Real Question about Black, White, Asian, and Hispanic money::: Flame-suit on:::

African American had poor negative self-image (with just cause), so to compensate for unexplained shame or insecurity about being poor and worthless we make the unconscious decision to get "fly"
to prove a point.

on the same token, we like nice things like EVERYONE ELSE, can't take it with to the grave.
African American had poor negative self-image (with just cause), so to compensate for unexplained shame or insecurity about being poor and worthless we make the unconscious decision to get "fly"
to prove a point.

on the same token, we like nice things like EVERYONE ELSE, can't take it with to the grave.
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by LilJRDN

I'm latino and I've noticed that are there is quite a difference between "US Born Latinos" and "Immigrants/Naturalized Latinos". I've noticed that a majority of latinos who were not born here have the mentality to "save money" and/or invest it (buying a house/ buy land back home/create a business/feed the savings account/etc). On the other hand, I've noticed that latinos born here do not care as much as saving money as those who grew up in other countries.

As far as saving money among other races, I think AGE is a deciding factor in all races. The majority of young dudes (20-mid 20's) are more interested in their image/status (having a nice apt, nice car, clothes, etc) - this affects all races. At the same time, folks in their 30's and up are more careful about their money no matter what their race is.
I agree. I know a ton of immigrants (Portugese, Mexican, Russian, Ukranian, Italian, Turkish, etc.) and I will say Immigrants have a very strong work ethic. Most will shovel +%!% if they have too for as long as it takes, saving every penny. They will then take all that hard earned money and establish there own business.

However, many of these same people I know also will **** someone over on money whenever a chance. While I respect their hard work and hustle, I don't respect how they will do anything to make a dollar including losing friends, doing illegal things, etc. Not saying all do this, but I have noticed a good amount who have.

I also agree with age. I've worked since I was 13/14 and I used to save money but I would also spend foolishly on clothes, etc. I still like nice things, actually my taste has grown, I actually like more expensive things now, but I also know I have to save money so one day I can afford a house, save for my kids college, etc.

I'm still young so I have time, but most kids I know my age (early 20's and even mid 20's) blow their money on cars (making 500 dollar payments is not what's up, even if your ride is sick), at the bar, vacations, etc.
If that's not American thinking, I don't know what is....

"Not saying all do this, but I have noticed a good amount who have."

I don't believe I said all do this. But knowing all types of different immigrants from all different backgrounds I've seen this MANY times. Once again let me reiterate, I didn't say all immigrants did this, what I am saying is I've seen numerous immigrants do this.
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by LilJRDN

I'm latino and I've noticed that are there is quite a difference between "US Born Latinos" and "Immigrants/Naturalized Latinos". I've noticed that a majority of latinos who were not born here have the mentality to "save money" and/or invest it (buying a house/ buy land back home/create a business/feed the savings account/etc). On the other hand, I've noticed that latinos born here do not care as much as saving money as those who grew up in other countries.

As far as saving money among other races, I think AGE is a deciding factor in all races. The majority of young dudes (20-mid 20's) are more interested in their image/status (having a nice apt, nice car, clothes, etc) - this affects all races. At the same time, folks in their 30's and up are more careful about their money no matter what their race is.
I agree. I know a ton of immigrants (Portugese, Mexican, Russian, Ukranian, Italian, Turkish, etc.) and I will say Immigrants have a very strong work ethic. Most will shovel +%!% if they have too for as long as it takes, saving every penny. They will then take all that hard earned money and establish there own business.

However, many of these same people I know also will **** someone over on money whenever a chance. While I respect their hard work and hustle, I don't respect how they will do anything to make a dollar including losing friends, doing illegal things, etc. Not saying all do this, but I have noticed a good amount who have.

I also agree with age. I've worked since I was 13/14 and I used to save money but I would also spend foolishly on clothes, etc. I still like nice things, actually my taste has grown, I actually like more expensive things now, but I also know I have to save money so one day I can afford a house, save for my kids college, etc.

I'm still young so I have time, but most kids I know my age (early 20's and even mid 20's) blow their money on cars (making 500 dollar payments is not what's up, even if your ride is sick), at the bar, vacations, etc.
If that's not American thinking, I don't know what is....

"Not saying all do this, but I have noticed a good amount who have."

