R. Santorum: Iran & nukes have deeply embedded beliefs that the afterlife is better than this life


Aug 31, 2011
This is the guy that could potentially be in charge of the future of this country...

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The irony and lack of perspective is ASTOUNDING...

I mean fundamentalist christians like him are starting to look like the American Hezbollah
...trying to impose a theocracy on the rest of us.

Not to mention he's always the first one to bring up the "gay" issue.

He reminds me of the people who are quick to announce how gay they ARENT when no one was asking...I think he doth protest too much...
Rick Santorum in a previous debate criticizing Iran: "They trample the rights of gays" THE IRONY
I have no doubt in my mind that Rick Santorum is a flaming homosexual.
Originally Posted by rashi

I have no doubt in my mind that Rick Santorum is a flaming homosexual.

The "candidates" for office represent this country so poorly. It's amazing.
..I think he doth protest too much...�

I seem to have been using that phrase a lot recently. Definitely something funny with a lot of these conservative candidates.
Wouldn't be surprised in a couple years this idiot will be caught in a bathroom or glory hole.

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by rashi

I have no doubt in my mind that Rick Santorum is a flaming homosexual.

The "candidates" for office represent this country so poorly. It's amazing.

This clown yesterday said "I'm for equal dignity for all individuals, I just think gay marriage is bad for society."

Just google Rick Santorum and see the second link....that's about as much credibility this dude has for the presidency
The hypocrisy doesn't end there. There is a reason his name means +%% juice
I hate Santorum the most out of all the candidates. 
If I had to vote Republican, it would either be Ron Paul or Jon Huntsman. 
During the debates, Huntsman barely gets any time to talk. And when Ron Paul talks they make him out to be crazy, which is ironic because the rest of the candidates are who I view as crazy. Well, except Romney, I have no idea about this dudes views because that dude never answers things straight out, all he does is start bashing Obama.
I'm really considering not voting this election. There are zero candidates I can vote for in good faith. Romney is a white Obama, Perry seems he doesn't know his #@* hole from his elbow, Gingrich is a scumbag, Santorum wants to legislate morality, Paul is bat @@%@ crazy and Obama is well Obama. We're screwed until 2016. I just hope we keep a Republican Congress so nothing can pass and no Supreme Court Justices resign/die in the next 4 years.
^^^^ please vote. santorum is the easiest to pick out as an establishment politician I get a good laugh out of him, he is only there because he is being paid to.  The Iowa caucus was rigged (just research) they are keeping him race for votes to go away from dr. paul they are really scared because of the new interest of our situations.  do your research and look at the choices I have faith that you will see there is a candidate out there still fighting for you and me.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

 Paul is bat @@%@ crazy

Wait, Ron Paul is crazy because he's the only one that doesn't want to kill Muslim babies?
Originally Posted by AR Guy

I'm really considering not voting this election. There are zero candidates I can vote for in good faith. Romney is a white Obama, Perry seems he doesn't know his #@* hole from his elbow, Gingrich is a scumbag, Santorum wants to legislate morality, Paul is bat @@%@ crazy and Obama is well Obama. We're screwed until 2016. I just hope we keep a Republican Congress so nothing can pass and no Supreme Court Justices resign/die in the next 4 years.


You wonder why you don't like Obama, but yet you want to keep a Republican Congress who keep blackballing him, and refuse to compromise on any-and-everything 

One of them said his primary goal was to make sure Obama was not re-elected. 

Spoiler [+]
And oh yeah, pizza is a vegetable, this Congress is great  
Not voting is still voting my man, I'm honestly still in disbelief that these ppl are being taken seriously.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by AR Guy

 Paul is bat @@%@ crazy

Wait, Ron Paul is crazy because he's the only one that doesn't want to kill Muslim babies?
Yup that's why 

Paul called Bradley Manning a "true patriot" and has said he would not have authorized the raid that killed OBL, so excuse me if I question his sanity. 
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by AR Guy

I'm really considering not voting this election. There are zero candidates I can vote for in good faith. Romney is a white Obama, Perry seems he doesn't know his #@* hole from his elbow, Gingrich is a scumbag, Santorum wants to legislate morality, Paul is bat @@%@ crazy and Obama is well Obama. We're screwed until 2016. I just hope we keep a Republican Congress so nothing can pass and no Supreme Court Justices resign/die in the next 4 years.


