Re: Why Dark-Skinned People From The Dominican Republic Refuse Their Blackness

Off topic: I did not know Trevor Ariza was Dominican. I mean now looking at the name it makes perfect sense.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

To OP and anyone else who is mad, why do you guys care so much what they consider themselves? ... just a question

because denial and ..."non-unification," light skin vs dark skin, and the lack of knowledge about who we are among the african diaspora is HUGE and its about time black ppl wake up. at least IMO.

Yea but key word is "IMO" , its your opinion. I understand this is important to you, so why don't you hit those history books and continue to educate yourself on the matter, not worry about what anyone else considers themselves.  If my boy said he's blue, I might look at him funny but you know what thats what he considers himself, who am I to tell him different?    
i guess because for myself and others, we see it as a direct insult. we already live in a world where some ppl of certain races hate us and its a low blow when ppl of our own race do this.
and this is done in various ways...we live in a european based society and everywhere in the world anything european is seen as there's a lot of self hatred, a lot of trying to be something you aren't, a lot of anything but blackness...

this goes for the hair weave
the contacts
the cake soap
the "i'm spanish/hispanic/latino, NOT BLACK" said by black latinos (not speaking about ninjahood but in general)
the ppl that only like light skinned men and women and look down on black ppl that aren't
the jokes about dark skinned ppl
etc. etc.

then the way ninjahood comes off when talking about african americans is a turnoff. generic? really? is he aware that the majority of african americans are mixed in some way do to slavery?

lets pause there for a sec.

SOME latino black ppl are mixed with taino and white (spanish). SOME. but he makes it seem like ALL.
SOME latino black ppl are mixed with just white.

how is that any less "generic" than a black person in the u.s. being mixed with white (which is typical) and/or native american (which is typical)??

tainos are native americans, period.
as are cherokees, lumbees, navajo, etc.

so if a black latino or a latino in general is mixed with taino then what makes him/her not generic?
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

To OP and anyone else who is mad, why do you guys care so much what they consider themselves? ... just a question

because denial and ..."non-unification," light skin vs dark skin, and the lack of knowledge about who we are among the african diaspora is HUGE and its about time black ppl wake up. at least IMO.

Yea but key word is "IMO" , its your opinion. I understand this is important to you, so why don't you hit those history books and continue to educate yourself on the matter, not worry about what anyone else considers themselves.  If my boy said he's blue, I might look at him funny but you know what thats what he considers himself, who am I to tell him different?    
i guess because for myself and others, we see it as a direct insult. we already live in a world where some ppl of certain races hate us and its a low blow when ppl of our own race do this.
and this is done in various ways...we live in a european based society and everywhere in the world anything european is seen as there's a lot of self hatred, a lot of trying to be something you aren't, a lot of anything but blackness...

this goes for the hair weave
the contacts
the cake soap
the "i'm spanish/hispanic/latino, NOT BLACK" said by black latinos (not speaking about ninjahood but in general)
the ppl that only like light skinned men and women and look down on black ppl that aren't
the jokes about dark skinned ppl
etc. etc.

then the way ninjahood comes off when talking about african americans is a turnoff. generic? really? is he aware that the majority of african americans are mixed in some way do to slavery?

lets pause there for a sec.

SOME latino black ppl are mixed with taino and white (spanish). SOME. but he makes it seem like ALL.
SOME latino black ppl are mixed with just white.

how is that any less "generic" than a black person in the u.s. being mixed with white (which is typical) and/or native american (which is typical)??

tainos are native americans, period.
as are cherokees, lumbees, navajo, etc.