I don't believe I said all do this. But knowing all types of different immigrants from all different backgrounds I've seen this MANY times. Once again let me reiterate, I didn't say all immigrants did this, what I am saying is I've seen numerous immigrants do this.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People with real money and wealth don't flaunt it. One of my best friends is the son of a very wealthy neurosurgeon and he dresses like vagabond and drives a 2000 Ford

I have found this to be true. On the other hand I have found people with frugal means, feel the need to show off whatever they have. Its the reason you go to any grimey neighborhood, you will find a car worth more than the house its parked in front of with spinners and $%#@%$
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People with real money and wealth don't flaunt it. One of my best friends is the son of a very wealthy neurosurgeon and he dresses like vagabond and drives a 2000 Ford

I have found this to be true. On the other hand I have found people with frugal means, feel the need to show off whatever they have. Its the reason you go to any grimey neighborhood, you will find a car worth more than the house its parked in front of with spinners and $%#@%$
Originally Posted by likethematrix

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not true.
Wealthy folks do flaunt their money but in a different way.  What's a 20MM penthouse or a 50MM yacht if not flaunting? For the non billionaires they have their exotic cars, club memberships, and high end watches. 
People who have 20MM penthouses and 50 million dollar yachts do have money. If they didn't then they obviously wouldn't have those things. However that's what is called "new money."

If you know truly WEALTHY people, I mean WASPY, old money, trust fund been handed down money, etc., most of those people are drivin' around in 1993 Saabs and Volvo's with 200,000 miles on it and wearing beat up loafers.

If you look in just about every metro area in the United States I'm sure you will find suburbs that are deemed "new money" v. "old money." Old Money 'burbs where the real wealthy tend to live are usually mature suburbs, lots of trees, sidewalks, traditional town centers, etc. "new money" towns, while still having money, are more of the McMansion type.

It's basically a flashy v. non-flash type of thing. Some flaunt others don't. People who've been around money for a long time don't need to flaunt. People who haven't tend to flaunt.

Either way you still got money. If you wanna flaunt, by all means, flaunt.

before i get on you... do you think people with old money are better than people with new money?
now remember before you answer, that there are no ethnicities in the USA with old money.

please answer the ? though.
Don't bring race into what I just said.

I've been to a political fundraiser for a US Senator and there were over 300 individuals there, in an old money town. 200-250 were African American. And by the checks they were writing, schools they attended, the way they were dressed and the way they presented themselves, you better believe that all 200 of those African Americans fit my defintion of "old money."

Originally Posted by likethematrix

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not true.
Wealthy folks do flaunt their money but in a different way.  What's a 20MM penthouse or a 50MM yacht if not flaunting? For the non billionaires they have their exotic cars, club memberships, and high end watches. 
People who have 20MM penthouses and 50 million dollar yachts do have money. If they didn't then they obviously wouldn't have those things. However that's what is called "new money."

If you know truly WEALTHY people, I mean WASPY, old money, trust fund been handed down money, etc., most of those people are drivin' around in 1993 Saabs and Volvo's with 200,000 miles on it and wearing beat up loafers.

If you look in just about every metro area in the United States I'm sure you will find suburbs that are deemed "new money" v. "old money." Old Money 'burbs where the real wealthy tend to live are usually mature suburbs, lots of trees, sidewalks, traditional town centers, etc. "new money" towns, while still having money, are more of the McMansion type.

It's basically a flashy v. non-flash type of thing. Some flaunt others don't. People who've been around money for a long time don't need to flaunt. People who haven't tend to flaunt.

Either way you still got money. If you wanna flaunt, by all means, flaunt.

before i get on you... do you think people with old money are better than people with new money?
now remember before you answer, that there are no ethnicities in the USA with old money.

please answer the ? though.
Don't bring race into what I just said.

I've been to a political fundraiser for a US Senator and there were over 300 individuals there, in an old money town. 200-250 were African American. And by the checks they were writing, schools they attended, the way they were dressed and the way they presented themselves, you better believe that all 200 of those African Americans fit my defintion of "old money."

I think all races are going to be set back with how they spend their money over the next few years, because of the economy. It's rewarding behavior that typically goes against what is the most responsible.

Joe Conservative stacked his chips, drove a 8 year old car, rocked clothing from the local outlet mall, and bought a 2000 sq ft. house for $200K in 2007.
Joe Baller flossed out heavy, copped a S series Benz, rocked higher end clothing, and chilled at his parents house.

