Racism towards Obama and African American People

but like i did say an economics/psych major isn't understanding a proficient use of the English language....
my fiance has an english degree from maryland and she does all my proofreading for me ... i dont claim to be as proficient in the english languagenor do i care to be on niketalk ... but theocracy has nothing to do with being able to spell and complete a sentence ... dont insult my intelligence justbecause i didnt major in english ...
Why does everyone make a big deal about the most insignificant issues?

eNPHAN wrote:
Me asking him to provide me with the information wasnt a claim that it didn't exist.

i was just asking him to support his "belief" with quantitative information...

My dude you keep writing stuff that make it seem like you trying to say something else to the logical person. Cause in point him andme .. I guess we are ******ed and stupid for taking your comment out of context ...

If you know the facts why do you need to ask for supporting documentation .. it's pretty simple to get do a search and type hate crime + Hispanic death andget a few hits

Like I said no I'm wasting my time with you .. I have to give you props because you can articulate and express yourself better than me and therefore youcan try to belittle me because my lack of the English vocabulary .. but it's all good .. you get your facts from black and white and I get my facts frompersonal experience and seeing it day in and out on the streets ...
Originally Posted by SGS MM

My dude you keep writing stuff that make it seem like you trying to say something else to the logical person. Cause in point him and me .. I guess we are ******ed and stupid for taking your comment out of context ...

If you know the facts why do you need to ask for supporting documentation .. it's pretty simple to get do a search and type hate crime + Hispanic death and get a few hits

Like I said no I'm wasting my time with you .. I have to give you props because you can articulate and express yourself better than me and therefore you can try to belittle me because my lack of the English vocabulary .. but it's all good .. you get your facts from black and white and I get my facts from personal experience and seeing it day in and out on the streets ...

pretty much on point ... but i would venture to argue that you give him too much credit ... he doesnt manipulate statements very well, as he draws conclusionsthat simply dont exist ... he just hides those conclusions amongst well written blah blah ... i prefer NT prose myself
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SGS MM

eNPHAN wrote:
Me asking him to provide me with the information wasnt a claim that it didn't exist.

i was just asking him to support his "belief" with quantitative information...
My dude you keep writing stuff that make it seem like you trying to say something else to the logical person. Cause in point him and me .. I guess we are ******ed and stupid for taking your comment out of context ...

If you know the facts why do you need to ask for supporting documentation .. it's pretty simple to get do a search and type hate crime + Hispanic death and get a few hits

Like I said no I'm wasting my time with you .. I have to give you props because you can articulate and express yourself better than me and therefore you can try to belittle me because my lack of the English vocabulary .. but it's all good .. you get your facts from black and white and I get my facts from personal experience and seeing it day in and out on the streets ...

Fact =/= Opinion

that has nothing to do with your inability to grasp the use of the English language...(not vocabulary)

LOL .. Once again you trying to belittle me .. No, I'm saying Vocabulary because if you would use simple words for simple mindedpeople I'll probably understand what you are trying to convey, however .. You are complicating things when you use your vast vocabulary knowledge ..
So just because something is not documented it did not happen and just because something is documented is a fact .. SMH .. go play with your English books mydude ..
eNPHAN wrote:

representing on their behave is a loosing battle.
no manipulation needed.


Because I'm neither Asian or White .. so therefore I can't present a good argument on their behalf .. But I'm pretty sure there'sa White or Asian kid in here that will argue with you all day about the discrimination, hate and racist acts they have encounter .. now who is taking whatpeople write out of context .. you in the other hand have a BA in english and are writing stuff that make it seems like other .. room for interpretation ..LMAO
Why, thank you for the compliment.

arguing against you two, why would i have to manipulate ANYTHING?
you have done nothing but manipulate what everyone has said in this thread ... and you do a poor job of it ... nitpicking cuz he typed behaveinstead of behalf ... like i said before reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaching ... i bet 100% of NT'rs (that includes you) use spell check and proofread when itmatters, but something tells me its not as serious to most when posting on here ... your arguments tend to focus on trivial facts such as spelling andgrammatical errors, rather than the overall message of the reply ... some would even suggest that someone who focuses on the things you tend to focus on, lackthe kind of intelligence needed to adequately argue any topic ...

edit... how are you going to tell someone to step their "COMPREHENSION..." up? You may comprehend what someone posts but you tend to twist thatcomprehension in your favor rather than taking it for what its worth ... in fact, if i didnt believe you were rather intelligent, i would disregard yourresponses because they display a certain lack of comprehension ...
eNPHAN wrote:
hey, the unintelligent can "interpret" my posts anyway they want....that doesn't mean the fault lies with me...

and no, you withdrew your arguement because you were wrong, realized you were wrong, and even apologized to me via PM, instead of being a REAL man and admitting you were wrong IN THE POST.

