Racist Fraternity at the University of Oklahoma caught on tape.

He never said that black people integrated into white schools were to blame.

He said the act caused hostility.

YOU GUYS took that as "Wait, so you're saying black people were to blame. Bruh. Closet bigot."

Except he never said that.

Holster your weapons. Damn.
It's a revealing position regardless.  "Things were fine, but a few instigators decided they wanted their children to attend public schools and all hell broke loose."  

This "act" didn't cause hostility.  The hostility caused the "act."

To accept that "things were fine and then the Little Rock Nine showed up," you have to accept the denial of human and constitutional rights as "peaceful."  

Things were not "fine."  

Children attempting to peacefully attend school is not an act of hostility.  Denying children this right - whether through violence or intimidation - IS an act of hostility.  

If for some reason the university is not permitted to carry out expulsions in this case, perhaps a group of student volunteers should exercise their speech rights and tail these bigoted frat boys to every class and building on campus while shouting "racist."  We'll see how quickly the volunteers are forced to leave to preserve the sanctity of the learning environment.  
It's so absurd to me. Encouraging a mob of white kids to sing "Hang a _____ from a tree" is not violent to this guy :lol:

Exactly. In some cases, wrong is just wrong no matter the laws. Don't try and justify the n-word just because rappers say it. Both are wrong for the most part in saying it.

Great....Meth is in this thread. I am not saying anymore in fear of being called out. Haha.
I have 14 years of hardcore volunteer work in Baltimore City, in the worst neighborhoods on the face of this planet. Ranging from AA/NA work, drug treatment, adult/child literacy, soup kitchens, food banks, & after school programs. If you plan on working in the inner city like you say, you had best not stick your foot in your mouth like you do in here, because it will get you kilt...

Jeez, I still can't get over that comparison... :smh:

Man I don't believe 90% off these created personas these dudes who only pop up in these race threads make up. Just a guise to hide their true feelings. Cause they ONLY show up in these types and hit you with the I'm working with black youth or I have 100 black friends. *****.
Man I don't believe 90% off these created personas these dudes who only pop up in these race threads make up. Just a guise to hide their true feelings. Cause they ONLY show up in these types and hit you with the I'm working with black youth or I have 100 black friends. *****.

The best is the type that posts "I'm black/a person of color" then starts spamming NT with racist and/or condescending essays towards those two groups :lol: :smh:
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I have 14 years of hardcore volunteer work in Baltimore City, in the worst neighborhoods on the face of this planet. Ranging from AA/NA work, drug treatment, adult/child literacy, soup kitchens, food banks, & after school programs. If you plan on working in the inner city like you say, you had best not stick your foot in your mouth like you do in here, because it will get you kilt...

Jeez, I still can't get over that comparison... :smh:

Man I don't believe 90% off these created personas these dudes who only pop up in these race threads make up. Just a guise to hide their true feelings. Cause they ONLY show up in these types and hit you with the I'm working with black youth or I have 100 black friends. *****.

This sooooo much.

"I help black youth" is becoming the new "get outta jail free" card

I remember that dude Zapatohead doing the exact same thing. :lol:

Talking about systemic racism is all in black people's head, then talking about all the working he doing in the community. :smh: :lol:
It's a revealing position regardless.  "Things were fine, but a few instigators decided they wanted their children to attend public schools and all hell broke loose."  

This "act" didn't cause hostility.  The hostility caused the "act."

To accept that "things were fine and then the Little Rock Nine showed up," you have to accept the denial of human and constitutional rights as "peaceful."  
Things were not "fine."  

Children attempting to peacefully attend school is not an act of hostility.  Denying children this right - whether through violence or intimidation - IS an act of hostility.  


