Re: Why Dark-Skinned People From The Dominican Republic Refuse Their Blackness

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Also another thing.

My girl has two "black" parents but is lighter than Alicia Keys light and she has brown hair.

We don't call her white because culturally she just ain't so why we gotta call dark latinos black?
because black latinos have african blood in them and are descendants of slaves. black latinos would not exist without slavery, end of story.

lets flip it for a sec. if i asked your girl if there was some white somewhere in her family would she say yeah? i bet my life savings she would.
she wouldn't dodge the issue. she would say yes or no.

if i asked her if she considered herself american what would she say?
and now, how about black?

being black doesn't cancel out other things just like being latino doesn't.

if somebody asks me, i'm pr, i'm black, i'm an american.

none of this i'm pr and black as in pr as a race and black as a race.

the spanish never gave a +$$$ about us.
and a nationality has never been a race. stop it.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Not at all,

I clearly see what he is trying to say even though I don't agree with the way he is doing it.  I don't agree with this notion of forcing him to embrace his "blackness".

He identifies himself based on his culture, ethnicity, heritage as opposed to his "race".  This contingent is basing their argument on race and genetics, when in reality we ARE ALL a mix of everything.

I'm only speaking from a personal standpoint, I've mentioned the physical traits my parents have.  It's a wide mixture, so to call myself a "White Mexican" is ridiculous since my family is littered with a variety of European and Indigenous features.  I mentioned my dad looked like a carbon copy of an Aztec Warrior, his father (my grandfather) had a dark complexion with ocean blue eyes.

Seperating people solely based on race, an arbitrary term and designation, is ridiculous.

I don't think Anton's trying to force him to denounce being Dominican or to sudenly start repping Team Black Guy.

The point is he doesnt think he is Black.  Even on a genetic level.  So in his eyes he's not even denouncing it cuz he never was to begin with

It has nothing to do with cultural identity.  Dudes are just trying to explain on a very basic level, "Yo you're part Black too.  Just from a nice island with cool traditions."

There are Black Latinos... The two aren't mutually exclusive. 

(As a quick aside, does anyone remember back in like 2004 when there was a movement to get rid of the word "Hispanic" because it was considered a racial slur slash term of ignorance?)
Wait wait wait wait, so Ninjahood is denouncing being black genetically? Really?
tell em to go find a quote

Simple concept. You're hispanic and black.
umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Not at all,

I clearly see what he is trying to say even though I don't agree with the way he is doing it.  I don't agree with this notion of forcing him to embrace his "blackness".

He identifies himself based on his culture, ethnicity, heritage as opposed to his "race".  This contingent is basing their argument on race and genetics, when in reality we ARE ALL a mix of everything.

I'm only speaking from a personal standpoint, I've mentioned the physical traits my parents have.  It's a wide mixture, so to call myself a "White Mexican" is ridiculous since my family is littered with a variety of European and Indigenous features.  I mentioned my dad looked like a carbon copy of an Aztec Warrior, his father (my grandfather) had a dark complexion with ocean blue eyes.

Seperating people solely based on race, an arbitrary term and designation, is ridiculous.

I don't think Anton's trying to force him to denounce being Dominican or to sudenly start repping Team Black Guy.

The point is he doesnt think he is Black.  Even on a genetic level.  So in his eyes he's not even denouncing it cuz he never was to begin with

It has nothing to do with cultural identity.  Dudes are just trying to explain on a very basic level, "Yo you're part Black too.  Just from a nice island with cool traditions."

There are Black Latinos... The two aren't mutually exclusive. 

(As a quick aside, does anyone remember back in like 2004 when there was a movement to get rid of the word "Hispanic" because it was considered a racial slur slash term of ignorance?)
Wait wait wait wait, so Ninjahood is denouncing being black genetically? Really?
tell em to go find a quote

Simple concept. You're hispanic and black.
umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Not at all,

I clearly see what he is trying to say even though I don't agree with the way he is doing it.  I don't agree with this notion of forcing him to embrace his "blackness".