so if a black latino or a latino in general is mixed with taino then what makes him/her not generic?
Americans (Blacks & White) are just so ignorent to culture and other countries, it's pathetic.  Some people in the DR have more African blood than others, some have more Indian Blood, and some have more European blood.  Although most of the population are mixed some still are full African, full Indian, or full European.  It's a variety of races but what is imminent is that the D.R. have their own culture regardless what others say. America has their own culture too so that line about the D.R. being a couple hundred years old is absurd.  I'm 100% Portuguese and Brazil's culture is very different even if they do speak our language.  The United States speaks English, it doesn't mean we are part of the British culture, although we have been influenced by the them we are very different, believe that.  Dominicans may refuse their blackness (Sammy Sosa) because of their cultural stereotypes but don't even act like American Blacks don't either.  How many African-Americans make fun of others for being to dark (theglv), how many African Americans wish they could be more light-skinned, how many Black women in this country go to the salon every week to obtain "good hair". Come on man, this thread ain't even worthy.
Americans (Blacks & White) are just so ignorent to culture and other countries, it's pathetic.  Some people in the DR have more African blood than others, some have more Indian Blood, and some have more European blood.  Although most of the population are mixed some still are full African, full Indian, or full European.  It's a variety of races but what is imminent is that the D.R. have their own culture regardless what others say. America has their own culture too so that line about the D.R. being a couple hundred years old is absurd.  I'm 100% Portuguese and Brazil's culture is very different even if they do speak our language.  The United States speaks English, it doesn't mean we are part of the British culture, although we have been influenced by the them we are very different, believe that.  Dominicans may refuse their blackness (Sammy Sosa) because of their cultural stereotypes but don't even act like American Blacks don't either.  How many African-Americans make fun of others for being to dark (theglv), how many African Americans wish they could be more light-skinned, how many Black women in this country go to the salon every week to obtain "good hair". Come on man, this thread ain't even worthy.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

black isnt only an american term
black jamaicans identify themselves as being black
Never said it's an American term, said it's a loaded term.

black dominicans call themselves black as well... in DR, why would they use a loaded term here?
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

black isnt only an american term
black jamaicans identify themselves as being black
Never said it's an American term, said it's a loaded term.

When you think of calling someone black, what do you think of?

If I meet a black person from Jamaica, I'm not going to go around saying he's a black Jamaican.  I will just identify him as being Jamaican

if you ask a black jamaican if they're black they won't do everything in their power to skirt around the issue either. its a yes or no question they'll happily answer with a yes, 9.9999 times out of 10.
there's a lot of denial from black latinos when it comes to this, tho. there's reasons behind this but nobody wants to talk about them.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

black isnt only an american term
black jamaicans identify themselves as being black
Never said it's an American term, said it's a loaded term.

When you think of calling someone black, what do you think of?

If I meet a black person from Jamaica, I'm not going to go around saying he's a black Jamaican.  I will just identify him as being Jamaican

if you ask a black jamaican if they're black they won't do everything in their power to skirt around the issue either. its a yes or no question they'll happily answer with a yes, 9.9999 times out of 10.
there's a lot of denial from black latinos when it comes to this, tho. there's reasons behind this but nobody wants to talk about them.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

black isnt only an american term
black jamaicans identify themselves as being black
Never said it's an American term, said it's a loaded term.

black dominicans call themselves black as well... in DR, why would they use a loaded term here?
Why do you care so much if someone sides with their ethnicity/heritage/culture as opposed to skin color/race?
Why do you care so much if someone sides with their ethnicity/heritage/culture as opposed to skin color/race?
debs I don't feel like quoting your whole response but reading in between the lines of what you wrote, no hate but IMO it sounds like you are unconfortable with who you are. Almost to the point if someone is not like you, since you cannot change yourself you condemn others for not being like you...
debs I don't feel like quoting your whole response but reading in between the lines of what you wrote, no hate but IMO it sounds like you are unconfortable with who you are. Almost to the point if someone is not like you, since you cannot change yourself you condemn others for not being like you...
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

IronMan I think where you have it confused is that Ninjahood IS arguing genetics/race.  The reason someone even mentioned his name in this thread to begin with is because this isn't the first time he has had this argument with Anton.

In the original instance he said very clearly, that he is not BLACK the race because his ancestors and roots are Dominican and because his genes are mixed.  He stated regardless of what he may look like or if there is African slave in his blood that he is in no way Black because he is instead "genetically Dominican."  (As if the amalgamation of different genetic strains was something entirely different and removed from the Black race completely.)