Guess who's in the better financial situation right now? That house that Joe Conservative dropped $200K on is now worth $140K. Joe Baller can get a job anywhere he wants and he if stacks up for a year or 2 can buy Joe Conservative's house for the low-low.
I think all races are going to be set back with how they spend their money over the next few years, because of the economy. It's rewarding behavior that typically goes against what is the most responsible.

Joe Conservative stacked his chips, drove a 8 year old car, rocked clothing from the local outlet mall, and bought a 2000 sq ft. house for $200K in 2007.
Joe Baller flossed out heavy, copped a S series Benz, rocked higher end clothing, and chilled at his parents house.

Guess who's in the better financial situation right now? That house that Joe Conservative dropped $200K on is now worth $140K. Joe Baller can get a job anywhere he wants and he if stacks up for a year or 2 can buy Joe Conservative's house for the low-low.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

I think all races are going to be set back with how they spend their money over the next few years, because of the economy. It's rewarding behavior that typically goes against what is the most responsible.

Joe Conservative stacked his chips, drove a 8 year old car, rocked clothing from the local outlet mall, and bought a 2000 sq ft. house for $200K in 2007.
Joe Baller flossed out heavy, copped a S series Benz, rocked higher end clothing, and chilled at his parents house.

Guess who's in the better financial situation right now? That house that Joe Conservative dropped $200K on is now worth $140K. Joe Baller can get a job anywhere he wants and he if stacks up for a year or 2 can buy Joe Conservative's house for the low-low.

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

I think all races are going to be set back with how they spend their money over the next few years, because of the economy. It's rewarding behavior that typically goes against what is the most responsible.

Joe Conservative stacked his chips, drove a 8 year old car, rocked clothing from the local outlet mall, and bought a 2000 sq ft. house for $200K in 2007.
Joe Baller flossed out heavy, copped a S series Benz, rocked higher end clothing, and chilled at his parents house.

Guess who's in the better financial situation right now? That house that Joe Conservative dropped $200K on is now worth $140K. Joe Baller can get a job anywhere he wants and he if stacks up for a year or 2 can buy Joe Conservative's house for the low-low.

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by likethematrix

Originally Posted by PoloLax

People who have 20MM penthouses and 50 million dollar yachts do have money. If they didn't then they obviously wouldn't have those things. However that's what is called "new money."

If you know truly WEALTHY people, I mean WASPY, old money, trust fund been handed down money, etc., most of those people are drivin' around in 1993 Saabs and Volvo's with 200,000 miles on it and wearing beat up loafers.

If you look in just about every metro area in the United States I'm sure you will find suburbs that are deemed "new money" v. "old money." Old Money 'burbs where the real wealthy tend to live are usually mature suburbs, lots of trees, sidewalks, traditional town centers, etc. "new money" towns, while still having money, are more of the McMansion type.

It's basically a flashy v. non-flash type of thing. Some flaunt others don't. People who've been around money for a long time don't need to flaunt. People who haven't tend to flaunt.

Either way you still got money. If you wanna flaunt, by all means, flaunt.

before i get on you... do you think people with old money are better than people with new money?
now remember before you answer, that there are no ethnicities in the USA with old money.

please answer the ? though.
Don't bring race into what I just said.

I've been to a political fundraiser for a US Senator and there were over 300 individuals there, in an old money town. 200-250 were African American. And by the checks they were writing, schools they attended, the way they were dressed and the way they presented themselves, you better believe that all 200 of those African Americans fit my defintion of "old money."


Your talk of how old money lives is %!%*!!!!. It's what you've heard. You went to a political fundraiser. I live and work amongst them. 
They flaunt it but it's meant to be known to a certain group. Not the general public. The houses are there. The cars are there. The money invested in expensive hobbies is there. The jewelery (especially for the females) is there. 

It's all there but  it's not accessible to the general public in the same way that  Beckham's murdered out RR is. Don't fool yourself into thinking that old money lives like the Puritans of the 17th century.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by likethematrix

Originally Posted by PoloLax

People who have 20MM penthouses and 50 million dollar yachts do have money. If they didn't then they obviously wouldn't have those things. However that's what is called "new money."

If you know truly WEALTHY people, I mean WASPY, old money, trust fund been handed down money, etc., most of those people are drivin' around in 1993 Saabs and Volvo's with 200,000 miles on it and wearing beat up loafers.