He identifies himself based on his culture, ethnicity, heritage as opposed to his "race".  This contingent is basing their argument on race and genetics, when in reality we ARE ALL a mix of everything.

I'm only speaking from a personal standpoint, I've mentioned the physical traits my parents have.  It's a wide mixture, so to call myself a "White Mexican" is ridiculous since my family is littered with a variety of European and Indigenous features.  I mentioned my dad looked like a carbon copy of an Aztec Warrior, his father (my grandfather) had a dark complexion with ocean blue eyes.

Seperating people solely based on race, an arbitrary term and designation, is ridiculous.

I don't think Anton's trying to force him to denounce being Dominican or to sudenly start repping Team Black Guy.

The point is he doesnt think he is Black.  Even on a genetic level.  So in his eyes he's not even denouncing it cuz he never was to begin with

It has nothing to do with cultural identity.  Dudes are just trying to explain on a very basic level, "Yo you're part Black too.  Just from a nice island with cool traditions."

There are Black Latinos... The two aren't mutually exclusive. 

(As a quick aside, does anyone remember back in like 2004 when there was a movement to get rid of the word "Hispanic" because it was considered a racial slur slash term of ignorance?)
Wait wait wait wait, so Ninjahood is denouncing being black genetically? Really?

The revitiligo spread through his body like the symbiote that turned spider man into venom. Granted too much emphasis is being placed on race and genetics. Race is a social construct but according to the definition dude is most definitely black....and mixed with some other stuff. Nobody here is claiming he is a part of African American/Black American culture, he's the only one in here implying that.
He doesn't want that label, which is completely fine but don't project those sentiments on other members of the diverse hispanic/latino culture.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Why can't you be black AND hispanic.
do i have a black father? i have a black mother? no...their both dominican, which makes me 100% latino
Dominican is not a race
. There are people in this county who have had white grandparents and great grandparents and they are considered black
. What makes you 100% latino, cause you speak Spanish?

and that's a racist white institituion you're embracing while people are calling Dominicans brainwashed because they'd rather claim their culture before genetic fractions?
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Not at all,

I clearly see what he is trying to say even though I don't agree with the way he is doing it.  I don't agree with this notion of forcing him to embrace his "blackness".

He identifies himself based on his culture, ethnicity, heritage as opposed to his "race".  This contingent is basing their argument on race and genetics, when in reality we ARE ALL a mix of everything.

I'm only speaking from a personal standpoint, I've mentioned the physical traits my parents have.  It's a wide mixture, so to call myself a "White Mexican" is ridiculous since my family is littered with a variety of European and Indigenous features.  I mentioned my dad looked like a carbon copy of an Aztec Warrior, his father (my grandfather) had a dark complexion with ocean blue eyes.

Seperating people solely based on race, an arbitrary term and designation, is ridiculous.

I don't think Anton's trying to force him to denounce being Dominican or to sudenly start repping Team Black Guy.

The point is he doesnt think he is Black.  Even on a genetic level.  So in his eyes he's not even denouncing it cuz he never was to begin with

It has nothing to do with cultural identity.  Dudes are just trying to explain on a very basic level, "Yo you're part Black too.  Just from a nice island with cool traditions."

There are Black Latinos... The two aren't mutually exclusive. 

(As a quick aside, does anyone remember back in like 2004 when there was a movement to get rid of the word "Hispanic" because it was considered a racial slur slash term of ignorance?)
Wait wait wait wait, so Ninjahood is denouncing being black genetically? Really?

