Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

it’s crazy you posted this.

randomly listened to the solange mad song prolly 2 days ago and for the first time, my ears keyed in on him sayin “when I attempted suicide i didnt die”.
I remember where was when 1st heard that verse. I'm not sure if "culture shock" is the correct term, but how I felt was very similar to it. Made me a lot more inconsiderate.
Not to be that guy but Zion I was a duo of Zumbi and Amplive. Zumbi is who we lost. RIP.

My bad. You are right. To be honest, can't say I am the biggest fan of him as I was there to see Mac Mall really but I listened to one of his songs so much (Critical) cause it was in a mix tape I had. It was still cool to see him though and he is a great performer.
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