If for some reason the university is not permitted to carry out expulsions in this case, perhaps a group of student volunteers should exercise their speech rights and tail these bigoted frat boys to every class and building on campus while shouting "racist."  We'll see how quickly the volunteers are forced to leave to preserve the sanctity of the learning environment.  

again i never said it was an act of hostility... i even tried to clear it up multiple time. i said that act created a hostile environment but they were def not at fault. i agree with the rest of that statement.

i also agree with your final point. i would prob advise them to leave regardless because they are not free from social repercussions, only federal. but the the decision to leave should be by choice.

i agree that expulsion was the best decision but i still believe it was not the RIGHT CONSTITUTIONAL decision. thats all i got fellas.
again i never said it was an act of hostility... i even tried to clear it up multiple time. i said that act created a hostile environment but they were def not at fault. i agree with the rest of that statement.

i also agree with your final point. i would prob advise them to leave regardless because they are not free from social repercussions, only federal. but the the decision to leave should be by choice.

i agree that expulsion was the best decision but i still believe it was not the RIGHT CONSTITUTIONAL decision. thats all i got fellas.
The Little Rock Nine did not CREATE a hostile environment.  An environment that excludes them by race is inherently hostile.  
Drop the mic, Cobra dropping knowledge. All thats missing is Rex to grace us with his presence.
It's a revealing position regardless.  "Things were fine, but a few instigators decided they wanted their children to attend public schools and all hell broke loose."  

This "act" didn't cause hostility.  The hostility caused the "act."

To accept that "things were fine and then the Little Rock Nine showed up," you have to accept the denial of human and constitutional rights as "peaceful."  

Things were not "fine."  

Children attempting to peacefully attend school is not an act of hostility.  Denying children this right - whether through violence or intimidation - IS an act of hostility.  

If for some reason the university is not permitted to carry out expulsions in this case, perhaps a group of student volunteers should exercise their speech rights and tail these bigoted frat boys to every class and building on campus while shouting "racist."  We'll see how quickly the volunteers are forced to leave to preserve the sanctity of the learning environment.  
Say it again METH!!!
Said the same thing. Media is just picking the story of the month is all
Beib's white.. so they let them go play Black to get more following and whe n hes ready to clean up.. they dont bring back his black'ish past.. blacks cant do that.. as Trick Daddy said.. You still a *****
The Little Rock Nine did not CREATE a hostile environment.  An environment that excludes them by race is inherently hostile.  

ok, i can see that i was saying in general it was just all hostile, i def see ur point tho. but that was poor example anyways and i knew that it would get focused on when it was only meant to be used as an analogy... i literally forshadowed that would be what was focused on bc it was such a bad point but whatever.
but back to the main argument was that i still think the punishment isnt legal. what r ur thoughts there?
ok, i can see that. but that was poor example anyways and i knew that it would get focused on when it was only meant to be used as an analogy... i literally \
i also realized this is a pointless argument, bc i stated from the get go i would never publicly stand behind those frat boys. but i still think their words were protected by the constitution. imo they did not directly threaten harm, yes they glorified but did not say they would do it
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He never said that black people integrated into white schools were to blame.

He said the act caused hostility.

YOU GUYS took that as "Wait, so you're saying black people were to blame. Bruh. Closet bigot."

Except he never said that.

Holster your weapons. Damn. :lol:
It's a revealing position regardless.  "Things were fine, but a few instigators decided they wanted their children to attend public schools and all hell broke loose."  

This "act" didn't cause hostility.  The hostility caused the "act."

To accept that "things were fine and then the Little Rock Nine showed up," you have to accept the denial of human and constitutional rights as "peaceful."  
Things were not "fine."  

Children attempting to peacefully attend school is not an act of hostility.  Denying children this right - whether through violence or intimidation - IS an act of hostility.
Again, I get that.

It's just that in your paraphrasing of his sentiment, the responsibility is placed on the LR9.

But in his actual words, I don't see responsibility placed on LR9 (or white people, for that matter). I just see his words as saying "The incident caused hostility."

Now if his previous replies coupled with his LR9 post suggests that he blames the LR9, call me silly, but I think the next step would be clarification.

"True, that was a hostile environment. So on whom would you place the blame? Black people for daring go to a previously segregated school? White people for fiercely objecting? Cops for failing to protect said black people and quiet the riot? Who?"

