Recap your summer vol. Fun or no fun?

Definitely a great Cali summer

-2 easy A summer classes, 6 free units!
-Went to the SD Fair for the first time
-Maintained the vegetarian lifestyle

-Met a female

-11 hours of sleep on the daily

Was one of the most memorable summers, but I think I'm ready for fall semester.
Chilled with friends constantly
worked a bunch
Gotta see my relatives
moved into college
Great summer.
Nothing real special
-Mostly chilling with some friends
-No vacation
-Started fasting as soon as August hit
-Just got myself an awesome GF to end it tho

I'm content
Pretty lackluster to say the least. Just worked really. Occasional party here and there. I've been stacking pretty heavy so Fall/Winter should be nice.
one of the best ever for me...vacation, live shoes, sporting events, new women in my life, while saving money and getting in shape...5 stars for sure
mad busy with full time internship, baseball and umpiring but made alot of money and had some fun. didnt party that hard though
-Worked for a bit at a contractor job. Overall, meh.
-Went to Alaska for summer vacation with the family. Really awesome experience, a great place to just relax.
-Have had a flurry of job interviews, still don't have an offer yet but I have more possibilities now than I ever had before.

Overall, average, but compared to previous months (where I wasn't employed and didn't get many job calls) it wasn't bad. Things are looking more optimistic for me now.
wasnt +%%! compared to my summer last year, thats for damn sure

but i went to alot of shows and worked 9-5 shift mon-fri. thats got to count for something
I got smarter and learned more... I found ways to have fun and be happy everyday, can't be mad 
Originally Posted by vezon

It sucked.

All I did was work and sleep.
This is me every summer with a handful of partys

summertime = work 40-50 hours a week

Played a lot of golf.
Partied a lot. Hooked up with a handful of chicks.
Went to ATL twice, NYC twice, and the beach twice.
Visited my boy in Scottsdale, AZ for 7 days. Won money in the Casino to cover the trip and gave up my seat for a flight voucher. Double win.
Got into my top choice for grad school.

Can't complain at all. Grind time starts in a couple weeks though, so it's time to buckle down.
overall fun. spent 2 months in the northeast. a lot of good food and sightseeing
QueenCitySneakerQueen wrote:

Erie, PA vacation

I know that vacation to Erie sucked. This city is horrible.
My summer was pretty chill.

Work on weekdays

Party on weekends

Played ball like 5 days a week

Stacked bread and got a Macbook pro and a new Cell phone

All in all I can't really complain
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