Anton countered, that while yes culturally and nationally Ninja is Dominican, racially and genetically he is at least in part Black. And ninjahood completely refused to acknowledge that saying it was insulting to imply he was Black at all and kept using the terms "you" and "them" to expressly differentiate himself from all things Black, even doing so kind of condescendingly.  He also, at least at that time, clearly couldn't tell the difference between once RACIAL makeup and ones NATIONALITY.  That's where Anton got annoyed and kept prodding the topic.

I understand your point about the term "being Black" holding a stronger charge than just its genetic implication.  Let me make it clear, I have no issues with ninja associating solely with his Dominican/Taino/Spanish or Black part or part of whatever he wants.  He's his own man and entitled to claim whatever he wants.  Should you have to identify yourself as a "White Mexican"?  No.  Having to do so every time does sound silly.  But when we're having a discussion specifically about racial differences amongst people, it's equally kind of naive to argue that there are no racial distinctions and very pertinent amongst nationalities of people.  I mean let's be honest, there are people who identify themselves specifically as White Mexicans.  EVERY time.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

IronMan I think where you have it confused is that Ninjahood IS arguing genetics/race.  The reason someone even mentioned his name in this thread to begin with is because this isn't the first time he has had this argument with Anton.

In the original instance he said very clearly, that he is not BLACK the race because his ancestors and roots are Dominican and because his genes are mixed.  He stated regardless of what he may look like or if there is African slave in his blood that he is in no way Black because he is instead "genetically Dominican."  (As if the amalgamation of different genetic strains was something entirely different and removed from the Black race completely.)

Anton countered, that while yes culturally and nationally Ninja is Dominican, racially and genetically he is at least in part Black. And ninjahood completely refused to acknowledge that saying it was insulting to imply he was Black at all and kept using the terms "you" and "them" to expressly differentiate himself from all things Black, even doing so kind of condescendingly.  He also, at least at that time, clearly couldn't tell the difference between once RACIAL makeup and ones NATIONALITY.  That's where Anton got annoyed and kept prodding the topic.

I understand your point about the term "being Black" holding a stronger charge than just its genetic implication.  Let me make it clear, I have no issues with ninja associating solely with his Dominican/Taino/Spanish or Black part or part of whatever he wants.  He's his own man and entitled to claim whatever he wants.  Should you have to identify yourself as a "White Mexican"?  No.  Having to do so every time does sound silly.  But when we're having a discussion specifically about racial differences amongst people, it's equally kind of naive to argue that there are no racial distinctions and very pertinent amongst nationalities of people.  I mean let's be honest, there are people who identify themselves specifically as White Mexicans.  EVERY time.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

debs I don't feel like quoting your whole response but reading in between the lines of what you wrote, no hate but IMO it sounds like you are unconfortable with who you are. Almost to the point if someone is not like you, since you cannot change yourself you condemn others for not being like you...

its too bad that you got that out of my posts in this thread.
i'm comfortable enough with myself, my ethnicity and my race to answer a simple question if asked.

i'm comfortable enough to know where i come from.

i'm comfortable enough to accept the fact that others deny who they are but not at all content with it and will never try to take up for someone like that.

an individual can do whatever they want. it doesn't bother me one way or the other to be honest, but i'm going to call a spade a spade. if nobody else here has a problem with somebody here calling african americans generic while accepting and taking part in african american culture then continue.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

debs I don't feel like quoting your whole response but reading in between the lines of what you wrote, no hate but IMO it sounds like you are unconfortable with who you are. Almost to the point if someone is not like you, since you cannot change yourself you condemn others for not being like you...

its too bad that you got that out of my posts in this thread.
i'm comfortable enough with myself, my ethnicity and my race to answer a simple question if asked.

i'm comfortable enough to know where i come from.

i'm comfortable enough to accept the fact that others deny who they are but not at all content with it and will never try to take up for someone like that.

an individual can do whatever they want. it doesn't bother me one way or the other to be honest, but i'm going to call a spade a spade. if nobody else here has a problem with somebody here calling african americans generic while accepting and taking part in african american culture then continue.
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