Real Rap NT: Messing/Dating With Girls Who Were Sexually Abused/Assualted VOL. 1

not to make it crass but these are usually the ones that are supercrazy in bed [and in the head]... the ones that let u film... take the baccdoor... etc.

i never had an experience of anyone crying in the middle of the act but i can see that happening.

it wasn't their fault so i dont understand "that u wouldn't hit" after finding out this info.

these girls are not dirty animals.
Originally Posted by jcinista

it wasn't their fault so i dont understand "that u wouldn't hit" after finding out this info.

these girls are not dirty animals.
it has nothing to do with thinking they're dirty animals... trying to smash just feels kinda awkward after finding some things out.

and also seeing how the situation affected them when the talk about it
while its true that they aren't dirty animals, they tend to look at sex in a way that's entirely different than most. and they tend to have a lot ofpent up issues as well. i've only learned that girls from my past have had histories of sexual abuse after we'd already been together, and it'salways been the ones with severe self image issues.

not saying that you should avoid them entirely, but you definitely shouldn't look at it like "let me try the stuff i see in movies on this girlnow" (not that that's what you were saying)

i definitely agree that it can make sex a lot more awkward unless you're extremely close with the girl
Told me her pops took her V-card...

I ain't been the same with chicks since her.
smh @ the first page of replies. niketalks IQ has dipped heavy.

chicks be havin problems nowadays!

damn near every girl ive ever dated or smashed has had atleast 1 raped/molested/violated in some way or another by a man.
at first it igged the hell out of me, but after the like 5th one i came to realize half of the rapes were just them gettin smashed while she was hammered.
and its impossible to tell which ones have these stories till ur like 4 weeks and 200 dollars invested into the p.

i dated one chick who's whole lil fam (her and 2 bros) got adopted by a couple when they were hella young and the adoptive father was having sex with thechick every day for like 6 years straight. and i just so happened to meet her 3 months after he finally stopped and 1 month before she exposed the whole thingto the world.
funny lil story. when she did drop the bomb infront of her two bros, mom, aunt and uncle and dad...i was in the kitchen sneaking some cheesecake they had inthe fridge i wasnt sposed to eat...she said that out loud i choked, threw up in the sink cause i was choking and ran out the back door, hopped in my camry ihad and dipped so hard i broke my front bumper in half on a speed bump lol.
true story.
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by I D0NT PASS

Originally Posted by freshKRN

Are you purposely banging girls with sexually abused history? ors omething?

no thats the thing..I dont. you'd be surprised how many girls been sexually abused/assulted


its really sad and scary. i never imagined so many girls could have these horrible pasts, but you would be amazed.
Isn't the ratio like 1 out of every 4 women?

That's pretty accurate, 2 of the 8 girls I've been with got molested.

The two girls I was with had two very different ways they would react to things. My ex Cassie use to kinda shake or tremble a little when I messed with her incertain ways and she would always insist that she felt like a dirty person.

And my other ex Jessica would sometimes would stop things abruptly during anything physical (sexual). And she didn't like anyone touching her that shedidn't know unless she initiates the contact first, she also had a extremely short temper.

They both had trust issues and intimacy problems, but of course I never blamed them for that. But I'm glad to know that they are both doing good right now.
Mr Fizzy Womack wrote:

Told me her pops took her V-card...

Same thing in my case. She sorta told me it early and it threw me off but if true it explained a lot of her behavior. It was a white chick and she said itmade her only date black dudes because she wanted to do the opposite of what had happened to her. Chick used to stay up under some dude and try to manipulateme sexually thats why i didnt wife her...

said it happened when she was a kid

I did feel bad for her...but end of the day, people are gonna do what they do and it's no longer my problem.
Damn.. That first page of replies is uncalled for.