The revitiligo spread through his body like the symbiote that turned spider man into venom. Granted too much emphasis is being placed on race and genetics. Race is a social construct but according to the definition dude is most definitely black....and mixed with some other stuff. Nobody here is claiming he is a part of African American/Black American culture, he's the only one in here implying that.
He doesn't want that label, which is completely fine but don't project those sentiments on other members of the diverse hispanic/latino culture.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Why can't you be black AND hispanic.
do i have a black father? i have a black mother? no...their both dominican, which makes me 100% latino
Dominican is not a race
. There are people in this county who have had white grandparents and great grandparents and they are considered black
. What makes you 100% latino, cause you speak Spanish?

and that's a racist white institituion you're embracing while people are calling Dominicans brainwashed because they'd rather claim their culture before genetic fractions?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by Nako XL

I don't think Anton's trying to force him to denounce being Dominican or to sudenly start repping Team Black Guy.

The point is he doesnt think he is Black.  Even on a genetic level.  So in his eyes he's not even denouncing it cuz he never was to begin with

It has nothing to do with cultural identity.  Dudes are just trying to explain on a very basic level, "Yo you're part Black too.  Just from a nice island with cool traditions."

There are Black Latinos... The two aren't mutually exclusive. 

(As a quick aside, does anyone remember back in like 2004 when there was a movement to get rid of the word "Hispanic" because it was considered a racial slur slash term of ignorance?)
Wait wait wait wait, so Ninjahood is denouncing being black genetically? Really?
tell em to go find a quote

Simple concept. You're hispanic and black.
umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by Nako XL

I don't think Anton's trying to force him to denounce being Dominican or to sudenly start repping Team Black Guy.

The point is he doesnt think he is Black.  Even on a genetic level.  So in his eyes he's not even denouncing it cuz he never was to begin with

It has nothing to do with cultural identity.  Dudes are just trying to explain on a very basic level, "Yo you're part Black too.  Just from a nice island with cool traditions."

There are Black Latinos... The two aren't mutually exclusive. 

(As a quick aside, does anyone remember back in like 2004 when there was a movement to get rid of the word "Hispanic" because it was considered a racial slur slash term of ignorance?)
Wait wait wait wait, so Ninjahood is denouncing being black genetically? Really?
tell em to go find a quote

Simple concept. You're hispanic and black.
umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

You want him to claim a percentage?

Want him to claim 27% black?

And you guys whine about white oppressors and brainwashing? Lol

It has nothing to do with him saying I'm half Black or whatever percentage.  The point is he always goes out of his way to state that he is absolutely 0% Black and draw a distinct line between himself and "Black people" when it's nonsensical.
lol now people putting words in my mouth.....when people claim their hispanic it ALREADY MEANS THAT THEY ARE BLACK/EURO/INDIAN

im convinced that black people are just mad and hispanics aren't in this whole racial world.

I see the issue... yes being Hispanic means that you're a descendant of peoples from a spanish or latin speaking country but you're mistaken in thinking that it automatically denotes you as being mixed. that's where there's a misunderstanding.

By saying you're Hispanic you mean it as already saying that you're part Black (even though it doesn't) but I understand the mix up.  Got it.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

You want him to claim a percentage?

Want him to claim 27% black?

And you guys whine about white oppressors and brainwashing? Lol

It has nothing to do with him saying I'm half Black or whatever percentage.  The point is he always goes out of his way to state that he is absolutely 0% Black and draw a distinct line between himself and "Black people" when it's nonsensical.
lol now people putting words in my mouth.....when people claim their hispanic it ALREADY MEANS THAT THEY ARE BLACK/EURO/INDIAN

im convinced that black people are just mad and hispanics aren't in this whole racial world.

I see the issue... yes being Hispanic means that you're a descendant of peoples from a spanish or latin speaking country but you're mistaken in thinking that it automatically denotes you as being mixed. that's where there's a misunderstanding.