If you look in just about every metro area in the United States I'm sure you will find suburbs that are deemed "new money" v. "old money." Old Money 'burbs where the real wealthy tend to live are usually mature suburbs, lots of trees, sidewalks, traditional town centers, etc. "new money" towns, while still having money, are more of the McMansion type.

It's basically a flashy v. non-flash type of thing. Some flaunt others don't. People who've been around money for a long time don't need to flaunt. People who haven't tend to flaunt.

Either way you still got money. If you wanna flaunt, by all means, flaunt.

before i get on you... do you think people with old money are better than people with new money?
now remember before you answer, that there are no ethnicities in the USA with old money.

please answer the ? though.
Don't bring race into what I just said.

I've been to a political fundraiser for a US Senator and there were over 300 individuals there, in an old money town. 200-250 were African American. And by the checks they were writing, schools they attended, the way they were dressed and the way they presented themselves, you better believe that all 200 of those African Americans fit my defintion of "old money."


Your talk of how old money lives is %!%*!!!!. It's what you've heard. You went to a political fundraiser. I live and work amongst them. 
They flaunt it but it's meant to be known to a certain group. Not the general public. The houses are there. The cars are there. The money invested in expensive hobbies is there. The jewelery (especially for the females) is there. 

It's all there but  it's not accessible to the general public in the same way that  Beckham's murdered out RR is. Don't fool yourself into thinking that old money lives like the Puritans of the 17th century.
I dont think its a race thing. Its a poor or rich thing. If you have never had money and the people around you have never had money you wont be able to control money. And if you come from money then you know how to handle money.
I dont think its a race thing. Its a poor or rich thing. If you have never had money and the people around you have never had money you wont be able to control money. And if you come from money then you know how to handle money.
I'm asian, and I can tell you that most asian people are not flashy at all. I thought my family was damn broke the first 18 years of my life.
I personally know asian families that reuse plastic spoons and plates over and over again and wear the same clothes for 20+ years, yet can afford multiple houses with no problem.
My dad has been wearing the same white tees since 1988...
I'm asian, and I can tell you that most asian people are not flashy at all. I thought my family was damn broke the first 18 years of my life.
I personally know asian families that reuse plastic spoons and plates over and over again and wear the same clothes for 20+ years, yet can afford multiple houses with no problem.
My dad has been wearing the same white tees since 1988...
Originally Posted by Dannyy0221

I'm asian, and I can tell you that most asian people are not flashy at all. I thought my family was damn broke the first 18 years of my life.
I personally know asian families that reuse plastic spoons and plates over and over again and wear the same clothes for 20+ years, yet can afford multiple houses with no problem.
My dad has been wearing the same white tees since 1988...

I would say out of all asians, viets are the flashiest. Ive seen too many females who get a +@%@ ton of plastic surgery just to come out uglier than they were before. Not to mention the crazy amount of gucci lv purses, and they cant even pronounce what they just bought. Not hatin by any means, just sayin.
Originally Posted by Dannyy0221

I'm asian, and I can tell you that most asian people are not flashy at all. I thought my family was damn broke the first 18 years of my life.
I personally know asian families that reuse plastic spoons and plates over and over again and wear the same clothes for 20+ years, yet can afford multiple houses with no problem.
My dad has been wearing the same white tees since 1988...

I would say out of all asians, viets are the flashiest. Ive seen too many females who get a +@%@ ton of plastic surgery just to come out uglier than they were before. Not to mention the crazy amount of gucci lv purses, and they cant even pronounce what they just bought. Not hatin by any means, just sayin.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by likethematrix

before i get on you... do you think people with old money are better than people with new money?
now remember before you answer, that there are no ethnicities in the USA with old money.

please answer the ? though.
Don't bring race into what I just said.

I've been to a political fundraiser for a US Senator and there were over 300 individuals there, in an old money town. 200-250 were African American. And by the checks they were writing, schools they attended, the way they were dressed and the way they presented themselves, you better believe that all 200 of those African Americans fit my defintion of "old money."


Your talk of how old money lives is %!%*!!!!. It's what you've heard. You went to a political fundraiser. I live and work amongst them. 
They flaunt it but it's meant to be known to a certain group. Not the general public. The houses are there. The cars are there. The money invested in expensive hobbies is there. The jewelery (especially for the females) is there. 

It's all there but  it's not accessible to the general public in the same way that  Beckham's murdered out RR is. Don't fool yourself into thinking that old money lives like the Puritans of the 17th century.

I live and work amongst them as well, so don't make it seem like I don't know what I'm talking about.