I, for one, have had my eyes opened to the unbelievably high amount of women who have been sexually abused and because of the stories I've heard and therate that I hear them, I have a new outlook on a lot of men and women in general. What makes it so sad is that many of the cases when women are abused, theabuser is usually someone close to them who they really trust. My ex four years ago went through it, a girl I was close to dating recently went through it witha friend of hers, and ANOTHER girl just briefly told me about her experience a couple days ago.

It's real, and as far as dating/messing with women who have been abused, it varies just like any other woman who has been through life. Some handle itdifferent than others. The ones I have been with have been normal for the most part, asside from trust issues, which I cant blame them at all for.

Why people joke about sexual abuse (Pedo Bear, etc.) I dont know, but it's not funny or cute at all, and if a female tells you she's been sexuallyabused, I wouldnt take it lightly. Personally, I hear them out and treat them as I would any other woman, but I keep it in mind because it could explain a lotif you end up having a future together.

Bottom line, show them support and dont be a douche about it.
I've came across many girls with messed up passes.

I was young in NYC, but I used to chill with older dudes and I got put on early.

Back in the day there used to be mad runaways and grouphome chicks just wandering around aimlessly

The older dudes I used to hang around were ruthless though they didn't care how old a chick was giving them alcohol, weed, coke, and whatever else theyhad.

The stories oh man the stories... I remember one chick they spray painted all over her face, a lot of them were graph writers, and she was so twisted that shewas walking around and getting on the train with black spray paint on her face
but not going to lie back then I was young and immature so it was

Another one we were at Rockaway Beach in Queens and this chick, she was bad as hell back then no joke, her name was Delilah and she went to high school with meand they ran the A train on her from Far Rock all the way to the City and back. I was young and didn't want to hit too because like almost 20 already didand she was under the boardwalk and almost everyone was messed up and drinking 40's and just started peeing through the cracks of the boardwalk and itstarted to get on her... that's not even the bad part chick went into the beach water and just came out ready to chill more like the beach water was soapor something
she was a roller though no matter what them dudes did to her she was still chilling. She used to flirt with dudes and draw them to the goonsand these dudes would straight catch dudes for whatever and come up then take the money and buy more weed and liquor.

The last chick I messed with like that had an abused past she wanted me to choke her and tell her "if you tell anybody I'll kill you" becausethat's what happened when she was 5 I believe and her uncle ransacked it. I did it though to make her happy and shut the hell up... I like talking dirtysometimes, but it's like the B had an entire prologue and kept talking and I just put her legs up and held it up with my shoulders so I can get maximumdeepness with the penetration and it put a end to her talking, but she put her hands on my stomach and thigh so I couldn't penetrate that deeply.

You're right though a lot of girls fool around with their cousins and/or get popped earlier moreso than you think by a relative or someone close to them.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by I D0NT PASS

Originally Posted by freshKRN

Are you purposely banging girls with sexually abused history? ors omething?

no thats the thing..I dont. you'd be surprised how many girls been sexually abused/assulted


its really sad and scary. i never imagined so many girls could have these horrible pasts, but you would be amazed.
Isn't the ratio like 1 out of every 4 women?
somethin like that... it happens WAY more than people think.

From what i've seen though, the one's who have been raped or molested seem to be more promiscuous

yep....its sorta sad........we laugh and call chicks out on being $#$* but deep down they've probably been through some stuff.......
Couldnt do it. Too much. I'm too young to bear that burden.

regardless or not if I liked the girl, I'd have to bow out.
blackmagnus514 wrote:
Couldnt do it. Too much. I'm too young to bear that burden.

regardless or not if I liked the girl, I'd have to bow out.

Really, this is how people miss out on good opportunities. She could be the best person you ever would have met in life, but you wouldnt know just because shedecided to share her past with you and you wanted to dead it off pre-assumptions. You miss out on a LOT in life with that train of thought. Think about it...

I always let people build or destroy their own reputations with me. I never do it for them. And even still, if I find out something about someone that I'mnot really cool with, most of the time I still wont cut them off depending on how serious it is because you never know when you might need that person or evenwhen they might need you.
it's a tradeoff....

