Real Talk... How do feel about married people cheating...

Jan 4, 2008
I know a couple of married women that cheat in their husbands, and they think that its cool ... but anyways when i tell them thats adultery they get mad andcuss me out ... any suggestions
Marriage is a commitment, if you can't honor than commitment, then don't get married.
word... if you feel like you gona be cheating no sense in getting married
I don't think anyone goes into it thinking they'll cheat.

But life is a loooooooooooooooooooooong time and not that it's right, some people get bored. Some people may grow to not like the person they're withand are just in it for the "commitment".

As for them getting mad at you, if they feel ashamed of what they're doing, they need to stop it or do a better job of hiding it.
As long as it ain't my (future) wife then I ain't trippin, I only care about things I can control, if someone else's wife is cheating, thats theirproblem.
Its one thing if you cheat and you aint married, but something completely different if you cheat while married. Just basically you have no respect for anyoneat all, if you do it once you'll do it again. I can say cheating in a non-marriage relationship isnt thathorrible. If you both want to be together you wont cheat in the first place. But as far as cheating while married goes? Makes me sick.
It's almost a steroids in baseball type scenario, I bet over 40% of married women have cheated at least once.
My mom told me, "all men cheat on their wives. its only a matter of how else they treat their wives" -_-/SMH
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Marriage is a commitment, if you can't honor than commitment, then don't get married.

I agree, same w/ relationships. Telling someone that cheating is wrong is like telling a smoker that smoking is unhealthy. They already know it, theyjust don't care enough or are in denial.
hyphy iN MY NiKES wrote:
adultery is when they have sex with another man other than there husband isn't it?
Adultery is when any person, male or female, has sex with someone other than their spouse.
^ I go further than that.

If you make a promise... PERIOD... keep it.

Because not everyone practices the same belief in God. Some don't believe He even exists. And that's fine for them, but then what are they going tosay? "Ha! I don't believe in God! So all of you have to honor your promises to God, but not me! Muahahaha!"

No. You made a promise to your spouse. Keep it.
I was listening to the radio the other day and this girl was talking about having sex goals throughout a relationship.

Basically don't go doing everything you can in the first year. Take it slow. So like after ten years together, you can breakout the threesome.

And everybody knows good sex helps to maintain healthy relationships.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I was listening to the radio the other day and this girl was talking about having sex goals throughout a relationship.

Basically don't go doing everything you can in the first year. Take it slow. So like after ten years together, you can breakout the threesome.

And everybody knows good sex helps to maintain healthy relationships.
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