Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Dominicans are a lot newer as immigrants to the country so they’re still deep in their assimilation phase. I dont excuse it, but they’re very isolated and shielded from things outside of themselves and their own culture or white culture. It might have been the same for Puerto Rican’s in NYC too if it wasn’t for hip hop in the 70s.

My mom and pops met cause my dad was MCing a party on Southern Blvd.
I'm outta the city (chicago, not NY) now and it's rare for me to get back. I used to say the word all the time growing up. Now? I still say it sometimes but it's usage is not lost on me before in or after the moment. I personally get a little cringed by the word coming from myself.

I get it if that's a personal choice. People can decide not to use certain language and that's cool but it's how black folks talk to one another. It's been in our culture for over 30 years.
The best thing to do is to recognize that no matter how correct you feel your standards are, other people have different ones. Some people are cool, others are not.

It feels like any time we have this discussion it’s one side trying to convince the other that it’s not okay, when really it comes down to personal preference, and how much backlash you’re willing to defend yourself through.

Today I don’t use it around people I don’t know and who don’t know me. That’s from me learning that since I think my circumstances mean I can say it, that doesn’t mean anyone else will.
And ain't Fab and AZ and Jim half Latino so how does that work with today's outrage people? We gonna go back in time and act mad because they say it? They get to say half of it? We be having these pointless debates.

Hell i'm "Half" myself nobody ever asked me to stop saying ***** :lol: .

And does this apply to west indians as well?? where i'm from Jamaicans/Trinis/Guyanese etc etc all say ***** as well
I get it if that's a personal choice. People can decide not to use certain language and that's cool but it's how black folks talk to one another. It's been in our culture for over 30 years.
No doubt. That's part of the reason why I mentioned I dont get back to the city much. I'm not talking to the folks I grew up with and thus am not saying the same things I would have said.

In fact, this convo comes up often with my wife. Who is black and also from the city. I, unfortunately, have this natural habit of saying the word and thus it will slip out around her. But man, I dont like it. She dont like it either but she say it more than me.

Plus, I think overall, if imma have a problem with anyone saying, I gotta have a problem with me saying it. So I'm just trying to work on me without projecting into others.

Wonder what ya'll would have done if this kid called you a ***** in the 5th grade
No doubt. That's part of the reason why I mentioned I dont get back to the city much. I'm not talking to the folks I grew up with and thus am not saying the same things I would have said.

In fact, this convo comes up often with my wife. Who is black and also from the city. I, unfortunately, have this natural habit of saying the word and thus it will slip out around her. But man, I dont like it. She dont like it either but she say it more than me.

Plus, I think overall, if imma have a problem with anyone saying, I gotta have a problem with me saying it. So I'm just trying to work on me without projecting into others.

I'm definitely aware of who I say it around. Just like other cuss words.
Be clear, there is a very clear deliniation between white latinos and black latinos.

Often times, white latinos welcome the benefits of their skin and shun the people down the block with hopes of sneaking into whiteness. It's a very nuanced conversation, and I feel like a lot of people don't have the full context to understand all the different angles to it. Hell, I grew up with a Puerto Rican mom and a Black dad and I still don't think I get the dynamic. It's almost like a lot of people not knowing where they belong culturally. A lot of the time your skin tone determines that for you.
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