racism issues with Xbox live

First double post in 5 years.
yeah....hearing it from a nerd playing a game doesnt phase me at all. Actually, being called one doesnt really phase me either as well.(not that its happened or anything) but ive matured,and snapping would be feeding into the belief of ignorance.
yeah....hearing it from a nerd playing a game doesnt phase me at all. Actually, being called one doesnt really phase me either as well.(not that its happened or anything) but ive matured,and snapping would be feeding into the belief of ignorance.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by proper english

the only one here taking it serious is you "brah" 
 reaching too hard for the lulz.. 
OP's entire post just went way over your head cuz youre too busy trying to get the

Grammar correction and telling gamers to toughen up if they don't like trash talk?  Why do I need to go for lulz on a forum board filled with male teens and old men with nothing better to do at work?

I just wanted to emphasize that what OP experiences during online game play is indeed racial slur but used in trashtalk context not to discriminate as defined by "racism".  Like when Kobe called out the ref, did he really think the ref was actually gay and did he use it in context towards the detriment of individuals' sexual preference?  It was just heat of the moment, just like teenagers playing xbox live are in the heat of having fun and talking mess.

well, I'm talking in circles, and I probably won't make any progress against close-minded, always blowing out of context, quick to call "racism" whenever possible individuals.


I'm out, brosef.

Kien is
A) Mad
B) Refuses Ls that are handed to him
C) Reaching for the lulz
Trick question: All of the above.

Can we get a vote on which is the correct answer?

Anyways this has to be one of the main reasons why I stopped playing video games online.
Nothing like getting online hearing kids with high pitched voices shouting profanity, racial slurs, and depicting "rape" in the game.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by proper english

the only one here taking it serious is you "brah" 
 reaching too hard for the lulz.. 
OP's entire post just went way over your head cuz youre too busy trying to get the

Grammar correction and telling gamers to toughen up if they don't like trash talk?  Why do I need to go for lulz on a forum board filled with male teens and old men with nothing better to do at work?

I just wanted to emphasize that what OP experiences during online game play is indeed racial slur but used in trashtalk context not to discriminate as defined by "racism".  Like when Kobe called out the ref, did he really think the ref was actually gay and did he use it in context towards the detriment of individuals' sexual preference?  It was just heat of the moment, just like teenagers playing xbox live are in the heat of having fun and talking mess.

well, I'm talking in circles, and I probably won't make any progress against close-minded, always blowing out of context, quick to call "racism" whenever possible individuals.


I'm out, brosef.

Kien is
A) Mad
B) Refuses Ls that are handed to him
C) Reaching for the lulz
Trick question: All of the above.

Can we get a vote on which is the correct answer?

Anyways this has to be one of the main reasons why I stopped playing video games online.
Nothing like getting online hearing kids with high pitched voices shouting profanity, racial slurs, and depicting "rape" in the game.
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