You wonder why you don't like Obama, but yet you want to keep a Republican Congress who keep blackballing him, and refuse to compromise on any-and-everything 

One of them said his primary goal was to make sure Obama was not re-elected. 

Spoiler [+]
And oh yeah, pizza is a vegetable, this Congress is great  
That's the point. It's sad that the government has you brainwashed into thinking they are the solution for everything. Now mind you I' not like rashi who believes the government is totally useless, I do believe that they have their uses but I don't need the government to tell me what I do and don't need. If congress gridlocked forever and never got anything accomplished we would be better off.   
Bradley Manning is a patriot for exposing these so called governments for what they are. No one was put in danger for what he did, contrary to what the WH and other media pundits say. And the raid that killed Osama... look at current relations with Pakistan as a result of that. It was a gutsy call but definitely strike two and the recent NATO airstrike was strike three.

"I don't need the government to tell me what I do and don't need. If congress gridlocked forever and never got anything accomplished we would be better off. "

Typical Amerilard pessimistic attitude.
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Bradley Manning is a patriot for exposing these so called governments for what they are. No one was put in danger for what he did, contrary to what the WH and other media pundits say. And the raid that killed Osama... look at current relations with Pakistan as a result of that. It was a gutsy call but definitely strike two and the recent NATO airstrike was strike three.

"I don't need the government to tell me what I do and don't need. If congress gridlocked forever and never got anything accomplished we would be better off. "

Typical Amerilard pessimistic attitude.
So releasing the frequency that the our IED jammers run on has put no one at danger huh? Releasing the names if Afghans that work with coalition forces has put no at risk right? And because Pakistan has been a great ally to the US correct? %**# Pakistan, I've got more respect for Iran than I do Pakistan. At least they openly don't like us instead of playing both sides. 
So you need the government to tell you how to live your life correctly? Cool, I don't.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by AR Guy

 Paul is bat @@%@ crazy

Wait, Ron Paul is crazy because he's the only one that doesn't want to kill Muslim babies?
Yup that's why 

Paul called Bradley Manning a "true patriot" and has said he would not have authorized the raid that killed OBL, so excuse me if I question his sanity. 
"You know, talking about giving sovereign immunity to our government officials -- and I would remove it all -- but what about giving immunity to the whistleblowers? They're the ones who need immunity,
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Bradley Manning is a patriot for exposing these so called governments for what they are. No one was put in danger for what he did, contrary to what the WH and other media pundits say. And the raid that killed Osama... look at current relations with Pakistan as a result of that. It was a gutsy call but definitely strike two and the recent NATO airstrike was strike three.

"I don't need the government to tell me what I do and don't need. If congress gridlocked forever and never got anything accomplished we would be better off. "

Typical Amerilard pessimistic attitude.
So releasing the frequency that the our IED jammers run on has put no one at danger huh? Releasing the names if Afghans that work with coalition forces has put no at risk right? And because Pakistan has been a great ally to the US correct? %**# Pakistan, I've got more respect for Iran than I do Pakistan. At least they openly don't like us instead of playing both sides. 
So you need the government to tell you how to live your life correctly? Cool, I don't.

Who has been killed since then directly because of the leaks? Don't worry I'll wait for a credible source. I'll save you some time, there is none. And you can thank your own government for allowing Pakistan to be two faced. They collect mine and your tax dollars and send it to them knowing very well how corrupt they are. I don't need the gov't to tell me how to live life, the less government dabbles in civil liberties and privacy rights, the better. It's people like you who keep people like Obama and the majority of congress in office while people like me try and DO SOMETHING about it by educating people instead of being a pessimistic !$* clown on an internet forum.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by rashi

Wait, Ron Paul is crazy because he's the only one that doesn't want to kill Muslim babies?
Yup that's why 

Paul called Bradley Manning a "true patriot" and has said he would not have authorized the raid that killed OBL, so excuse me if I question his sanity. 
"You know, talking about giving sovereign immunity to our government officials -- and I would remove it all -- but what about giving immunity to the whistleblowers? They're the ones who need immunity,
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