Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

The same attitude he has now the people complain about he had back then :lol:
Also he had a super short temper, dude's knew they could push his buttons and he'd react. Pretty sure an NT'er tried to run up on him at a show or something.
what? someone share the backstory to this :rofl:.
The same attitude he has now the people complain about he had back then :lol:
Also he had a super short temper, dude's knew they could push his buttons and he'd react. Pretty sure an NT'er tried to run up on him at a show or something.

In Miami...i don't think it was a show tho :lol:

I'm pretty sure that post still exists in here somewhere

Let’s have a quick discussion:

Wale is not as cool as he wants everyone to believe. He is someone who’s done things in life that are “cool”. Played football in high school and college.And he’s artsy, does poetry, and raps. But he as a person isn’t “cool”.

Someone tell me if I’m off. I just watched that Pull Up and it got me thinking.

He seems like the first to tell you that he’s socially awkward.

****** who consciously worry about being “cool” after high school :lol:. It’s “cooler” to just be u. Even if u a dweeb.
Dame having a midlife crisis. He still wish he was a “Big Dawg” in the music industry like a Birdman or Pee. Or, even Jay-Z.
Ya’ll know Dame just seething for that attention. His career and persona was built off attention. Now that he’s no longer in the spotlight as much, I think he lashes out on everyone around him.

**** wild because he kinda had something with that creative control with Stalley and all that.

dude shoulda kept his head down and have another run in the 2010’s instead we know him for the Roc A Fella moment and then the saltiness in interviews.

he so focused on independent everything he probably don’t really got no relationships.
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