Re: Why Dark-Skinned People From The Dominican Republic Refuse Their Blackness

The real elephant in the room...

Ninja when are ya'll Dominicans gonna stop baller blockin us from ya'll females and let them free dat %#% for a real "black" platano? It's inevitable

The real elephant in the room...

Ninja when are ya'll Dominicans gonna stop baller blockin us from ya'll females and let them free dat %#% for a real "black" platano? It's inevitable

Originally Posted by bronxstreets

man i don't why people keep bringing this subject up..... some Dominicans have a negative view on Haitians that's me guess
funny that you just said that.  from the article i was reading:
To many Dominicans, to be black is to be Haitian. So dark-skinned Dominicans tend to describe themselves as any of the dozen or so racial categories that date back hundreds of years -- Indian, burned Indian, dirty Indian, washed Indian, dark Indian, cinnamon, moreno or mulatto, but rarely negro.

"The problem is Haitians developed a policy of black-centrism and . . . Dominicans don't respond to that," said scholar Manuel Núñez, who is black. "Dominican is not a color of skin, like the Haitian."

Dictator Rafael Trujillo, who ruled from 1930 to 1961, strongly promoted anti-Haitian sentiments, and is blamed for creating the many racial categories that avoided the use of the word "black."

The practice continued under President Joaquín Balaguer, who often complained that Haitians were "darkening'' the country. In the 1990s, he was blamed for thwarting the presidential aspirations of leading black candidate José Francisco Peña Gómez by spreading rumors that he was actually Haitian.

"Under Trujillo, being black was the worst thing you could be," said Afro-Dominican poet Blas Jiménez. "Now we are Dominican, because we are not Haitian. We are something, because we are not that."

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Originally Posted by bronxstreets

man i don't why people keep bringing this subject up..... some Dominicans have a negative view on Haitians that's me guess
funny that you just said that.  from the article i was reading:
To many Dominicans, to be black is to be Haitian. So dark-skinned Dominicans tend to describe themselves as any of the dozen or so racial categories that date back hundreds of years -- Indian, burned Indian, dirty Indian, washed Indian, dark Indian, cinnamon, moreno or mulatto, but rarely negro.

"The problem is Haitians developed a policy of black-centrism and . . . Dominicans don't respond to that," said scholar Manuel Núñez, who is black. "Dominican is not a color of skin, like the Haitian."

Dictator Rafael Trujillo, who ruled from 1930 to 1961, strongly promoted anti-Haitian sentiments, and is blamed for creating the many racial categories that avoided the use of the word "black."

The practice continued under President Joaquín Balaguer, who often complained that Haitians were "darkening'' the country. In the 1990s, he was blamed for thwarting the presidential aspirations of leading black candidate José Francisco Peña Gómez by spreading rumors that he was actually Haitian.

"Under Trujillo, being black was the worst thing you could be," said Afro-Dominican poet Blas Jiménez. "Now we are Dominican, because we are not Haitian. We are something, because we are not that."

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Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?
you dont rep your black side
because i don't have a black side

melo's mom is black and melo's pop's was rican and he died.

Norega too, moms black, pop's rican...he's states he's Black and puerto rican.

ME HOWEVER have BOTH dominican parents that both speak spanish as a first language...da nerve of ya telling me to claim my black side

im glad people OUTSIDE this website understands.
Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?
you dont rep your black side
because i don't have a black side

melo's mom is black and melo's pop's was rican and he died.

Norega too, moms black, pop's rican...he's states he's Black and puerto rican.

ME HOWEVER have BOTH dominican parents that both speak spanish as a first language...da nerve of ya telling me to claim my black side

im glad people OUTSIDE this website understands.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...

This dude has been ranting about being hispanic, and he doesn't even know what it means.
. Does he realize there are African countries that are considered hispanic?

I'm not black, I'm Anglophone.

I'm not human, I'm an earthling.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...

This dude has been ranting about being hispanic, and he doesn't even know what it means.
. Does he realize there are African countries that are considered hispanic?

I'm not black, I'm Anglophone.

