Random Myspace question..View last login date

Nov 12, 2008
A chick i talk to has a myspace and im curious to know the last time she logged in...i remember a while ago someone said you can look at the code and copy/paste something to get it but i dont remember

no pics, inb4 no means no, inb4 omg oh noes ur a stalker!!11
Originally Posted by moneymike88

A chick i talk to has a myspace and im curious to know the last time she logged in...i remember a while ago someone said you can look at the code and copy/paste something to get it but i dont remember

no pics, inb4 no means no, inb4 omg oh noes ur a stalker!!11
that's the kind of replies you're gonna get and plus Myspace is dead. She might not even use it anymore 
Originally Posted by moneymike88

no pics, inb4 no means no, inb4 omg oh noes ur a stalker!!11
 eh.. she's probably a fatty anyway.. 
The code doesn't work anymore, or the one I used doesn't.

Why myspace though?
Last Login: 6/10/2010

^? some pages still have it public?
maybe check the page when you're not logged into myspace?
why dont you just ask her? or you dont have her phone number and/or shes ignoring your messages?
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

why dont you just ask her? or you dont have her phone number and/or shes ignoring your messages?

Bingo. I would say just ask her..... but you must not have any other means of communication if you're worried about her last login date. lol
she's ignoring you dude...

whats seeing the last time she logged in gonna do besides make your heart go
Why dont you message her on MySpace? You can check the status if she read your message or not. This will tell you if she is ignoring you or just doesnt log onto MySpace
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