Reasons Why Publix Is The Best Grocery Store To Ever Exist

I could live in publix. All you dudes that have never been to publix are missing out, it's truly something magical.

ERACISM, have you ever been to a publix?

Publix milk, egg nog, chicken sub, cookies, cuban bread >>>

All the employees are really nice too.
Publix looks like the DMV equivalent of Shoppers....nuff said. I could be totally wrong (never been to publix), but I'm just going off of the pix OP put up.

Whole Foods
Trader Joe's

My top 3.
Prolly never will go there unless they build one in my city.

Looks like a better BJs though.
There's a reason why Publix is only in the south. Y'all would buy fried cardboard if it was in aisle 5.

Here in Cali, there are supermarket chains that simply triumph over the likes of Publix. I mean they build a new Whole Foods here every month and each one is bigger and better than the last. The one I shop at has biodegradable rubber floors and cubbies at the entrance to put your shoes in so you can walk (and do somersaults if you want) barefoot on their soft, luscious floors.

:x @ those antiquated ceilings in Publix. Have those been checked for lead contamination?

:x Processed cookies. Surely those are not made by hand with organic wheat flour. They only hire new Cordon Bleu grads at my local Whole Foods bakery (sup Emily?)

And besides, Publix reads like Pubix. Can't do it. LOL.
:smh: negged

publix is always appreciated

their rotisserie chicken :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
That Publix life

Grab a rotissierie (sp) , sub and 20 hot wings erryy week .
Publix is the truth. Florida born , Florida raised. I remember when I first found out they're not a national chain.

Shout out to the Publix in tally off Ocala road being one of the best places to pick up women in the country

Growing up I thought it was everywhere too. Sucks to be everyone else. :lol:

There's a reason why Publix is only in the south. Y'all would buy fried cardboard if it was in aisle 5.

Here in Cali, there are supermarket chains that simply triumph over the likes of Publix. I mean they build a new Whole Foods here every month and each one is bigger and better than the last. The one I shop at has biodegradable rubber floors and cubbies at the entrance to put your shoes in so you can walk (and do somersaults if you want) barefoot on their soft, luscious floors.

:x @ those antiquated ceilings in Publix. Have those been checked for lead contamination?

:x Processed cookies. Surely those are not made by hand with organic wheat flour. They only hire new Cordon Bleu grads at my local Whole Foods bakery (sup Emily?)

And besides, Publix reads like Pubix. Can't do it. LOL.

My god the hate in this post is :x

Publix really is amazing.

9/10 times I prefer their store brand products to the name brand. Some of my favorite food is from there. A Boar's Head Italian sub, sweet tea, their bakery section (chocolate chip cookies, carrot cake, brownie cheesecake, etc.), their chicken wings, all delicious.

Don't mind ERACISM, he manages to sneak in a mention of Whole Foods even in unrelated topics, so naturally in a thread about supermarkets it'll be mentioned.
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And this glorious sub was just featured over the holidays

signature fresh-baked bread, along with bacon, Boar's Head[sup][emoji]174[/emoji][/sup]  Ovengold turkey, and tangy Boar's Head[sup][emoji]174[/emoji][/sup]  smoked Gruyère cheese. Then we top off this delectable flavor combination with a dollop of sweet (yet zesty) cranberry-orange relish.


Words can't express how good this is
that sht looks sick. im from cali, never heard of it. smh@ anyone comparing whole foods to this, whole foods is a diff category and that sht is crazy expensive. 

they're opening a bunch of these "SPROUTS" stores up here, look kind of similar:

they're like a cross between trader joe's and whole foods and carry a bunch of organic/natural produce and meat. the one by my crib has a bakery and they sell cooked food/meals for pretty cheap. 

but yea that publix sht looks dope. 
someone from cali come cosign this sht

their marinated taco/carne asada/chicken meat >>>>>>>>

the taqueria inside >>>>>>
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