By saying you're Hispanic you mean it as already saying that you're part Black (even though it doesn't) but I understand the mix up.  Got it.
Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Wait wait wait wait, so Ninjahood is denouncing being black genetically? Really?
tell em to go find a quote

Simple concept. You're hispanic and black.
umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?
Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Wait wait wait wait, so Ninjahood is denouncing being black genetically? Really?
tell em to go find a quote

Simple concept. You're hispanic and black.
umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by ninjahood

tell em to go find a quote

umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?
you dont rep your black side
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by ninjahood

tell em to go find a quote

umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?
you dont rep your black side
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by ninjahood

tell em to go find a quote

umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by ninjahood

tell em to go find a quote

umm how about no.

hispanic means your, black/Spaniard/taino....and come from a spanish ethnicity/heritage .why da hell would i say im all that PLUS black again?

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
man i don't why people keep bringing this subject up..... some Dominicans have a negative view on Haitians that's me guess
man i don't why people keep bringing this subject up..... some Dominicans have a negative view on Haitians that's me guess
that was my point earlier.

there is a lot of ignorance within the black community. the majority (i'd say) don't know who we are, where we all are, how we got there, how life is like for us as a ppl outside of america, etc. etc.

its typical that somebody would say they're black and _____ (insert whatever nationality here).

puerto rico def has ppl of all races. there are white ppl, black ppl, asian ppl, mixed ppl, etc. etc. as in a lot of other countries outside of the mainland u.s.

but a person in the mainland u.s. is not presented with these images of any part of the world outside of the u.s., maybe canada...maybe england.

so most black ppl don't even know that black ppl exist outside of jamaica, haiti, the u.s. and the continent of africa.


IMO this matters. we need to know who we are.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

do i have a black father? i have a black mother? no...their both dominican, which makes me 100% latino
Dominican is not a race
. There are people in this county who have had white grandparents and great grandparents and they are considered black
. What makes you 100% latino, cause you speak Spanish?

and that's a racist white institituion you're embracing while people are calling Dominicans brainwashed because they'd rather claim their culture before genetic fractions?

Hmm Dominicans are not immune to the brain washing of the white racist institution.
If Dominicans want to claim their culture, that is fine....more power to them. But the term hispanic is just as arbitrary as the racial divides created by the white man. Mexicans and Dominicans are both latino/hispanic and their cultures are pretty distinct. Some hispanics refer to themselves as Black/Afro-hispanics because of the influence African culture has on creating their culture. Accepting the world "black" doesn't necessarily mean you're embracing the white man in some way. Like ninjahood is embracing his country, some embrace all aspects of what makes them who they are. Could be race, ethnic group, continent, religion....etc etc etc.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

do i have a black father? i have a black mother? no...their both dominican, which makes me 100% latino
Dominican is not a race
. There are people in this county who have had white grandparents and great grandparents and they are considered black
. What makes you 100% latino, cause you speak Spanish?

and that's a racist white institituion you're embracing while people are calling Dominicans brainwashed because they'd rather claim their culture before genetic fractions?

Hmm Dominicans are not immune to the brain washing of the white racist institution.
If Dominicans want to claim their culture, that is fine....more power to them. But the term hispanic is just as arbitrary as the racial divides created by the white man. Mexicans and Dominicans are both latino/hispanic and their cultures are pretty distinct. Some hispanics refer to themselves as Black/Afro-hispanics because of the influence African culture has on creating their culture. Accepting the world "black" doesn't necessarily mean you're embracing the white man in some way. Like ninjahood is embracing his country, some embrace all aspects of what makes them who they are. Could be race, ethnic group, continent, religion....etc etc etc.
that was my point earlier.

there is a lot of ignorance within the black community. the majority (i'd say) don't know who we are, where we all are, how we got there, how life is like for us as a ppl outside of america, etc. etc.

its typical that somebody would say they're black and _____ (insert whatever nationality here).

puerto rico def has ppl of all races. there are white ppl, black ppl, asian ppl, mixed ppl, etc. etc. as in a lot of other countries outside of the mainland u.s.

but a person in the mainland u.s. is not presented with these images of any part of the world outside of the u.s., maybe canada...maybe england.

so most black ppl don't even know that black ppl exist outside of jamaica, haiti, the u.s. and the continent of africa.


IMO this matters. we need to know who we are.
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