From my experience though, I'll pass. Not to say they're bad people or anything like that but if they had issues like shorty, I can find women withless baggage. I'm young and I havent even begun to explore the world.

Besides, I'm the first one to tell them there's other guys out there anyway.

There's no relationship for me. Simply dating. they know this upfront. I do find it cool that they choose to open up to me...but at the same time, mymotives are out in the open so it's on them.
its not even that they're more promiscuous as much as they look to sex as a way to validate their self worth. very sad..


I'd prefer to never date a girl with a past like this again. Aside from occasional flashbacks during sex, their entire mental-self is thrown off. Makes agood relationship virtually impossible. Wasted some of my best years dealing with girls like this
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by I D0NT PASS

Originally Posted by freshKRN

Are you purposely banging girls with sexually abused history? ors omething?

no thats the thing..I dont. you'd be surprised how many girls been sexually abused/assulted


its really sad and scary. i never imagined so many girls could have these horrible pasts, but you would be amazed.
Isn't the ratio like 1 out of every 4 women?
somethin like that... it happens WAY more than people think.

From what i've seen though, the one's who have been raped or molested seem to be more promiscuous

Ding ding ding, !!#% is OP talking bout? !$$$$$% that's been raped crying in the middle of sex, I've never heard of no $%%+ like that...I'm callingducktales
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

its not even that they're more promiscuous as much as they look to sex as a way to validate their self worth. very sad..


I'd prefer to never date a girl with a past like this again. Aside from occasional flashbacks during sex, their entire mental-self is thrown off. Makes a good relationship virtually impossible. Wasted some of my best years dealing with girls like this


Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

bjamez20 wrote:

I D0NT PASS wrote:

freshKRN wrote:

Are you purposely banging girls with sexually abused history? ors omething?

no thats the thing..I dont. you'd be surprised how many girls been sexually abused/assulted


its really sad and scary. i never imagined so many girls could have these horrible pasts, but you would be amazed.

Isn't the ratio like 1 out of every 4 women?

somethin like that... it happens WAY more than people think.

From what i've seen though, the one's who have been raped or molested seem to be more promiscuous

wow the ratio is like that?! thats crazy! in anycase i've never heard of this happening before although it makes sense. not that i would know, butpersonally, after smashing a chick who cries during because of her past, would make me heated/depressed/guilty...yea, that sums it up.
sexual assault, letalone rape, scars a girl deep. its really sad.
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Isn't the ratio like 1 out of every 4 women?

somethin like that... it happens WAY more than people think.

From what i've seen though, the one's who have been raped or molested seem to be more promiscuous

Ding ding ding, !!#% is OP talking bout? !$$$$$% that's been raped crying in the middle of sex, I've never heard of no $%%+ like that...I'm calling ducktales


we were both really drunk and just a random hook up, chick told me her step dad use to do things to her so she left her house and now sex is nothing to her.

Did tell me in bed lots of grade a dirty talk, instructions, etc though.
ATLien Seeko you have a good outlook on this. I agree totally with what you said. Glad to see some people (men) get it.

And like it's been said it all depends on the girl, what happened and how she has dealt with it if she has at all.
I was actually going to make a topic about this, but feared the immaturity of NT would cause it to be locked. Glad that NT can (with the exception of the 1stpage,) be mature and talk about issues like this.

Going on; my first year in high school, I fell in love with a girl who had been sexually assaulted. I fell for her because, amongst other things, we had selfinjury in common. She was beautiful, and I learned a lot about life from her (mainly to never give your heart to a girl, but that's besides the point.)

Dating someone who has been sexually abused can be just as fulfilling as any other relationship. In fact, I learned more from her than any other girl I'vebeen with. just because someone forcefully took away her innocence doesn't mean you can't learn and grow with her. It might be challenging to get hertrust, but its not impossible. To pass on a girl because of circumstances that she couldn't control is foolish.

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