I'm not human, I'm an earthling.
My dude again should just say kick rocks to yall and keep it moving cuz the stuff he's saying doesn't make sense. Like "according to my own definition of latino (a cultural designation) i'm already part black (race) so i don't have to claim it again, but i'll never say i'm part black. and even though i know the difference between race and culture, i'll use them interchangeably as i please, and keep inferring that people want me to say i'm african american, though i'm the only one saying that".
My dude again should just say kick rocks to yall and keep it moving cuz the stuff he's saying doesn't make sense. Like "according to my own definition of latino (a cultural designation) i'm already part black (race) so i don't have to claim it again, but i'll never say i'm part black. and even though i know the difference between race and culture, i'll use them interchangeably as i please, and keep inferring that people want me to say i'm african american, though i'm the only one saying that".
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.
(As a quick aside, does anyone remember back in like 2004 when there was a movement to get rid of the word "Hispanic" because it was considered a racial slur slash term of ignorance?)
Yes, I slip and use it once in a blue moon, but the accepted term is Latino.

There's also a debate/movement to get rid of "race".  Frankly, everything is broken down in black & white, then they saw Latino's and scientifically they are +%$$#+#+ their pants: "Oh *+#%, they are a mix of a variety we can't comprehend, are they black? are they white? are they both? are they indigenous?.

Racial designations are outdated, sad to see some hang their arguments on that hat.
because black latinos have african blood in them and are descendants of slaves. black latinos would not exist without slavery, end of story.
They do have African blood, but they may also have a different genetic makeup that is not exclusive to "African Blood".  That is why I see NH's view.

He may be part black, does that mean he has to accept or embrace his "blackness"?

That's why I used myself, because I don't want to speak for NH.  My genetic makeup isn't as simple as some of you are trying to make it.

Nako tossed out that I am part "White Mexican", so does that mean I should dismiss my fathers Indigenous heavy genetic makeup just because my mothers genes were that much stronger.  That is why the "race" debate does not work, because Latino's are a mix of white, black, indigenous, etc.

Would you guys be happy if we Latino's just start saying: "Hey I'm a Mixed Mexican/Puerto Rican/Dominican".  On the surface, NH skin complexion is black, but do you guys know the genetic makeup of his entire family.  There are different hue's of skin tone within Latin families.  Hence why "racial designation" is quickly dismissed by Latino's.

If someone would come up to me and said, you are a "White Mexican", I would be insulted. 
(As a quick aside, does anyone remember back in like 2004 when there was a movement to get rid of the word "Hispanic" because it was considered a racial slur slash term of ignorance?)
Yes, I slip and use it once in a blue moon, but the accepted term is Latino.

There's also a debate/movement to get rid of "race".  Frankly, everything is broken down in black & white, then they saw Latino's and scientifically they are +%$$#+#+ their pants: "Oh *+#%, they are a mix of a variety we can't comprehend, are they black? are they white? are they both? are they indigenous?.

Racial designations are outdated, sad to see some hang their arguments on that hat.
because black latinos have african blood in them and are descendants of slaves. black latinos would not exist without slavery, end of story.
They do have African blood, but they may also have a different genetic makeup that is not exclusive to "African Blood".  That is why I see NH's view.

He may be part black, does that mean he has to accept or embrace his "blackness"?

That's why I used myself, because I don't want to speak for NH.  My genetic makeup isn't as simple as some of you are trying to make it.

Nako tossed out that I am part "White Mexican", so does that mean I should dismiss my fathers Indigenous heavy genetic makeup just because my mothers genes were that much stronger.  That is why the "race" debate does not work, because Latino's are a mix of white, black, indigenous, etc.

Would you guys be happy if we Latino's just start saying: "Hey I'm a Mixed Mexican/Puerto Rican/Dominican".  On the surface, NH skin complexion is black, but do you guys know the genetic makeup of his entire family.  There are different hue's of skin tone within Latin families.  Hence why "racial designation" is quickly dismissed by Latino's.

If someone would come up to me and said, you are a "White Mexican", I would be insulted. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.

Dictionary definition:

[h2]His·pan·ic[/h2][hi-span-ik] Show IPA


Latin American: the United States and its Hispanic neighbors.

Also, Hispano. Also called Hispanic American , Hispano-American. an American citizen or resident of Spanish  or Latin-American descent.


The term has also been used to denote the culture and people of countries formerly ruled by the Spanish Empire, usually with a majority Hispanophone population. Collectively known as Hispanic America, this region includes Mexico, Cuba and the majority of the Central and South American countries, and most of the Greater Antilles. "Hispanic" is also used by people in the United States who are of Hispanic American origin (Hispanic and Latino Americans).

Not all Hispanic people are of mixed blood ninja...