But as NT always does, only their opinion is expectable and I don't know what I'm talking about.

So I'll just leave it at that.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by likethematrix

before i get on you... do you think people with old money are better than people with new money?
now remember before you answer, that there are no ethnicities in the USA with old money.

please answer the ? though.
Don't bring race into what I just said.

I've been to a political fundraiser for a US Senator and there were over 300 individuals there, in an old money town. 200-250 were African American. And by the checks they were writing, schools they attended, the way they were dressed and the way they presented themselves, you better believe that all 200 of those African Americans fit my defintion of "old money."


Your talk of how old money lives is %!%*!!!!. It's what you've heard. You went to a political fundraiser. I live and work amongst them. 
They flaunt it but it's meant to be known to a certain group. Not the general public. The houses are there. The cars are there. The money invested in expensive hobbies is there. The jewelery (especially for the females) is there. 

It's all there but  it's not accessible to the general public in the same way that  Beckham's murdered out RR is. Don't fool yourself into thinking that old money lives like the Puritans of the 17th century.

I live and work amongst them as well, so don't make it seem like I don't know what I'm talking about.

But as NT always does, only their opinion is expectable and I don't know what I'm talking about.

So I'll just leave it at that.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Also growing up in the city, you see people living well above their means. Maybe it is a device used to keep us spending above our means. But I am interested in hearing answers.

eh, i mean

alot of people are poor

but dont like to be reminded of it in EVERY facet of their lives

i mean, you not gonna be able to move up out the projects or buy a 2009 M3, but you surely can get them new jordans

i mean, nobody wants to be reminded that they're broke ESPECIALLY when they look down at their feet

many times, these are the only "luxury" poor people are going to experience; nice coat, nice shoes, some rims on a modest but clean car, a system, whatever it may be...

at the same time, wealthy people DO flaunt their wealth, but just in different ways....and it doesnt seem as extreme, because its not as big a percentage of their overall wealth...(500 dollar coat to kid in projects is much larger than even a maybach is to somebody like jay-z)

they're constantly reminded that they're wealthy, not by their shoes or car, but by their neighborhood and investment clerk phone calls

for every "modest" rich guy you guys name, there are 5 with 40 room mansions....

and even the "modest" kid has a pretty amazing house, right?

no poor black kid in the projects can flaunt a gated-in neighborhood, but they can flaunt the newest jordans

and, even if for a moment, helps them not constantly think about being poor...

everybody likes nice things.

life is short.

just because you are dirt poor and live in the pissy projects doesnt mean you should never once ever feel luxury in your entire life

i mean, hood life is hard enough as is....

that's just one specific population, tho

there are people who just like to floss, pastors are most notorious, imo

dudes in 2010 jags with 22 inch rims? for what? youre a pastor, bro...

2500 custom tailored suits? for what?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Also growing up in the city, you see people living well above their means. Maybe it is a device used to keep us spending above our means. But I am interested in hearing answers.

eh, i mean

alot of people are poor

but dont like to be reminded of it in EVERY facet of their lives

i mean, you not gonna be able to move up out the projects or buy a 2009 M3, but you surely can get them new jordans

i mean, nobody wants to be reminded that they're broke ESPECIALLY when they look down at their feet

many times, these are the only "luxury" poor people are going to experience; nice coat, nice shoes, some rims on a modest but clean car, a system, whatever it may be...

at the same time, wealthy people DO flaunt their wealth, but just in different ways....and it doesnt seem as extreme, because its not as big a percentage of their overall wealth...(500 dollar coat to kid in projects is much larger than even a maybach is to somebody like jay-z)

they're constantly reminded that they're wealthy, not by their shoes or car, but by their neighborhood and investment clerk phone calls

for every "modest" rich guy you guys name, there are 5 with 40 room mansions....

and even the "modest" kid has a pretty amazing house, right?

no poor black kid in the projects can flaunt a gated-in neighborhood, but they can flaunt the newest jordans

and, even if for a moment, helps them not constantly think about being poor...

everybody likes nice things.

life is short.

just because you are dirt poor and live in the pissy projects doesnt mean you should never once ever feel luxury in your entire life

i mean, hood life is hard enough as is....

that's just one specific population, tho

there are people who just like to floss, pastors are most notorious, imo

dudes in 2010 jags with 22 inch rims? for what? youre a pastor, bro...

2500 custom tailored suits? for what?
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