I just think that if something can be presumed based on previous words, clarification of the presumption is the next reasonable step.

Granted, if someone were to tell me they can't stand 'proud shotgun owners in tank tops blasting Toby Keith from their jacked up Chevy pickups', I would absolutely assume that white southerners are not too popular with that person.

I'm not immune to assumptions/presumptions.

I just read nothing from him that implicitly or explicitly blamed the LR9.
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[thread="621762"] [/thread]
again i never said it was an act of hostility... i even tried to clear it up multiple time. i said that act created a hostile environment but they were def not at fault. i agree with the rest of that statement.

i also agree with your final point. i would prob advise them to leave regardless because they are not free from social repercussions, only federal. but the the decision to leave should be by choice.

i agree that expulsion was the best decision but i still believe it was not the RIGHT CONSTITUTIONAL decision. thats all i got fellas.

The Little Rock Nine did not CREATE a hostile environment.  An environment that excludes them by race is inherently hostile.  
I think he's trying to say the incident was a hostile environment, not that the act of them going to school was hostile.

But now I'm presuming.
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paliplaya2010 paliplaya2010 , on whom would you place the blame? Black people for daring go to a previously segregated school? White people for fiercely objecting? Cops for failing to protect said black people and quiet the riot? Who?
Paliplaya is a god damn idiot for saying the first black students created a hostile environment. WOW! Tell us how you really feel about black people

Lol of course this will be taken of context... so ur telling me you have a bunch of racist white kids at school, then u bring in some black kids, theres not gonna be any tension?? really? thats not hostile? that act just created a hostile environment. how do u not see that? it was a monumental step in civil rights, and your gonna tell me its wrong for me to say it created a hostile environment? wow. continue to understand that how u wish and twist my meaning to villainize me...

" that act just created a hostile environment"

Right here he places blame for a hostile environment not on the racist kids, but the act of letting the black kids in.

After this, he was dead in the water
paliplaya2010 paliplaya2010 , on whom would you place the blame? Black people for daring go to a previously segregated school? White people for fiercely objecting? Cops for failing to protect said black people and quiet the riot? Who?

i believe i said that earlier. the blame is on the white kids for objecting to it. and the police for not protecting them. i guess it can be hard to understand my intention when u dont know me. what i presume to be understood bc im more on the liberal isnt really shown through text when every one is already criminalizing me.
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It's not much room for interpretation when he says it explicitly in black and white.

Oh and he's a liberal as well? Who'd have thunk it?
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Only the most diehard of racists would ever even imagine going into a court of law to argue their right to offend and belittle others.

Which is why this punishment will stand. To object to this punishment on the grounds of free speech would make the accused look even worse than they already do. Even they can see that.

Apparently the gentleman in here cant. The fact that you are typing paragraph after paragraph, page after page defending this says a lot about you.
" that act just created a hostile environment"

Right here he places blame for a hostile environment not on the racist kids, but the act of letting the black kids in.

After this, he was dead in the water

the act made a hostile environment even more hostile. there. yes the act of letting allowed the hostile env to get worse. I DID NOT MEAN THE BLACK KIDS WERE TO BLAME. Is that better?
Totday I learned that a school full of racist white people = non hostile, and singing about hanging black people from trees=non violent.
I think he's trying to say the incident was a hostile environment, not that the act of them going to school was hostile.

But now I'm presuming.

But if the environment was hostile before the LR9 came how are they to blame for creating something that was already in place?
the act made a hostile environment even more hostile. there. yes the act of letting allowed the hostile env to get worse. I DID NOT MEAN THE BLACK KIDS WERE TO BLAME. Is that better?

Stop fumbling around man. You wrote that it CREATED a hostile environment, meaning there wasn't one before. Maybe you're not a racist (I doubt this though) but you definitely have 0 intelligence and are trying to compensate for it by pretending to be a fake @#$ keyboard lawyer
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