruption and war crimes. I'm not saying give him a parade and government entitlements for the rest of his life but at least give him the due process he is guaranteed. And you've obviously never read the Wikileaks book because if so you would know he never thought about releasing anything until he came upon the "Collateral Damage" video. What Bradley Manning did is NOTHING compared to what Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, Blackwater, and Obama have done in the middle east, period.
What war crimes did he expose? And I've heard about the sleeping naked and no blankets but chaining to the floor, I'm gonna need a link for that one. You have to remember where he's being held at the Marine Corp Brig at Quantico  and is full of other military personal. You would never hear the end of it if another resident of that fine facility took it upon himself to end manning's life. The DoD is covering their own +@@ by keeping him in solitary. Remember just because they are locked up there doesn't mean they aren't fiercely patriotic.
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Make no mistake...

What Bradley Manning did was treasonous.

And i'm against the war effort.
Aiding the enemy to be precise. Just like Ryan G. Anderson or Amir Abdual Rashid who attempted to pass classified info about defeating the M1A2 Abrams tank to al-Qaeda.
Apples and oranges. Nothing was given to a terrorist or enemy combatant.
You're right, one of them succeeded. 
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

What war crimes?
Son you obviously don't know much about what you're talking about. Do some research son.


From your link

This editorial incorrectly reported that Pfc.�Bradley Manning�is shackled while exercising in the recreation room in the Marine Corps brig. He is only shackled while walking to and from that room.

Private Manning, unlike most other prisoners, is never allowed to mingle with other prisoners. We consider that to be “solitary confinement,
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

What war crimes?
Son you obviously don't know much about what you're talking about. Do some research son.


From your link

This editorial incorrectly reported that Pfc.�Bradley Manning�is shackled while exercising in the recreation room in the Marine Corps brig. He is only shackled while walking to and from that room.

Private Manning, unlike most other prisoners, is never allowed to mingle with other prisoners. We consider that to be “solitary confinement,
Paul says that instead of sneaking into Pakistan and killing bin Laden, he would have cooperated with the Pakistani government and put the al Qaeda leader on trial - a strategy, he argues, that has worked for the United States in the past.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Paul says that instead of sneaking into Pakistan and killing bin Laden, he would have cooperated with the Pakistani government and put the al Qaeda leader on trial - a strategy, he argues, that has worked for the United States in the past.

[h1]Obama signs big Pakistan aid bill[/h1]

Pakistan's foreign minister received assurances from US congressmen
US President Barack Obama has signed into law a $7.5bn aid package for Pakistan, after fears it might impinge on Pakistani sovereignty were eased.

It follows meetings between the bill's authors, Democrats John Kerry and Howard Berman, and Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

The two congressmen issued a statement saying the bill set no conditions that would infringe Pakistan's sovereignty.


Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

What war crimes?
Son you obviously don't know much about what you're talking about. Do some research son.


From your link

This editorial incorrectly reported that Pfc.�Bradley Manning�is shackled while exercising in the recreation room in the Marine Corps brig. He is only shackled while walking to and from that room.

Private Manning, unlike most other prisoners, is never allowed to mingle with other prisoners. We consider that to be “solitary confinement,†but the Pentagon says it is not because he is allowed to shout to prisoners elsewhere in his cellblock. Our editorial criticized Private Manning’s detention conditions because he must strip every night and hand over his clothes to a guard (unlike most other prisoners). The Pentagon says this is not forced nudity because he is then given a Velcro-secured wrap-around “smock†that he may sleep in.
And you use that propaganda piece as evidence of war crimes. Bravo sir. If you watch the full version you will see a different story that doesn't involve making our troops look like heartless killers. Let me tell you about 2007 Iraq if you were seen with a RPG you were considered a threat and treated as such, this was common knowledge to everyone civilians alike. The entire reason the Apache was there in the first place was because of a firefight earlier, they were there to protect the convoy that the insurgents were shadowing. Those "journalist" were aiding the insurgents by taking photos and then showing them to the bad guys with them. RPGs and AKs were found on scene. That van with the kids, it just got done dropping of more bad guys. The moment they started rendering aid they became a legitimate target and were treated as such. No one knew about the kids until after the fact and no the soldier driving the humvee didn't run over the body.
Propaganda piece?

I'm done with you. If this was a "propaganda piece" then why did the government and DOD try so hard to cover it up and lie about how they really died?

Yes propaganda. Do you really believe that a video called "Collateral Murder" would be objective. Julian Assange admitted the originalvideo they released was edited so how is that not propaganda? The government tried to cover it up because it was classified information.Technically I can have my securityclearancerevokedfor downloading the leaked files because it still considered classified.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Paul says that instead of sneaking into Pakistan and killing bin Laden, he would have cooperated with the Pakistani government and put the al Qaeda leader on trial - a strategy, he argues, that has worked for the United States in the past.

Or we could have Pakistani children come over to this country to get Tx as a result of drones that President Muslim baby killer orders...