IRON MAN you dont agree it's a little foolish for someone to point and say "You Black people always do this" when one of his ancestors is also Black?  No one's telling him to claim anything in particular it's just a little funny when he speaks about Blacks as them and says clearly that he is in no way affiliated, when down to his simplest most basic aspect, he is.
if latinos admit to being three races and know they are mixed why are they so racist against blacks.Thats really stupid to me hell why are racist against yourselves.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.

Dictionary definition:

[h2]His·pan·ic[/h2][hi-span-ik] Show IPA


Latin American: the United States and its Hispanic neighbors.

Also, Hispano. Also called Hispanic American , Hispano-American. an American citizen or resident of Spanish  or Latin-American descent.


The term has also been used to denote the culture and people of countries formerly ruled by the Spanish Empire, usually with a majority Hispanophone population. Collectively known as Hispanic America, this region includes Mexico, Cuba and the majority of the Central and South American countries, and most of the Greater Antilles. "Hispanic" is also used by people in the United States who are of Hispanic American origin (Hispanic and Latino Americans).

Not all Hispanic people are of mixed blood ninja...

IRON MAN you dont agree it's a little foolish for someone to point and say "You Black people always do this" when one of his ancestors is also Black?  No one's telling him to claim anything in particular it's just a little funny when he speaks about Blacks as them and says clearly that he is in no way affiliated, when down to his simplest most basic aspect, he is.
if latinos admit to being three races and know they are mixed why are they so racist against blacks.Thats really stupid to me hell why are racist against yourselves.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?
you dont rep your black side
because i don't have a black side

melo's mom is black and melo's pop's was rican and he died.

Norega too, moms black, pop's rican...he's states he's Black and puerto rican.

ME HOWEVER have BOTH dominican parents that both speak spanish as a first language...da nerve of ya telling me to claim my black side

im glad people OUTSIDE this website understands.
nore also uses the term spanish when referring to hispanic ppl. so...

and one can be black and from puerto rico. a person can have two black parents both from puerto rico.
instead of someone saying one parent is black and the other is mixed they refer to the other's nationality. this is incorrect, when you're using the nationality as a place holder for race.

but this is what is done by a lot of ppl. doesn't make it right.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?
you dont rep your black side
because i don't have a black side

melo's mom is black and melo's pop's was rican and he died.

Norega too, moms black, pop's rican...he's states he's Black and puerto rican.

ME HOWEVER have BOTH dominican parents that both speak spanish as a first language...da nerve of ya telling me to claim my black side

im glad people OUTSIDE this website understands.
nore also uses the term spanish when referring to hispanic ppl. so...

and one can be black and from puerto rico. a person can have two black parents both from puerto rico.
instead of someone saying one parent is black and the other is mixed they refer to the other's nationality. this is incorrect, when you're using the nationality as a place holder for race.

but this is what is done by a lot of ppl. doesn't make it right.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.
find a "generic" black american that doesn't have all three mixes. good luck.
Haiti's slaves revolted against the French and in 1804 established their own nation. In 1822, Haitians took over the entire island, ruling the predominantly Hispanic Dominican Republic for 22 years.

To this day, the Dominican Republic celebrates its independence not from centuries-long colonizer Spain, but from Haiti.

Read more:  And people try to claim arawak/taino more than they should knowing there's not that many actual descendants because Spain damn near wiped them out all over the caribbean.
Haiti's slaves revolted against the French and in 1804 established their own nation. In 1822, Haitians took over the entire island, ruling the predominantly Hispanic Dominican Republic for 22 years.

To this day, the Dominican Republic celebrates its independence not from centuries-long colonizer Spain, but from Haiti.

Read more:  And people try to claim arawak/taino more than they should knowing there's not that many actual descendants because Spain damn near wiped them out all over the caribbean.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?

No they don't.  You don't know what Hispanic means...
so find a hispanic that doesn't doesnt have those 3 mixes....
good luck with that.
find a "generic" black american that doesn't have all three mixes. good luck.
Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

hispanic does not mean that. hispanic means coming from a spanish speaking country. its linked by language, not by race. not everybody thats hispanic has taino blood in them.

AT ALL. taino is not the end all be all of native americans in latin america.
taino can be replaced with any kinda of indigenous people that were in south America/Caribbeans  before spain and da african slaves got here.

ALL hispanics have all 3 ingredients one way or another.

Carmelo Anthony Claims he's black AND Puertorican.... which one of your courageous NTers are gonna tell him to stop repping his hispanic side because according to ya it just means your black again?
you dont rep your black side
Why do you and everyone else care so much though whether he or any other dominican reps it or not though?
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