Just because i argue that black people are the most oppressed and the biggest victims of systematic racism, does not mean "oh, none of ya'll see racism or prejudice"

it's very similar to a homosexual telling me his struggles are that of black people....no, they aren't....not to say that your stuggles aren't valid, they just aren't the same..

the truth is, no other group of people, save maybe jews in egypt or present day "black dot" indians have received the SAME LEVEL of persecution, systematic hate or oppression as the Afrian American in America has...

but like i said, that statement doesn't mean hispanic, asian, white, orange or purple people arent discriminated against....it's just NOWHERE NEAR the same...

like i said, you kids need to step your reading comprehension up....

not your vocab


Once again with the belittling, border line comedic. Funny, how can a person with a BA in English make so many simple mistakes? See, happens toeveryone. However, the fact remains that you wrote a few things that could of have been taken the way some of us did.

I did not stop arguing on the behalf of the Whites and the Asian becuase I was wrong but because I can't mount up a decent defense for them. That's notto say I'm wrong ...

I'm not going go over your entire reply because you are a border line well articulate dumb %#* but I will say this ...

off the topic What they did to my CULTURE is un-heard off .. I can't say other cultures have not suffered the same fate because I'm not as intelligentlike you but what they did to the India's in America and Caribeans was GENOCIDE. In fact this is one of the reason why blacks go imported to the US becauselack of manpower, if not we would of have been in the same boat taking the same crap .. period!

That's my culture and like I said Hispanics get treated just as bad as black in the US. You hear less of these cases because they are poor illegal aliensand most of those cases go un-reported..
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Just ignore it... it's gonna exist as long as you pay attention to it. Look the other way from now own.

thats about as real as you can deal with dumb !*%++ who dont know %%!!...and pretend to be smart
all i was trying to say is that there racism towards every one in this country but its only a big deal towards a certain race. so whay is that? all of yall areare trying turn around what i said

I promise this will be my last reply to your idiotic comments. Modern day slavery its whats happening here ..

The only point I proved was that if the entire Indian Culture was not obliterated we would of have been till this date talking about stuff that happen yearsago. But the fact that we got systematically take off to the point of extinction didn't allow for that to happen. So please do us a favor and stop takingstuff out of context.

Lastly to say the means justify the actions "and it's obviously better working here, illegally, than back "home", correct? nobody is forcingthem to illegally migrate to the states...... " it's plain stupid and ignorant in your part. You have lost all credibility with such a stupidstatement. That's the same thing as someone saying .. well you %!#+! about what the white did to you, now that you free why dont you go bck to Africa ..COME ON .. that's taking a direct shoot at all the immigrants that came here seeking some type of refuge ..once again your credibility just have beenflushed!

... Point blank articulate this, you living in what happen hundred of years ago. It's sad what happen but nevertheless hundred of years ago. You and I wastalking about presently, do you know that the Major Minority in the US are Hispanics? Do you know how many more are unaccounted? do you know how many hatecrimes. murders etc go unreported because of these illegals? It's obvious you dont have a damn clue .. so before you sit here and lecture me in presentevents please stop talking about the pass cause we living in the future ... I don't need to persuade anyone, because what I'm saying is the truth, ifyou are to blind to see it, its on you ...

Originally Posted by mikykr20

ok i agree but what about racism towar others races such as whites hispanics and even asians and so on? and how come its only a big deal if it happens to black people?

so they didnt make a big deal when mel gibson made anti sementic remarks in the media a few years ago? or when Hitler and his camp killed 6 million Jews? orwhen Japanese people on the West Coast were sent to intermment camps for being Japanese?

think before you speak homes
eNPHAN wrote:
Originally Posted by SGS MM

I promise this will be my last reply to your idiotic comments. Modern day slavery its whats happening here ..

The only point I proved was that if the entire Indian Culture was not obliterated we would of have been till this date talking about stuff that happen years ago. But the fact that we got systematically take off to the point of extinction didn't allow for that to happen. So please do us a favor and stop taking stuff out of context.

Lastly to say the means justify the actions "and it's obviously better working here, illegally, than back "home", correct? nobody is forcing them to illegally migrate to the states...... " it's plain stupid and ignorant in your part. You have lost all credibility with such a stupid statement ... Point blank articulate this, you leaving in what happen hundred of years ago. It's sad what happen but nevertheless hundred of years ago. You and I was talking about presently, do you know that the Major Minority in the US are Hispanics? Do you know how many more are unaccounted? do you know how many hate crimes. murders etc go unreported because of these illegals? It's obvious you dont have a damn clue .. so before you sit here and lecture me in present events please stop talking about the pass cause we living in the future ... I don't need to persuade anyone, because what I'm saying is the truth, if you are to blind to see it, its on you ...


actually, i learned over the process of 9 weeks, everything about chicano culture, so yes, i do have an idea...

still not worse than the enslavement and systematic oppression since that black people have faced in the United States.

