random ? - did they teach you about the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom at your school?

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

in short... US came and took the islands as a territory, locked up the queen in her own palace, and outlawed the language. 2/3rds of our race died in a 20 year span...

not bitter though (I teach US History for what it's worth)... I understand the evolution of a planet and how races come and go

just always wondered how the subject was covered in the mainland

 Wow, that was a cool thing to say in a weird way, but I don't know why..?
Was not covered in jhs but it was in the book, probably got two sentences mentioned about it. Wasn't covered in hs either. Never gave it much though cuz I wasn't interested but the thought was yall just let us come through cuz you wanted to be apart of America. I recall more things about it on the news and tv than from school.

As much history I've covered in college and on my own I only know the cliffnotes.

From NYC.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Nope, never learned about Nam neither.

I have a hard time believing you. One of the most volatile periods in American history, and you didn't learn about it?I'll just assume you are trolling.
All I remember is Queen Liliukulani, something about Dole pineapples, and some Europeans. idk bro
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