[h1]Girl, four, left with horrific burns after U.S. drone attack in Pakistan is brought to America to receive surgery

  • Shakira was pulled from a bin by a medical mission where two other children died of their injuries
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...one-attack-receive-surgery.html#ixzz1j6C4bx4d

I think this girl, and millions of displaced Afghans, Iraqis, and Pakistanis would prefer Ron Paul's foreign policy.
That video is the least of the US's worries. if you want to discuss war crimes look at the cancer rates in Fallujah (worse than Hiroshima & Nagasaki) or any of the several Israeli massacres we funded; or the various terror groups we fund for that matter. The point of how the US should have "gotten" Bin Laden is a minuscule one compared to the larger issue. Pakistan's government is the way it is for a reason. How about researching why we helped make it that way (and still are) first. How about the fact that it's 2012 and we're still attempting to "fight terror" (and losing) while not even knowing what we're fighting against or why. Perhaps the worst (which goes back the OP)... It's 2012 and the American public is STILL stupid enough to believe things like Iran having links to al-Qaeda or that we need to keep fighting Israel's wars for them

Out of all these morons running (and the one already in office) the only one with even the slightest grip on reality when it comes to foreign policy is Ron Paul.
This is the consequence of having morons running the country:




Don't say I didn't warn you.�
Originally Posted by sillyputty

This is the guy that could potentially be in charge of the future of this country...
No he's not. The voting process is an illusion and a sham.

With that said:

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.'"

"I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way: I don't vote. On Election Day, I stay home. I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain. Now, some people like to twist that around. They say, 'If you don't vote, you have no right to complain,' but where's the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they get into office and screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote -- who did not even leave the house on Election Day -- am in no way responsible for that these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess that you created."

- George Carlin
I'm with him ontmthe first quote but Carlin is idiotic on the second one. The only way this all gets better is with an informed and invigorated electorate. The more people that sit on the sidelines, the worse it gets. Eveey day is Election Day to me. My dollars are also votes.
Here's just a few things that wikileaks/PFC Manning exposed us to

-Investigations into the kidnapping, detainment, and torture of a German citizen were suppressed by the US State Department via diplomatic threats.

-The US State Department also suppressed Spanish investigations into torture by issuing diplomatic threats to the Spanish government.

- The US government has been actively involved in coverups of atrocities committed by US troops. For example, in one instance an Iraqi home was raided and its occupants were cuffed and executed. Among those killed were four women and five children under the age of five.

-The US military had been waging a covert war in Yemen (yes, old news now, but Wikileaks helped expose this). Among other actions, this involved cruise-missile strikes on villages, including one likely to have killed 20 or more civilians.

-The US military knowingly empowers corrupt individuals at the highest levels in Afghanistan as part of its strategy in rebuilding that country's government.

-Military analysts determined that at least 150 Guantanamo Bay detainees were innocent people, many just random drivers, farmers, and chefs, rounded up after 9/11 and subsequently held in prison for years.

-US soldiers in Iraq were ordered not to investigate suspected and witnessed instances of torture carried out by allied soldiers and officials.

-The US government had documented about 15,000 additional civilian deaths in Iraq which it had kept secret from the public.

-The British government's "independent" inquiry into the invasion of Iraq was preceded by diplomatic promises that the inquiry would protect US interests.

-The British government has been helping to establish and train paramilitary death squads in Bangladesh.

-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and military commanders knowingly lied to the American public about rising sectarian violence in Iraq.

-The US military was conducting assassination missions in Afghanistan (away from the battlefield, without any minimally objective determination of guilt). These are also now common knowledge, thanks in large part to Wikileaks.

-The Indian government systematically abuses detainees in Kashmir, subjecting them to electrocution, beatings, and sexual humiliation as means of extracting confessions.

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Here's just a few things that wikileaks/PFC Manning exposed us to

-Investigations into the kidnapping, detainment, and torture of a German citizen were suppressed by the US State Department via diplomatic threats.

-The US State Department also suppressed Spanish investigations into torture by issuing diplomatic threats to the Spanish government.

- The US government has been actively involved in coverups of atrocities committed by US troops. For example, in one instance an Iraqi home was raided and its occupants were cuffed and executed. Among those killed were four women and five children under the age of five.

-The US military had been waging a covert war in Yemen (yes, old news now, but Wikileaks helped expose this). Among other actions, this involved cruise-missile strikes on villages, including one likely to have killed 20 or more civilians.

-The US military knowingly empowers corrupt individuals at the highest levels in Afghanistan as part of its strategy in rebuilding that country's government.

-Military analysts determined that at least 150 Guantanamo Bay detainees were innocent people, many just random drivers, farmers, and chefs, rounded up after 9/11 and subsequently held in prison for years.

-US soldiers in Iraq were ordered not to investigate suspected and witnessed instances of torture carried out by allied soldiers and officials.

-The US government had documented about 15,000 additional civilian deaths in Iraq which it had kept secret from the public.

-The British government's "independent" inquiry into the invasion of Iraq was preceded by diplomatic promises that the inquiry would protect US interests.

-The British government has been helping to establish and train paramilitary death squads in Bangladesh.

-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and military commanders knowingly lied to the American public about rising sectarian violence in Iraq.

-The US military was conducting assassination missions in Afghanistan (away from the battlefield, without any minimally objective determination of guilt). These are also now common knowledge, thanks in large part to Wikileaks.

-The Indian government systematically abuses detainees in Kashmir, subjecting them to electrocution, beatings, and sexual humiliation as means of extracting confessions.


Trying to explain this to U.S. government trained dolts is is useless. They are trained to be emotionless, they are trained and paid killers. Anyone who thinks people 6,000 miles away are dangerous and a threat to people in this country are completely delirious.

Bradley Manning is a hero, he exposed the corruptness of world governments. He is being tortured is the U.S. government version of the gulag. People always wondered why the Obama admin. never prosecuted anyone in the Bush admin. the explanation is easy. With the over expansion of Executive power in prosecuting former Presidents, leaves the door open for future Presidents to prosecute the current Muslim baby killer.


What a joke.
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