See my previous post as to why you have already agreed with the above statement, logically...(i know, logic is VERY difficult for you to grasp)

like i said,

they willingly cross the boarder



living here illegally is still better than living legally wherever "home" was.....

so yes, please, stop responding....please /thread....sign out of NT and the whole 9....

all i was trying to say is that there racism towards every one in this country but its only a big deal towards a certain race. so whay is that? all of yall are are trying turn around what i said
i believe i actually gave my answer to that question, which is why i've been in an argument with two genius', that none of the other minorities were subjected to the level of systematic oppression blacks have been.....that's why it seems to be a bigger deal when it's "towards a certain race".....

yes, all minorities are subjected to a level of prejudice and racism, however, on a whole, black people have been and still are subjected to a much higher concentration of racism than any other minority....

and frankly, i don't even know why i'm wasting my time and effort arguing logic to two kids who cant even comprehend my arguement....they're stuck on bad grammar....

LMAO .. 9 weeks of studies qualifies you for? LMAO .. once again proving that you are a well articulated dumb %$* .. thank you for stating your point of viewthat to me means nothing and by no way am I denying that blacks had it ruff in the US, however I'm staying that Hispanics have it just as bad now. Also,because I'm throwing in the illegal immigrants in the mix does not me you can throw in "living here illegally is still better than living legallywherever "home" was..... " because there are still plenty of legal hispanic working for less than minium weigh getting exploited because oftheir racial ethisity .. so please $!*@ and dont say blacks have it the worst in the US when that's just not true .. If you want to included the historyyes, that's a probably a true statement but if we are talking presently, hispanic have it just as bad ..

lastly if we once again where not obliterated we could of have been neck to neck on who was treated worst .. go back to school and keep hitting them text bookto correct me on text material cause when it comes to day to day life you are seriously lacking ...

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Why are people arguing over which minority gets discriminated against more?
You didn't know?

There's a "Most Discriminated Against" trophy on NT.
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Why are people arguing over which minority gets discriminated against more?
You didn't know?

There's a "Most Discriminated Against" trophy on NT.

LMAO .. no man .. I'm arguing because he wrote something that to me meant something else and it just took off from there. I rarely argue about things likethese just the same way I dont argue about politics and religion. It's always bound to end like this ...
stop believing that book smarts = experience ... you took a 9 week course on an entire culture, and since you like to carefully disect others statements, yousaid you learned "everything" about chicano culture ... how does it feel to get "nitpicked?" You obviously didnt learn everything aboutchicano culture so stop contradicting yourself through actions and logic ...

eNPHAN wrote:

so you not only contradict yourself when you type/speak, you also contradict yourself through action...

thought the previous post was your last?

You accused me of "not knowing anything" about Chicano culture, when, infact, i took a college course on it, and had an awesome Mexican-American teacher, Manny Ramirez, who taught me a lot about chicano culture in addition to my class study.....

i don't know why i waste my time spelling everything out for a moron of your proportions...

You said "you dont know nothing"

i counter-argued with "actually, i have a more than a quarter's worth of knowledge on the subject"

you respond with " 9 weeks of studies qualifies you for?"

well, it qualifies me as more informed on the subject than you previously assumed, guy....

stop contradicting yourself everytime you post...through actions AND logic....

LOL .. You took 9 weeks of Chicano studies (native-born Americans of Mexican decent) and that qualifies you to do what?

I have had many years of History, classes are giving from grade school all the way up to college more than 9 weeks of Black studies from slavery torevolutanary wars to the civil right movements to etc etc etc and that dont qualifies me to do or say anything .. so what makes you think 9 weeks and bamb youhave an idea of whats going on .. You probablly learn about the strugles they encounter but did you learn about the modern day slavery? How about theexploitation they encounter on a daily basis? How about child kidnap and traffiquing? How about the multiple hate crimes commited on those that have "noright"? etc etc etc .. Keep saying blacks have it the worst when in fact that's your opion hispanics have it just as bad ... Hate is hate .. youstarted with rampant hate and escalated yourself to systematic hatraded .. Yes your ancestors suffer and you have probably suffer as well, but because it'smore noticable to you does not mean the next white kid, asian, hispanic, jew, etc is not getting hated on .. systematic, rampant, blaten .. its all hate and Ibet there are white kids out there that have suffer more than you will ever suffer becuase of your race so dont try to generalize and escalate when you startedwith rampant hate cause of the video ..

you loose in my book and not because of thise but because of the un-educated statement you made about illegal immigrants, IMO that painted a very bad pictureof you and it's something if a white person would of have said to a black man would of have gotten slammed for ..
no im not gonna stop it. it pisses me off when people complain about racism when they are the biggest biggots
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